
Sunday, THE ATLANTIC VOICE 10 15 March 1936 The Hauptmann Case BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA Ciudad de Limón City of Limon new Anglican Church Move for Higher Ed.
Notwithstand ng the statement of Governor Hoifmann of New Jersey that Haupimann will be electrocuted during the week of BANCO DEL ESTADO SOLE BANK OF ISSUE March 30 there seem to be every likelihood of the condemned man securing a UNICO EMISOR STATE BANK further lease of life according to the views being expresofrece al público los Offers the Public the sed by those who are still in close touch with this most servicios de su Services of its sensational case.
Traffic Inspector Andrew SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Dutch recenily left the United States for Panama fur EN LA IN THE the purpose, it was stated by the press of further questioning Di. Condon in connection with the many Hauptmann important inconsistent esta para toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service tements contained in his the 11th. instant, just a few hours various declarations and eviafter the Inspector Rendered servicio bancario dence given at Hauptmann arrived there.
trial and although the Go It is stated that the Attorvernor publicly denied this, neys of Haupimann are it is very significant that considering the question of nas: and aid not these antatlong last from fifteen to Dr. Condan should have left a charge for Perjury againsi Panama for New York on ihe Doctor twenty years until as a punishment by the Gods to the Much attention has been evid Hypolite Dumois Company of Fruit Co. the scourge of what enced in the district of Zent by Cuba and Santo Domingo, along is called Panama Disease was the care put forward, by those with the Keith Fruit Concern establishid.
in charge, toward the spiirtual whose cradle was Zest of Costa We are therefore proud that From page government and have themsel needs of the settlers whose lot in Rica. Surely we feel that Zent a son of the gurative David The pernicious influence of vis represented in Congress life seem to have been cast with should never be forgotten in the the Co. should have American predjud ce for negros by the man who wil best serve in that area.
history of the United Fruit Com been raised to plece a Landis affecting the attitude of La their interests; in this way, It is noted that through the not only by Costa Rica but mark, a temple there for the tin American countr. es.
their educational and other pro influence of Mr. Keats, the Man by the Boston office.
worsh of Him who docth all The negro ts cons. dered anblems would find a morer rapid eger of the United Fruit Com For real y, as we have said, things l.
undesirable person and immi and effective solution.
pany operations in that vicinity. It was the brain of Mr. Minor In closing the Atlantic Vgration laws are becoming Keith as a world famed Railmore and more stringent; You speak of se ding girls to and his wife, Church work has ce begs to congratulate the in Jamaica to be train as nur been much revived, and with the road Engineer and Contractor, people of Zent for having my opinion, the only way in sis, don you think oit wou be advent of the Rev. Archdeacon while building the Ferro Car among them possib:y a reinca.
wh. ch they of this country can much more practical to send Kelly. who is ever active in this Costa Rica under contract nation of Miner Keith in the sy place themselves in an adthem to the school of nursing direction, Zent has been recogn th the Brit sh Bondholders, ritual make up of Mr. Kea vantageous position with the end mid wifery in this city ized as a centre worthy of a fit located the lands of Zent Dls who seem convine that ati rest of the population, is by which s just been installed in edifice in which worshippers trict as a fit and proper place some good my be got out of ceasing to be foreigners, by a most up to date bulding.
might congregate to pay theis for his headquarters; and what Zent, and we hope they will organizing themselves po itical adoration to the Most High.
As for training boys to be a selection. Did we not set at ra. ly to the occa ion so he may dy and by educating themsel lawyers and doctors, think the Formerly, say a quarter of a times nine to ten stems of fruit be sat sfied his imagnation was ves in the language of the coun first stop would be to get centuary ago, the United Fruit hanging in one root of bana well founded.
as try.
many of them as possible Company paid special attention to The system of government of this country allows every pro go through college in this city to the education of the children of the labourers they immigraica Cartago, Ajalue a cr Heredla vince to govern itself with a certain degree of niduponden ration in the putting into prac the mind training of the rising to this country, by building schoAssuring you of my co ope ols and paying tutors to attend to ce. The coloured people, form tice of your idea.
Tng a majority of the populaAlex Curling generation; today, it is refreshing tion of Limon, there is no rea to see Mr. and Mrs. Keats takDear Sir: son why they should not pay ing so much interest in the reliII One of the questions at issue manuscripts in the libraries of en important part in the local gious training of the youths and between Britain and Italy in some of the ho y places. black have the honour, on behalf grown ups of the district along Ethicpia is that of Lake Tana. Cad monk handling an illumiof the Saint Anthony Burial with the energetie Archdeacon.
the greatest blessing nated fragment of sixthcentury By far One can see this official of the THE METROPOLITAN Sick Ad Ascociation to ackUnited Fruit Co. running around which Ethiopia confers on its purchmont and a large python now. edge the receipt of your BUREAU with his Committee to see that neighbors is the Blue Nile, and stirring in a reed bed at the valued favour of the 2nd. into the hewers of wood and drawers Lake Tana is the natural reser water edge seem about equally LEGAL AND GENERAL BUSINESS OFFICE in regard to this subject.
wcir from which the Blue Nile of water cut the necessary lumcha acter stic of the Lake Tans In reply am directed by the lber and transport them to pours. Behind an immense ba or today.
the Is to your SERVICE Board of Management to excite selected for the building of salt dam, some seven or eight CONTINUARA For all LEGAL press their genuine apprecia God Temple wherein He should, miles in thickness, the pure JUDICIAL and General on at your recognition of them meet His people. Truly a Solo green water is ponded back for co operators in the propos. mon, in the eprson of Mr. Keats, a distance of forty miles Business 38 EL ed project for race uplift and has just arived in Zent; and just fine an example of nature own Our 6th year of SERVICE progress, and to convey to you should Zent be alotted some engincering as one cou want OFFICE IN LIE CRYSTAL PASSAGE and those associated with you ecognition in the spiritual and to sae.
their sincere assurance that educational uplift of her people, Lake Tana shores and isthe matter is receiving their lands used to be the treasure Cantina Posada EGBERT POLSON Those of us who can remember most deep an careful considera Zent in from 1896 to 1899 when house of Ethiopia. Its monas y Cafeteria Manager tion.
the 500 Boers were imported from teries were filled with gold, jeBOX, No. 544 Limón, Jamaica, the writer being one, to wels and the tombs of emperors Felipe Wing Ching Osavi, G, carry on dhe plantation life then Much of the treasure has been Corresponding Secty. recently started by that never to looted by conquerors, but there Apartado 395 be forgotten Minor Cooper Keith, is still a great wia! th of old whose brain and ingenuity brought about the United Fruit ComSTATION RESTAURANT pany will recollect it was from SIQUIRRES the luxurious growth of the banana fields around the Zent dis(Under New Management)
trict that impetus was given for DE The passenger train from Limon stops at siquirres 20 the formation of this great Fruit Tomás Fernández Fernández minutes. Buy your Lunch Ticket on the train so your Company of ours; when by his Lunch will be served on your arrival. Price 2. 50 (Cosingenuity, as said, Mr. Minor Coo Tiene el gusto de ofrecer a su numerosa clientela ta Rica money. Restaurant right at the Station.
per Keith Meiggs visioned and un completo y permanente surtido de conBar Cigars Cigaretts English Spoken Se habla español consummated the merging of the servas y toda clase de laterías para Boston Fruit Company of JamaiP. SULLIVAN ca under Capt. Baker and SEMANA SANTA Mr. Hopkins; the Santos and Britain Watches Ethiopia Lake Tana a By Clair Price as CABALLO BLANCO El Centro Comercial Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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