
Sunday, 22 March 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Racial Collectivity SAL UVINA By THE RIGHT SALTS)
was or For Liver and Stomach Ailments INVALUABLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF Indigestion FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES soon Jorge Ramírez Valido Interprete genuino de las últimas modas The conflic in Africa The present formidable and gorge the fish that he had caught agreed, quarrelled and severed.
prolific nations of Europe were of his own honest or habitual toil The aftermath that they once a group of families or tribes to satisfy his physical o dietetic were beaten in turns and overwho, etiher by common consent need. And so the physical and so thrown and that which was estacoercive influence, formed cial needs of all primitive and blished by the sword was soon themselves into national units backward peoples are at times lost through the sword. This proEngland, France, Spain, Germa discounted before the voracious ves then that collectivity must ny, Italy, Russia and Turkey. demands of the powerful, mod be consistent in order to endure.
are conspicous examples. The ern, disciplined and scientific na One of the main causes of the union of persons brought a com tions of all ages. But the Egypt destruction of national groups is mingling of thoughts which ma ian, Medo Persian, Greecian, Ro the spirit of envy and greed. As terialized themselves in the num man, Turkish and the Spanish soon as this is manifest it proerous modern inventions and sta Empires rose, shone forth invokes and breds the same spirit tecraft. The nationalism widened noonday brilliancy and set. Why in other peopes who at once to internationalism through uni is such an eclipse of setting of scheme for the destruction of the versal knowledge and comerce. these once progressive nations or arogant foe and in nine cases out Flatulence And all forms The union gave conscious strength conglomerations of peoples? It is of ten the aggressive nations and compelled mutual admira because of the mental activities crumble under the united presure tion and respect. The backward of the other peoples in apprehen of surrounding foes. Moral deof Stomach and segregated nations or peo siveness, acquisition and adapta bauchery sacks the vital energy ples, even though possessing some bility plus the vulnerability of of men, and to this many a once virtues, soon became prays or all men, dissensions and conse conquering nation relapses to end Colics Disorders subjects of exploit to the stand quent physical death which ma in decay and destruction. Rightardbearers of modern civilization kes a dissolution not only of body cousness exalteth a nation, but and mechanical progressiveness. but a cessation of thought, asin is a reproach to any people.
Their organized projects, order, change of plan and a misunder This is not only the philosophy tenacity and trained discipline standing of the project. When of the Wisemen, but an eternal readily evercame and are still Alexander the Great was about and axiomatic truism. Alexander overcoming antiquated barbarity to die, not having an heir, he left the Great himself died from gross MANUFACTURED BY: and seeming moral truths become his empire to his three greatest intemperance and the oGths, Viabsorbed in the momentous pro Generals enjoining on them the sigoths, Huns and Vandals deHERMANN ZELEDON. BOTICA FRANCESA blems of necessity or practical importance of union in its offen feated and overthrew the Romans utility. Hence the frigate birdsive, defensive and productive when their manhood was underSAN JOSE, COSTA RICA comples the boobie to even dis strength; but these dis mined by moral depravity, which reduced their mentality and physical stamina.
The Negro units of all lands need a righteous and productive collectivity. They must sink mis IN trust, slander, sloth, malice, disobedience, rashness, meaness, This continues only not as ag ino peace terms will be accepted Si desea adquirir personalidad encargue hate, revengefulness and scandal. gressive as it had been. The latest by his government without corosu traje en esa acreditada SASTRERIA They must unite to improve and news is that several Italian pla plete evacuation of his Territory, by the Italian forces.
cuyos talleres están situados in impassioned and tranquil thoThe European consternation of ught invent, construct and im25 varas al Este del Cuerpo de Bomberos the occupation of the Rhineland prove such things as will contriby Hitler seem to cclipse the SAN JOSE bute to the practical welfare of African conflict just now as all mankind in the onward march of the nations are engaged in seeing advancing time. The spirit of com what steps shall be taken to eith monplace rudeness and malicious er punish Germany, for the ag feeling, so dominates the negro gression by Hitler, or enforce on mind that he at morntide misamicable settlement of the protrust and quarels with his neighblem. So far, however, there is bour, oses his objectivity of nasome indication that it might be tional and racial unity and makes Our Cup Competition starts In the last, the Jamaicans did himself an easy victim in the solved without a sanguinary con today, the first match being the exceedingly well. on drawing the hand of his rivals. In this world nes have been taken down by the that the suggestions put forward flict notwithstanding the fact Victors of the last Season, the second test after a follow on ga rivaliy is necessary for progress anti aircraft machines principal by England, which include Excelsior against the Sur me, they rose to the occasion or advancement; in fact, it is aly directed by the Emperor, Haile establishment of a neutral zone the tidora Keen interest goes when they had to face the huge natural instinct and when disSelassie, himself. Conflicting re along the frontiers of Belgium in this match as it is said that the score of 556 runs put up to the creetly used works out the social ports are still being received, but and France, have been new Club will be reinforced by Yorkshire men for wickets in and poltical betterment of peo judging from what we can gath by both these countries.
jected some of the Wanderers good men two and a half days of careful ples. Before the Negro is united in consequence of the retirement play. The reply of the Jamaicans he cherishes hate and plans the Ethiopians are yet holding their iness to stand by her Locarno obli er from different sources, the Italy has intimated her willing of the latter from the Competi 592 runs in ten hours play, on destruction of his rival and ad Town amid all the hardships.
was the magnificient display of vanced brother. This is an aspect gations but is, as should naturally, Fighting of a very sanguinary be expected, against the applithe completion of which the ga and form of covetousness, a sin nature is reported as taking place cation of sanctions.
The Cricket Contest between me was declared drawn as there condemned by Jesus Christ in its throughout the Askum Makale the Yorkshire team in Jamaica would not be time within the five very concept.
sector with the Ethiopians forces, has ended. There were three Aldays set apart for this test to If the Negro people will unite, composed principally of those of Jamaica matches played, the En conclude the second innigs. Bra maintain order, respect one an Ras Kassa, carrying on satisfacglish team won one and the oth vo Jamaica!
other admire and respect the torily ers were drawn.
Tu page 12 Under date the 17th instant, Addis Ababa reports that 5, 000 warriors of the Azebu Galla tribe had deserted the Italians and LIMON joined the Abyssianias on the Visite Ud. el moderno northern front.
Fábrica de Hielo Further protests have been RESTAURANT, CAFE CANTINA lodged with the League in which the Italians are accused of contiУ Refrescos nuing the use of poisonous gases and the bombing of defenseless townships. The Italians are also reported to have deliberately des El sitio preferido por nuestro mundo troyed the planes of the Ethiopian elegante para sus tragos, tees o refrescos.
Red Cross Unit stationed at Korum as well as two attached to LA FLORIDA Musica todos los días de a 12 one of the Swiss Units. These planes were all exclusively used for Especialidad en riquísimos helados transporting the wounded to AdFábrica de Hielo dis Ababa.
de diferentes clases.
Venta de Leche The latest Peace Plans propoAvenida Central, frente a las Compañías Eléctricas KISSLING Co. Prop.
sed by the League are still being considered by all the interested parties, but Haile Selassie says Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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