
8 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Sunday, March 1936 MOVE, FOR HIGHER EDUCATIC Compañía Eléctrica de Limón Following on our sugges better appreciated.
to get our full strength at tions toward this laudable have had several talks our next meeting when we thought, we take pleasure with Don Carlos Madrigal are certain it will go throuWe beg to call your altention to our remark at the back in producing the accompany British Commissioner for gh.
ing letters from two of the the Boy Scout of Costa Ri. In the meantime you have of receipt which reads: many who have expressed ca and who is also interested our consent for the co opetheir sympathy in the noble in the welfare of the colored ration you need to form project. We intend to con people. Don Carlos intends your working Committee This bill must be paid at our office tinue these publications un to visit Limon soon, will to carry out the plans ne before the 10th of the month til the time and circumstan likely accompany him, for cessary for the success of es are ripe for the forma the purpose of organizing your effort.
tion of Committees for the the Boys Scouts as a means Assuring you of our wiBe so good os to comply with this request and do not carrying out of the plans of social welfare and social llinmess and unbiased supoblige us to suspend our service, a step which which may be adopted to activities among the colored port in so noble a cause.
we would much regier to take place so great a thought in people of Limon.
practical shape: hope you will be kind Brotherton, Dear Mr. DaCosta. enough to keep me informed Secretary, Loyal Phoenix Yours of the 11th. instant with the progress or deveLodge.
came safely to hand with lopment of that which you circular for which thank propose; be sure to have my Limon, Jany. 25th.
name on the list and depend think the idea an exce on my co operation in wha. co operation of every negro. With kind regards and best have always thought along wishes.
How strange it is that all and hullabaloo was made the Ingleses of Trinidad, those lines myself and feel George Curling though the Costa Rica Foot regarding this match, won, meantime not a word about its full time we did do some. ball Team Alajuela Junior as it was termed, against the one lost in Jamaica.
Had it not been for the thing to better ourselves as This acknowledges your when passing through Jadetalls of the game given in a race so that we might be missive of recent date ask maica recently, played the Daily Gleaner of the ing the co operation of our match there and lost it by members in a most useful two to one, yet the Manager FOR SALE: 5th. February no one would project for the benefit of of the Team never mentionhave known that such a EL ourselves and the commu ed a word about such Eggs for Hatching match had taken place and nity in general.
match or the defeat his was lost by the Alajuela The Junior who had so much subject certainly Iteam suffered at tne hands Barred Plymouth Rock gave us much thought and of the representatives of the glory in Trinidad and Vene 2uela.
Cantina Posada consideration and is gaining Isle of Springs.
the favour of those who When passing through DONALDSON Although rather late, will y Cafeteria were present.
Trinidad. The land of the RIO VERDE the Manager of the Team Humming Bird. the same Your subject needs the not explain this omission on Felipe Wing Ching team had a match which Linea Vieja consent of at least twohis part? Surely this is not they won; and what a noise thirds of our members, thela sporting spirit!
Apartado 395 refore, we are endeavouring llent one and worthy of the tever way possibly can. COSTA RICAN Footers in JAMAICA CABALLO BLANCO AN EXPLANATION Contrabandist Chased The City Baths Well Washed a we Dear Mr. Editor, I do hope by now you and effected at the present time your Committee and members a new election shou. ba letter has been receiv assuming a rather extensive So much has been said pro have been able to effect an held with the concept of the ed in this office from Gua nature.
and con, along the streets, understanding whereby all Local Authoritica, so that bito which says that a great us to the propriety of the the members of the cice and for all there can be Limon celebrity particularReorganizing Committee in Limon are using the good order in the administra Jy as a smuggler and fighter going to Liberty Hall and Liberty Hall which wastion in the affairs of the before the Law, was lately inviting all persons interest bought with their own mo Organization.
chased by the Customs ed is the affairs of the Uniacy. Under no condition must Guards of the Panama fronversal Negro Improvement one faction use the Hall and It is rather disgusting that tier and two sacks, filled Association to meet us there keep out the other, when our people should behave in with boots, seized from him. Residents of the City were to hear read the attached all factions have interest in this manner, especially con He had to run away from much alarmed by the inten letter of Mr. Garvey re the the Hall by the Contributious sidering that they are in the district or he would have sity of the waves which have dispute of the Mitchell they have made.
foreign country. Please use certainly earned a one year been hurled against our faction, as he calls it, with a The ccatinous fightirg your good influence to see term in Sing Sing for trad Breakwaters during the past view of coming to a com with each other must cease that good conduct is maintain ing contradand wares. fortnight. For several years promise were it possible, that So far as the other cd. This letter to you must There are several persons we did not experience such am constrained to ask you members are concerned. be taken in conjunction with here who make their living heavy breakers.
the privilege of publishing have written to the Mitcheil the one have already written.
by taking goods across the The recently opened Mu the letter referred to, so that faction who have reported. Border and on disposing ofnicipal Bath is badly damag the public may see and kidge, me in a similar vein. It is my very best wishes.
You and your family have these they purchase othersed: the sea completely for themselves that we were for you, as Trustee, to get remember with pleasant on that side which they occupied the Canteen and perfectly in order in acting the members together and see a tachment my visit to Port bring back and sell here. Dance Saloon, and for some as They then purchase Boots, time danced merrily around when we went we found the did. Unfortunately that the Hall is used for the Limon. can never forget etc. for their return trip in company with her part door barred against us with purchased.
purpose for which it was the leyalty and goodwill of This trader was caught on ners Sand, Mud and Debris. chains and locks. We the people when arrived Panamanian territory with the wooden sidewalks were have broken through but we Lawsuits, because they could do not intend to encourage there, as well as the good Costa Rican Boots on which entirely washed from their endeavoured to avoid another expensive, and they tend to under your Presidency.
are trament meted out to customs duty had not been moorings, while the rails paid.
scene at the famous Hall of bring the Organizatioa into should welcome the which were driven down to Liberty, and resorted to Ju: local disrepute; but if there turn of the old order of things Sometime ago we mention protect Bathers from fish dicial operations to have all must be Law involvců.
ed that the attention of the and other unwelcome visi members of the Organisation it must be based upon then that made Limon a shining the mark in the afairs of the Or Panamanian Authorities bad tors have been badly broken and referred to the special through. It will take some ti thorities as Mr. Garvey sug the Hall being used for admitted by the Local Au moral and legal grouncis of ganization.
been called to this matter me to effect the necessary goats. We are doing everyth members of the Organization all With very best wishes, methods which were being repairs which we ga laer be adopted to crush the illicit will cost about thirty thou ing pc. sible to earn the good If a compromise canno: Marcus Garvey feelings of all respectable trade, which was apparently sand colones.
members interested in the Society, as well as the righteous judgmeat of public opinion Roberts.
Limón, Costa Rica, On ocean front THE LETTER.
Dear Mr. Roberts, Comfortable rooms. Rooms with baih. Well ventilated have before Establecimiento de Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes your dining room. First class table. Good assorted bar.
later of October 1st.
for Sample room which thank you. have LUISE SCHUSTER, Proprietress El más surtido en Matina already communicated with you bearing on Divisional Post Office Box 236 Telephone matters.
me re HOP LEE LUNG PARK HOTEL me Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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