
Wka Will de ExGland Queen be To Our Subscribers What are we and wither are we wending We beg to apologize to eur great necessity in a mixed popu:many readers and patrons for the lation such as ours; but, in realabsence of our Journal during ty, the ATLANTIC VOICE is not the past month. As is well known, being supported as it deserves.
a newspaper effort is a most tech endeavouring, as we do, to give nical undertakings having as it items of foreign as well as local to does to meet the many whims. happenings of importance; the caprices and pleasure of all with gist of the laws passed in Corwhom we have to come in congress for your information and tact. poor newsman gains ma guidance and to champion your ny enemies as his reward for ex rights against unjust authorities.
posing the sins of the wicked and Now, however, that we have arplots are often set against him peared in a mere attractive form by the wayward ones who some and have provided a greater atimes happen to be powerful mount of English reading matter, Many have been the rumours er we are hoping we shall be able unciated, some of them very un to claim your unstinted attention, favourable, as to the cause of our patronage and collaboration. We recent absence but this was duc shall continue to gladly accept all solely to the period of our reconstrucles in regard to occurrences truction, hence we now crave of public interest in your districts your cotinued sympathy and which please address to the Eagreater patronage.
itor, Mr. Nation, Pox 137, We deem an English paper a Limon.
The uncertainty of human istence has so seriously occupied our attention during the past week or two that. we cannot but recall the thoughts of the Psalmist David when, possibly in a moment of anguish on seeing some promising prominent existence suddenly cut loose and at a time when there bloomed tefore him a bright and prosperous future career: Lord what is man that Thou art so mindful of him, or the son of man that Thou visitest him with honours.
Who would have thought, seeing Walter Prestinary on Wed nesday 4th. instant so happy and amiable around town, a man full of vigour, a marked example of thrift and industry in the Corit To page H. EDWARD VII Rumours are once more afloat regarding the whom it is thought the future Queen of Engla Greece, 26 years, the most possible. Irene of likely early marriage of the British Monarch, nd may be chosen. From left to right they are Greece, 32 years; Ex Grand Dutchess Kyra and these are the five Princesses from among Catherine of Greece, 23 years; Eugenie of of Russia, 27 years; Juliana of Holland, 27 yrs.
HITLER MOVES Family of Col. Public Schools Again Active Rodriguzz leave for Cartago are Our most affable Director the interesi shewn in their of Schools, dog Juan Peralta, work, especiolly that in conWhile England and France have been parleying and his colleagues have all nection with the mind trainag in brckled on their hos ing of the coloured group over the Oil embargo and delaying important decision We note that the wife of our neas and assumed their lech of our residents, recognizing with an expressed purpose of giving Mussolini the chan most genial and amiable guard nical duries of framing the as all great educationers do ce of taking a full hand in Abyssinian territory, somethlan of Peace and Order. Colonel Iminds and characters of the that the only real means of ing looms on the horizen that brings the horrors of war Romualdo Rodriguez has decided youths of our Community. elevating the status of moand bombardments of hospitals more seriously before to change her residence for Car These Teachers have done rality in any commun fy Is tago.
the gaze of Europe than that which goes on in far away their useful work during the by prefer education; hence Africa season of 1935, no! only they have accepted the resThe Colonel and his family ha among the children of tender ponsatiity from this view Hitler has, like the ex Kaiser, declared all treaties ve been among the lights in the years, but with ihe Night point and have spared no not worth the scraps of paper on which they Society of our Atlantic ateway, Schools and classes for the pains to bring about refreshwritten, and, as a consequence, has taken over and but his wife has, of necessity, con Commercial education for ing resulis in this direction.
occupied militarily the Rhineland contrary to the sidered it fit to change the unTHE ATLANTIC VOICE our youths and adults, were agredments contained in the Versailles and Lucerne they have worked wonders bearable heat of our lowlands for in ihe preparation of these wishes them overwhelming Treaties, satisfaction as a result of a more temperate climate as well to prosecute the many pro their stsenuous work during As a pretext for such infidelity to an agreement to as for the better education of her blems of life and bofit them the 1936 term, so that their which she subscribed her consent, Germany claims children. can but hope that selves as more efficient students may, in the years that France and Russia had no right to subscribe to a mucho of life prosperity and hap workers in whalever fields that shall follow, always hail mutual protection agreement some few weeks ago as piness will attend her and hers, of labour they may be placed. them wiih delight as they he considers it a direct threat to her safety. Naturally Too much praise and ap ones whe helped them to and that our friend don Romualall Europe is in consternation over this surprise trick of preciative recognition cannot find prominent, respectable do will long remain among us to be showered on Mr. Peralia Hitler, but of course, the sins of the wicked must be positions and places in the punished even to the fourth gendration. Had France usefully dispense the purpose in and his staff of teachers for schemes of our daily exislife for which he is placed.
not been so hypercritical toward England on the question of the Oil Sanctions against Italy, Mussolini would have been brought to his senses many months ago and there would not have been so much suffering in Abyssinia; the League of Nations tco would have proven herself factor worthy of respect in the decision of world disputes, but on account of France double action in the matter Britain naturally had to seek some Devoted to the interests of the people of the Allantic Zone sort of friendly undestanding with Germany in so far Editor English Sect on: NATION as their air forces are concerned which certainly brought about a closer relationship between both Powers. In Año II Limón, Costa Rica, Sunday 15th March 1936 No. 84 To page Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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