
Visite Ud. el moderno RESTAURANT, CAFE CANTINA SAN JOSE a3 we hear Hitler Moves. from page Honeymooners acquaintances spurning each oth7 SALOMON CHING WEE LE As COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY PERSONAL Sunday, 15 March 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE What are we and whither are we wending.
From Page munity, that before the set of sunant, hever overbearing to those that day he would, without a around them. They are always word of comfort to his relatives sympathetic and tolerant and ap or friends, have sat in his chair preciative of the fact that, but for and quietly slept oft and gone the the Grace of God, they might way of all flesh.
have been thrown in a similar Who would have told the Wire position to those who may seem less Operator of the Seven their inferiors.
El sitio preferido por nuestro mundo Seas Sound that he would never The ATLANTIC VOICE takes elegante para sus fragos, tees o refrescos.
more see his family to recount to this opportunity of expressing its them his impressions of Port Li deepest condolence to the strick Musica todos los días de a 12 mon. This unfortunate man, ar en relatives of him who was in riving here last Monday on the lifetime Walter Prestinary Especialidad en riquísimos helados above named steamer laden with well as to those of the unknown de diferentes clases.
coal for the United Fruit Com seaman. We can but console them pany, on coming ashore to look with the thought that our Father Avenida Central, frente a las Compañías Eléctricas KISSLIN Co. Prop.
around the town slipped off the knows best in using such occurgangway, fell in the sea and hasrences as examples for the spirinever been heard of since. tual chastity of the thoughtful in How often our this sinful vale of tears.
May their Souls rest in Peace.
er with such unpleasant remarks Back as Who are you, you are a nobody. etc. forgetting that such act the world knew then that Eden had whispered We are pleased to welcome remarks are equally applicable to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McRae on themselves.
omething in Hitler ears and although we cannot say human beings certain what it was we took it for granted that there their return from their Honey what really are we? What claim rould never be another War between these two coun moon trip which was spent in have we to such bigotted and silEstrada ies.
the temperate climate of San ly ideas of superiority complex Jose so rampant among us? We can ad Here now we find that while the League is toying Abarrotes y Licores The Voice takes this me mire and respect the intelligence, Artículos del Pais ver an impossible peace plan for Abyssinia, Hitler walks dium of wishing them a long the preparation and affable de and militarily occupies the Rhine frontier of France life of perfect happiness portment of those in our midst Precios Economicos who are destined by God plan to nd Belgium. These two countries squeal louder than be our leaders; but these, if proLA IBERIA ver Abyssinia did; the League is summoned and properly cultured, are never arrogpsitions for enforcing military and all sorts of Sanctions gainst Germany for her aggression and discarding of greements that were recognized by all the world as just nd equitable are set in motion. One is here led to exlaim: how wonderful are Thy works oh Lord! What LIMON id Tbyssinia do to cause the aggression of Italy, and why The presence of Mr. ly by all and sundry in the Corare not the Sanctions instituted in all their rigour?
Weekes, as Conductor on the Es munity. With regard to the old ow iniquitous are the orderings of man.
Fábrica de Hielo trella Local Trains, has been much gentleman, he is not only highly Now see the tableau. Notes have been sent by y Refrescos missed during the past fortnight. respected but very much beloved ance to England and all the other nations who signed On enquiry, we found that in con by everyone with whom his poese Treaties soliciting them to join in enforcing, not sequence of the illhealth of Mrs. pularity brings him in contact.
Weekes he has demed it neces. We wish them an early return of nerely economic and oil Sanctions as were suggested sary to accompany her to the happiness.
gainst Italy, but also others of a military nature which States for further medical advice. Mr. Weekes place on the trains neans a declaration of war. How does France now feel The ATLANTIC VOICE sym Jis filled by another much admired garding the aggression of her neighbour. pathizes with Mrs. Weekes and and genial officer of the Compas What happens now is that Britain declares she will LA FLORIDA hopes she will soon be up and ny, Mr. McGuinness; this choice efend France rights to the utmost of her power (but well again as she formerly used proves the good judgment of the to be among us. The Weeks fami officer in charge of the Traffic hat is that utmost. IF GERMANY ATTACKS HER Fábrica de Hielo ly has been one of the most res Department of the Company and MILITARILY; and she further states that if France at pected of the American Colony, his desire to satisfy public sentiacks Germany she will not assist her in any way. This Venta de Leche and their troubles are felt equal ment in every direction.
ieans, of course; that Germany will not attack France y Maderas or she has regained full possession of her Rhineland herefore she is satisfied.
England is now proposing that the only solution for Cricket Association he peaceful life of Europe is an Alliance between Gernany, France and herself. If, of course, she can, at this 1oment, succeed in allaying the irritated feelings of rance, then certainly the peace of Europe will be assur The Costa Rica Cricket ASd for some time yet and the League of Nations will be sociation held their annual tabilized with Russia, Britain, France and Germany. It meeting a fortnight ago at the Baptist Manse by kind permisle. now to be seen what will happen to Italy and sion of the Rev. Forde.
The members in attendance Peace Plan has been offered to the combattants, were Messrs. Spyer, Angus, Spence, Jones, ut the Emperor of Abyssinia says that although he is Dixon, W. Sutton, Clarke, dy for Peace at any moment, as he was not the ag. Chambers and A, Campbell, ressor at any period he who did the aggressive move After dealing path the activi ties of the past year the elecjust retire all his military equipment from his territory tion of officers for the current Ten they can discuss Peace.
period was taken and resulted In the meantime Italy is still bombing hospitals, as follows: Messrs. Spyer.
President, re elected: Angus, ritish, Ewedish and Ethiopian, and defenceless civiVice President and Treasure, re Flatulence And all forms rns while the Nations of Power stand by and look on. e lected; Clarke, Secretary: Chambers, Asst. Secretary, another fortnight or so, however, we may see a re elected: Associate members sange in all European and African affairs. Jones, re elected; Spen of Stomach ce; Cox; Campbell and Sutton.
Colics Disorders It was decided that the Com petition should start on the 15th fastant; but owing to se veral of the Clubs not being able to complete arrangements the date had to be changed to the 22nd. Instant.
MANUFACTURED BY: The to lowing Clubs have sig nif. ed their intention of compe HERMANN ZELEDON BOTICA FRANCESA El más surtido en Matina ting. Surtidora, Motive Power, Construction, Unity, PathSAN JO finders and Excelsior.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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