
Sunday, 15 March 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION MOVE UNITED FRUIT Co. Ship which needs neither PETEN Coal nor Oil José AchionNg.
Matters Educational United Fruit Co reaching project has already ed the necessary monthigalow 1935 Income Cricket as it is Seen Tiercunde, we produce further project were the essence of logic, The negroes of this country are communications in which the nevertheless the matter met within a sad state of helplessness; they writers express wholehearted sym the opposition of so many narrow do nothing to better their situaSERVICIO DE VAPORES pathy in the project under consi minded people who voiced their tion; they are indifferent to their Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York deration for the uplift of our protests in the newspapers, that most vital interests. It is this stacon escalas en Cristóbal y Habana.
people he was forced to give it up. can te of helplessness and this indifDear Mr. Da Costa, not help thinking that if there ferenec that we must combat. LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS It was with great pleasure that had existed at that time a poli Our people must be made to reI received your letter. You must tically organized group of negroes alize that there is no standing AMERICANOS y EUROPEOS pardon me for not having answer to support the Minister and put still in this life; they must adVapores Salidas ed you sooner. It arived just at up a fight, the matter would not vance or be left behind.
the time was preparing for ex have fallen through.
To page 10 VERAGUA 15 de Marzo aminations at the Law School. am not through with them yet. QUIRIGUA 22 de Marzo but as they have given us a small 29 de Marzo respite, am taking the opportunity of answering you. got through well with three ELDERS FYFFES, LTD.
of the subjects and on Friday il will go through the last exami CARARE 13 de Marzo nation.
After scheming and labour tric ship would be able to Llevando café solamente para Londres Concerning your idea, had al ing for a period of eight long convert the sea waler, ready become acquainted with it years, a young Jamaican en through which she may be ALVARADO Cía, Sucs.
through the columns of the gineering student, Mr Ernest ploughing her way, into Lekdantie Voice. Your project is La Fontaine Provost, declares etectric energy by automatic Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas an excellent one and well deser he has evolved a scheme means, thereby eliminating Para otros informes dirigirse a las oficinas ves the consideration and support whereby an auto hydro elec be use of coal or oil.
de la United Fruit Company en los bajos de Mr Provost, in an interview Gran Hotel Costa Rica en San José.
with a representative of the TELEFONO 3156 Gleaner newspaper, said he w33 propa:fed, with the casistance of soine one interest ed, to make a model of his COMERCIANTE DETALLISTA new ship and have it patent Licores, Abarrotes, Cristaleria, Artículos de Ferreteria ed in various countries. he Following on our remarks of ances to continue their exlucaappreciation on the kind. y In tion in San José in the College Elcetricos; todo se encuentra en este establecimiento is of the opinion that the terest taken by our genial Di for training young des for a PRECIOS DE SITUACION possibilities of his invention rector of Education, don Juan positions in th: lucat o D:are great for by the use of Peralta, and s con ague. sspartment of the Republic, Av. y Calle 44 Frente al edidcio de Correos y Telégrafos would Trejos, Dirctress of the his system not only girls Th y have left mon for maLIMON, COSTA RICA ships be able to function but départment, we are pleased to trieu ation in the College and the electric lighting plants could daughter of Mrs. Jane Doug as, Ight in shing them successful note that Miss Adass Douglas. Alante Voice tak great debe most economically run and Miss Edna Anderson who caree so as to be bright exThe author of this far won their scholarships in our amp es to those left behind o every ambitious and progress schools here have b: grant th negro in this country. It is really time that the coloured people try been credited with two other and do something to help theminventions. short time ago selves and cease depending on be invented a collapsible others who for selfish reasons ward robe which has been Information recently releas are in no hurry to aid them. Ied by Boston states that for patented in the United Stahave always held the opinion that Unired tes, and more recen:ly a new BY SPECTATOR the year 1935 the the government of this country Fruit Company, after provid automatic door bell and scale.
when could do a great deal more than The Costa Rica Cup Com, and are hoping that The bell, instead of using dry has done to lift the standards ing for depreciation, interest cells electric or petition will soon be in pro they lose they will take it in lighting culture of the people of the and taxes, earmed an income when gress and the following will sporting spirit and of province of Limon. Don Luis Do 10. 359. 222. 50 current produces its dollars own be competing Umpires decide against them rrent.
bles Segreda did try some years which gained 54 per share The Excelsior, the Motive they will not be rude or inago, as Minister of Education, to for her stocleholders. The pre Power, the Pathfinders, the citive do something for Limon, when vious year income was Compro estampillas Unity, the Construction and The Fort of Gibraltar has usadas: Costa Rica, Cenas the result of a personal ins 21. 049, 299, 60 dollars and the Surtidora. Last season allen for lack of support by pection of the educational situa 11 per share.
tro, Sur y Norte Amé.
the Competition was pretty ome of its members. As the tion of Limon, he proposed that rica, y toda clase de eskeen co one could tell up io er is now to Sankey to supply scholarships be awarded It was also reportol that tampillas Europeas. Pathe last moment who would he needed milk and honey, coloured boys and girls enabling during the same period ahip go los mejores precios have been the victors until the honey suckers, who used them to graduate as teachers at ments of barranas from all the Captain Sutton, by wise judg to play off the sweat of others the Normal School. The idea was ーー ment.
Divisions totalled Tropical Excelsior have forged his the dropped out. In one that had been carried into José Dolores Marenco ahead.
1934 fixtures some of these 51, 896, 137 efect in the case of other provinstems or about Bajos de la Pension Ame Cricket enthusiasts will reinforred the Fearless ces, and the arguments that the 016, 000 more than the quan rica. Frente a la Estación. watch with anxiety how the confident of taking home the Minister adduced in favour of his tity shipped in 1934.
players shall aquit themselves Bacon. but finding them selves disappointed they formed a clique to smash the Lea gue: failing also in this they 66 advised their Captain to with draw and be was wcak enough lo do so. am calling the attention KEEPS SHOES SMARTER of the officers of the various Clubs to the fact that wher players fail to support their former Clubs they will not support those to which they become affiliated.
We are out to improve Cricket and the only way to do so is for a whipping to be taken in the Jovial spirit as when one is given.
LIMON TRADING COMPANY, Limón. The Season first match instant, and the fixtures for the 1936 Competition will appears in the next issue ot will be on Sunday the 22nd.
Exclusive Distributors.
this Journal; it is hoped that Cricketers will give the pa San José.
per a better support than, undesrtand. they did during the last seaso.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
to del país NUGGET TERED UGGEZA TRADE REGIS Don forget to NUGGET your shoes every morning and save your NUGGET lids, which can be exchanged for beautiful and useful gifts at the BETUN SWATERPROOF. FREE FROM ACID FOR GLACÉ KID. Box CALF.


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