
THE ATLANTIC VOICE Domingo de Marzo de 1936 An Explanation Given Jose Chaves, who has, element of Limon, that it is the latest improvements in the Brewing Industry is brought by GAMBRINUS in its modern brewing plant a concluded his second untrue for anyone to say it ursion to Panama and was he who refused to take Tamaica, begs, by this means coloured persons on the etplain to the coloured trip. This was due, Mr. Cha ves asserts, entirely to the stringency of the PanamaCompro estampillas nian Immigration Law, usadas: Costa Rica, Cen.
which demands a prohibititro, Sur y Norte Amé.
ve deposit by each coloured rica, y toda clase de estourist: hence no fault for tampillas Europeas. Pathe disappointment hould ro los mejores precios be charged to him. He del país would gladly, he said, have carried any one who could José Dolores Marenco have complied with the PaBajos de la Pension Ame namanian demand.
rica. Frente a la Estación.
REFLECTIONS To repine at misfortunes will If you would be happy and not turn into fortunes: but to easy in your family, above all see the hand of God in them things observe Discip. ine; every with a humble submission to His one in it shoud Know their duty: will is the way to turn our WAT there should be a time and place. ER INTO WINE, and engage the for everything. Whatever is done greatest love and mercy on our er omitted, be sure to always side begin and end with God.
Love labour, four if thou dost Divide the sins of men into not need it for food thou mayest two parts, and one half of them for physic. It is wholesome for wll be the sins of the tongue.
your body and good for your mind. It prevents the fruits of idleness which many times come of nothing to do and lead too He who is of the apinion that many to what is worse than noth money will do eve:ything. may ing well be suspected of doing everything for money.
The English Cricketers in Jamaica So far we have only been able shire 325. Robinson (Yorkhire)
to ostain the following informa and Verity (Jamaica) scored 68 Bon regarding the matches play and 39 respectively. In their 2nd ed by the Yorkshire Team dur cffort the Jamaicans secured 257 ing their recent visit to Jamai runs and the Englishmen 214 for 5wickets, Yorkshire winning the The first match was against match on the last over by five the Combined Schools XV and wickets. Heady and Beckford, for resulted in a draw, in their 1st Jamaica, were responsible for 74 inning the Schools obtained 194 and 54 respectively. The highest runs and the Yorkshire XI 223;scorers for Yorkshire were MitHere is a photo of the huge apparatus recently imported for the Gambrinus In the youngsters 2nd. inning chell 101 not out and Robinson five wickets registered 61 runs 63.
Brewery, for obtaining the unique and good quality beer that Gambrinus offers. It at the call of time. The match In this match Verity OOK very expensive and modern machinery and the only one in Costa Rica. We are all was consequently drawn. ve wickets for 62 runs. We hope proud to produce, in the most modern brewery, the Gambrinus quality Pi siner which In the first All Jamaica match, to have the remaining results is regarded with strong approval by every body, especialy by foreigners and peoplo the Island team complied 280 in time for our next issue.
runs in the 1st. Inning and Yorkwho know good quality beer when they taste it.
Races at 24 Miles HUMOR the a at In view of the marised front this City as well as from success attained by the Pro Estrella and the Old Lines to Después que Napoleón en el comercio británico, sorrer Señor, es verdad que moters of the Races held return immediately efter the 1810, dió los fulminantes de dió a uno de sus ministros con tiene mandado que se quesome moni ago at 24 Miles, close of the Races.
cretos contra los géneros con una gran taza de café, y ha men todos los géneros coloarrangement have been con Turfites from all points loniales queriendo así destruir Icicndo ver que, como ministro, niales, y así lo he ejecutado, cluded for the holding of are said to be evincing debía ser el primero en obe pudiendo asegurar usted Another Meet on the 15tin of greatest enthusiasm in the Cannet Blood deler sus órdenes y no infrin que el café que estoy toniasthe present month.
prospect of spending another girlas, le contestó do lo he quemado antes No less than 35 of the best happy time, particularly as it horses in this Zeise are report is expected that the Among the outstanding purses medical development which ed to be already entered and will be somewhat more took place during the past Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso a number of others from the tractive than those ofthe pre year, that of Canned Interior are expected.
de su rec bo que dice: vious occasion.
Blood is regarded by the Special trains will be run Medical Associaton of America as the foremost.
Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi Canined Blood is describ cina dentro de los primeros 10 días ed as a process of taking blood from the bodies of the de cada mes dead and preserving it to DE save lives through transfuTomás Fernández Fernández sions. The process was deLe rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena veloped by Russian doctors de tener quc cortar sa servicio.
Tiene el gusto de ofrecer a su numerosa clientela and chemists and has been un completo y permanente surtido de conused by them successfully servas y toda clase de laterías para in more than 1, 000 cases, according to the Editor of SEMANA SANTA the Journal of the Association.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
El Centro Comercial Compañía Eléctrica de Limón


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