
Mussolini offers to stop Conflict African Efforts to solve European difficulties reject ed by Germany Germany has refused to give decide on any necesarry future consideration to the proposed plan action, Germany to accept thes greed to by all the Representaconditions in their entirely pelo the League Committee of Thir ives of the Locarno Pact Powto the initiation of negociation teen held on the 19th instant, at their meeting on the 19th. this Zone to be controlled by An for the establishment of new co the Powers were notified, of and approved by the League of glo Italian troops; Germany totius in the Rhineland.
cially, that Mussolini would cease Notions. The Plan stipulates the gree not to construct fortifica Germany relection of these hostilities in Abysisnia the mofollowing. That the Franco tions in the remainder o the proposals hes seriously increase ment the League raised the Sand Russian Pact be submitted to the demilitarized zone nor to augment the ukeady grave situation, an tiens now in force against Italy. lague Tribunal; that a demilitar the forces alcendy there; an inter England has agreed to go to th It is expected that this offer ixed belt, 20 kilometers wide, be national Committee to see to the defence of France and Belgiun will be referred to the Commit established in Germany along the carrying out of these obligations should a final break with Hitle tee of 18 in charge of the Sanc French and Belgian Frontiers, France, Belgium and England to take place.
MUSSOLINI tions and then submitted to a meeting of the fifty two League LONDON. At a meeting of Member Nations. SUFFERER PASSES Serious flood damages in United States With reference to the item in sufferer died soon after reach mer good health, as she Once our last issue in which it was ing New Orlean more fell in and was under the stated that owing to her conti Mrs. Weckes bealth gave way care of our Medicos up to abou nued illhealth Mrs. Weekes, the some time ago when she was for a month ago when it was decide wife of our much esteemed ced to undergo several very deli that she should be taken to th friend, Mr. Weekes, had to cote and painful operations in States. She left as we stated a leave for the United States to our liospital; and although these long with her husband and ha Damages regarded as incalcul taking every precaution to safe undergo further medical treat were most successful and enabled. now pased to the Great Beyond able have been produced in ele guard the government buildings. ment: it is with feelings of the her to be up and about again, We take this opportunity to as ven North American States as the federal commission has been most sincere regret we now have she apparently never regained a suring her bereaved husband a result of terrible floods. 100, 000 organized by President Rocc to record that the unfortunate complete restoration of her for Lour heartfelt condolence.
families are estimated to be bad velt to co ordinate with the govly in need of help and a call hus ernment, marine, aviation and been made on the public to assist Red Cross services in an effort the Red Cross in raising at least to re establish normal conditions three million dollars. on their be in the devastated regions.
hall. The number of deaths have The damages suffered in the already reached a total of 76. various States amount, it is estiWheling, a city of 70. 00 inlia mated, to around a hundred milbitants, is completely inundated. lion dollars; Pittsburgh alone sul Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantie Zone Railroad and motor traffic in the fered to the extent of twentyEditor English Section: NATION affected regions have had to be five millions. In Boston the autho suspended and assistence render rities are makign preparations to Año II ed the populace by means of Limón, Costa Rica, Sunday 22nd March 1936 No. 85 control the milk trade. It is fear airplanes. Washington is being ed that in consequence of a short threatened by the waters of the age of potable water there will Potomac and the authorities are be outbreaks of epidemics in many localities.
The Atlantic Vaice Pagara Endorsements Revocable An Unwise Suggestion Earthshock causes alarm 0900000 Remember Our Congratulations shbouring Republic, in prejudice to ours. Restriction decision, wbich we believe will be of much importance to The National Charity Board is indebted to the Cert those who are intersted in fin tral government, according to one of our Spanish Dai ancial transactions, has just been lies, for the sum of 800 thousand colones on account On Friday last an earthshock muh alarm of extrao:dinary intensity was Itz Curation is stated to have given by our First Court of Apthe ten per cent tax payable on the total value of thi peal.
felt here at a low minutes te been thirty soconds, but up to prizes paid out in connection with the Lottery drawings fore pm. It was also felt in the time of our going to press The decision states that where and as it appears the Board is not in a position to linqui various parts of the country, we are without any information the holder of a Pagare endorses date the debt a request has been made that it bi particularly in Turrialba and regarding any damages efit to another for a cush considercondoned.
Ean José. where it produs f. cted.
ation, he may, after its delivery but before the receipt of the payAs we gather there is the likelihood of the reques ment, request that his endorse being acceded to provided the Board aranges to revet ment be cancelled and the endor to the original system of collecting the tax from tb sce power to collect nullified.
individual prize winners, we wish to throw out the wari It was held by the Court that ing that such a move would be unwise and distinctly such an endorsement was in reaagainst the best interests of our National Lottery lity an order Or mandate and could therefore be revoked.
Not so long ago there were loud complaints agair to look for the numbered the large trade being conducted locally on behalf foreign lotteries, particularly that of our southern net coupons in It gives us the greatest plea of a very stringent nature were promulgated; the Lor sure to note that Mr. Hatch, tery Board made various changes in the system o who was once attached to this awarding prizes with a view of increasing its attracti Division of the United Fruit Com veness and the major prize has just been advanced pany operations as Assistant Man 5, 000 colones.
ager, has just been promoted Assistant to the first Vice PresiIf, therefore, this present suggestion be carried in dent of the Company in Boston. effect, it will, in our opinion, undo much of these effort of an amiable and affable disand produce yet another motive for intensifying the position, Mr. Hatch made many eign trade; for the tax, if collected from the prize wi friends during the period he was ners, will actually be a reduction of the values of with us and these will, we are respective prizes by ten per cent.
THESE COUPONS are your tickets for sure, join with us in congratuVery few, if any, of our people, we venture to sa lating him on his advancement.
the Lottery Contest which takes place on support our lottery from a purely patriotic or human tarian viewpoint; they regard the system as but one a the myriad forms of investiment from which they ar MARCH 22, 1936 always hoping to secure the very best and most speed The usual Dance in hoin combination with the National Lottery.
financial results, hence any scheme which appears th nour of the Festival of St.
most attractive will always receive the ir greater sug Patrick, the Patron of our friends of Irish nationality, port. It should also not be gorgotten that our presen takes place at the Commuity high rate of exchange constitutes another attractio 132 cash Prices with a House tonight (Saturday) against which our lottery has to contend, therefore, an Music will be supplied by act which tends to depreciate the financial returns TOTAL VALUE OF 1. 685. 00 the Marimba Costa Rica.
investors should be most carefully avoided.
It is expected that the each We hope the means will eventually be found fo Serie, Officers of United States Na vol Ship which is arriving in carrying on the payment of the tax under the prese port today will be in attenmethod in the interests of the Institutions most cor cdha mouel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotedas decerned Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Emu, Víctor, Elegantes, Ideal, Liberty, Buffalo, Irazú and Rex Cigarettes.


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