
10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Sunday, March 1936 TROUBLE BREWING OVER THE PUBLIC BATH BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Ciudad de Limón City of Limon a who are Memorial. signed by is well known and expect Mr. Egbert Thompson anded that a line of demaren Beveral other members of Lion would have to be made the Coloured Community of regarding respectability and Limon, protesting against cultural deportment as 15 the Order in Council prohi done in every communal biting the corrveniences of rathering in the world, and the Baths to people of co the City Fathers were lour, has been placed before alive to their responsibiliBANCO DEL ESTADO SOLE BANK OF ISSUE the Municipal Officers of ties as to the cultural eduthe City. The signatorieseation of the citizens who UNICO EMISOR STATE BANK contend that they pay Mirrompose their Community, nicipal and other taxes, un they would know that exofrece al público los Offers the Public the atintedly, whether direct or emplary restrictions agaist indirect toward all rates a certain class of uneouth, servicios de su Services of its for improvements in the vulgar persons would suvel province and should not che tendency of refornire therefore, be debarred from such individuals whether any privileges provided by whites or blacks, thus creat the government for the coming, among the masses, an EN LA IN THE forts of the Community. impetus toward cultural In discussing the protest education and morality.
at the last session of the The Roughnecks of Limon Board, Mr. Horacio Tasies, are well lonown to the resiour Municipal President ar. dents, so if a vigilance as para toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service decorous deportment was servicio bancario Rendered exacted by an officer who THE METROPOLITAN is, himself, aware of the meaning of decency, all unBUREAU becoming behaviour would vicinity are Costa Ricans, by some members of our and boasted of in this beausoon be a thing of the past born, bred and naturalized. best local families. Com tiful cosmopolitan country: LEGIL AND GENERAL BUSINESS OFFICE among us; bat to debara and as owners of the same plaints have been made in reality this illusion is Is to your SERVICE person because he is colour Flag, which entitles them to that young ladies have been what spells the financial od is certainly stretching the Pile of National seen straddling the streets, failure of the Baths.
For all LEGAL limit unjustly, in quitously Status, how is it just that for nearly two blocks, in IUDICIAL and General and rudely.
they should be excluded their bath suits without the Much Good arises from Business It is the duty of every from the enjoyment of a addition of a gown or any Evil Our 6th year of SERVICE good citizen to assist the bath in a Pool which has other defence against the government in keeping a been provided by govern exposure of their beautiful This aggravating diseriOFFICE IN THE CRYSTAL PASSAGE way scandalous personages mental Revenue, since they legs and pillowy bosoms, mination may, however, be from Associations of every are equipped with ten which is certainly a shock the means of creating great EGBERT POLSON shape or form; and as the deney of moral deportment to those of the old schools er harmony among our peo citizens of Limon are no ex As it rests with the Exe of modest thought and ple of colour; for could Manager ception to the rule, the pri cutive and Congress to make ethics.
these people, as a result, BOX. No. 514 Limón, vileged members of our and approve all RegulaBoard should therefore ex tions, of such a character, mere belief of Mr. Tasies among themselves and those As a mareer Faci, the learn to trade exclusively pect and encourage the co bearing on the Constitution and his colleagues that thei rprotectors, gued with his colieagues operation of every respect al rights of National, it cultured white person, for the Municipality of Limon that this convenience was able resident of our populI would be interesting to hear whom they cater, would ob would soon see more bankinstituted for the purpose ject to another such person rupt business places on the of attracting white Tourists of colour enjoying the gift Rolls in their Books, and so to Limon so were people of of nature alongside him or realize what it is to uncolour to be allowed the la STATION RESTAURANT her is merely a fantasy, and justly discriminate against restricted use of such Bath SIQUIRRES st would have the result of would be smiled at by a a people who have been the born and bred gentleman backbone of every business keeping away that class of (Under New Management)
or lady in these days of de located in the Province.
desirable patrons, of the The passenger train from Limon stops at siquirres 20 mocrasy, so much professed Pool.
minutes. Buy your Lunch Ticket on the train so your One cannot help feeling Lunch will be served on your arrival. Price 50 (Costhat this wholesale excluta Rica money. Restaurant right at the Station.
sion from our dipping Pool Baris a shortsighted policy on Cigars Cigaretts English Spoken. Se habla español the part of our Municipal SULLIVAN (ESTABLECIDO HACE MAS DE 30 ANOS)
Fathers; from the fact that there hundreds. yea thousands, of coloured peoCAMBIO DE BILLETES ple in the Republic who ace, whther he be white, the decision in this matter might take the opportunity black, yellow or coloured, were the signatories to this of boarding the weekly train rather than insulting and protest to appeal to these from San José to enjoy a unjustly discriminating a dignatories of State through dif. in the Briny, and on gainst citizens whose moral a well directed Memorial.
whose integrity and culture standing in the community The Club Criollo of Liheither Mr. Tasies nor his is irreproachable.
confreres could dare cas: Besides, the majority of just such purpose; but any aspersions. Of course, the coloured people in the through mismanagement, The greatest excitement, were about nineteen other personal gains and self aggrandizement, this Club prevailed Friday morning cars similarly loaded efforts went out of existence. Is it in the vicinity of Cieneguita were immediately taken for not opportune that such an in consequence of a fire alarm. their safety: two others howInstitution be revived so as The cause was soon locat ever became ignited and the to control the improper sened among several Railroad three were completely destiments of those placed in cans loaded with creosoted troyed along with the ties.
The Installation of the Rooms. The following were authority by the very votes cross ties standing on one of The cause of the fire has Officers of the Surtidora installed by Mr. Black which are now being ridic the yard tracks near to the not ye been discovered but Sporting Club took place man:uled and insulted.
Crossing huge body of it is the general belief that recently at the Concordia Messrs. Henry, Presismoke was seen issuing from it was produced by some cri dent: Oscar Edwards, Vice one of these cars and as there minally minded person President; Heath, secThe merits of the Bath retary: Scott, Asst. It is well understood that THE PEOPLES BAKERY Coward, Director of Sports: it is not for the sake of havCOMERCIANTE Vivo, Contreras and ing a bath at a public ins We wish to advise the PUBLIC that the demand ESTABLECIDO EN LA PROVINCIA POR Da Costa, Trustees. titution or a dance thereat for the BERLIN LOAF has so increased that only MAS DE 20 ANS At the conclusion of the that these gentlemen seem standing orders can be supplied; we are, however, installing ceremony all presto contend. but rather Vende al detal, Vinos y Liarranging to increase its output.
cores exiranjeros y del pais, ent repaired to the Banquet Ithe slap unjustly thrown in COME IN AND TRY LOAF abarrotes en general. ing Room where a congenial their faces. There are many Micelánea.
time was spent.
coloured families who No BISCUITS are genuine without the name BOOTH impressed on them EST13L CIMIENTO ESQUINA MORTE DEL MER The Club will be entering would never be tempted to the coming Season Cricket use the Baths through the BOOTH PRODUCTS CHALLENGE IMITATORS Competition.
lack of Modesty exhibited MENDEZ are VENTA PERMANENTE DE LOTERIA NACIONAL mon was inaugurated for DESTRUCTIVE FIRE IN RAILROAD YARD a Surtidora Sporting Club Officers Installed EDGAR YOUNG Sankey Treasurer, CADI ENTRE LA AY TU CALLE la Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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