p. 10


Move for Higher Education UNITED FRUIT Co.
Avisos Económicos 14 Costarricans Retain Cordial Feelings entiveness and productiveness.
12 LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Sunday, 22 March 1936 parties, silver trees, rallys, catatas, etc.
THE METROPOLITAN After noticing the names of the many who are willing to BUREAU In continuation of our wish realize clearly the difficultis prished, as believe we are now co operate, none of the above to in every way assist the effort lying ahead of such a gigantic botter off financially than for should be impossible. will do LEG:L AND GENERAL BUSINESS CFFICE belng made for the betterment project; could mention marry merly. We could arrange con the very best can to help this Is to your SERVICE of our people, we produce the tut for fear they might be mal certs, garden parties dances grand effort of yours.
following indications of addi interpreted, will reſer but two debates, evenings at home, tea Limon, Jany. Iris Bruce For all LEGAL tion:1 co cperation.
comparative y ehmonlary points JUDICIAL and General MHW Da Costa, in Firt, why after appealing to Business Dear Sir. Race and Community you In reply to your circular let. ut mate y dac de that the 5Our 6ih year of SERVICE tar of the 2nd instant, will lection of these students should OFF. CE IN THE CRYSTAL PASSAGE venture to state that am with be only from the native born, SERVICIO DE VAPORES the movement and woud do while the majority of the supSalidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York EGBERT POLSON anything to see it materialized, porters of this or anyother move con escalas en Cristóbal y Habana.
Manager because if there is anything our th ck. nd in th Zone wi.
race stands badly in need of always, to a great extent, de LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS BOX. No. 544 Limón, It is Education, more so in pinden those who are Jamai this community where it has cons by bith? Many are against AMERICANOS y EUROPEOS never been properly introducedthis cl use and, to be frank, and, so, not practis:d.
cm tco. Secondly, when thos Salidas Vapores Racial Collec.
Nevertheless, suppose you students shal have complet. their education and secured QUIRIGUA 22 de Marzo From page Sección de their dip olas, what guarantes PETEN 29 de Marzo would the community be of VERAGUA fered that they will return and de Abril other people, the calmness and order of his mind will produce rendcr su se. vices as should for them a clearness of vision.
be be exseed for them under ELDERS FYFFES, LTD.
development of mental energies, the circumstances, instead of an understanding of the complex SE ALQUILA casa grantheir choosing more lucrative ARIGUANI 27 de Marzo machinery of statecraft, the birth de, muy cómoda y amiefelds to ona larger and betand materialisation of inventive ter results? Man is always, you Llevando café solamente para Londres blada en San Rafael de wil admit, Joking for the bat, thoughts and a placing on the Coronado Situada a la and this would be as appicable ALVARADO Cía, Sucs.
market something worthy to com pete with that of his more prollorilla de la carretera. to your students as it is to you Agentes para Limón Puntarenas fe brethern At present the NeDirigirse a Luis García or wouldn it? Then what Para otros informes dirigirse a las oficinas gro is too much mastered by a Cartin. Apartado No. 614 would become of the sotices de la United Fruit Company en los bajos del carnal mind; lust and vanity obs made by our community?
San José.
cure his vision and dwarf his hou sincerely hope hve tona Gran Hotel Costa Rica en San José.
rizon. In tranquility, order, forched on le phases of the matTELEFONO 3156 giveness and love, there is strenCAJAS DE HIERRO, se ter wh. ch will serve some usefal gth, reflectiveness, thought, invenden, de distintos tapurpose and be accepted in the same spirit as offer thm Step out, Negro! March forward mafios y precios donde Yours for bound improvem nt.
and upward! Dore and do, and Tomás Fernández Fertoward the late President Taft Limon, Jany. Louis Gooden do and Dare! Strive to maintain nández. Centro ComerUpon the arrival in this cou 1peace with every man, emulate cial. Avenida Central.
Dear Sir, try of the widow of the late PreAfter reading your circoles, aident and Chief Justice William The Louis Schm his virtudes, eschew his viceHoward Taft, Cleanse your own backyard of concluded you shou be cungra ters were exchanged between sickening muck; an inner cleanMOLINO con su com tulated for the splendid idea President Jimenez and Mrs. Taft: sing will make outward beauty: pleta maquinaria, se venso great an undertaking. Most for The anxiously looked Casa Presidencial, San José, Bout between Joe Louis and Max Fruits of Order! You must wisethe tree of Order will produce de con el edificio situad)
of us have, from time to time, felt the need of these race proCosta Rica, detrás de La Soledad. less onals, but had no idea what Schmeling takes piace on June 1y and cleanly grow and go from March 8, 1936.
17th and according to promoter wisdom to wisdom and strength Para informes, dirigirse alto do about it; now, however, Kon. Mrs. William Taft, Mike Jacobs, the Gate receipts to strength to be men amongst Lic. don Alfredo Fernán you have hit on a plan, its time on board, Sta. Elena ss. are expected to realize Puntarenas.
dez Yglesias.
for us to put our shoulders to than one million Dollars.
the wheel and drive toward the My dear Mrs. Taft: goal have grea: honor and pleasure discuss simultaneously all the in conveying to you, dear Madam, GERMANY IN HUFF OVER would susgest that you my salutations on your arrival to LOCARNO RESOLUTIONS Movimiento marítimo major problems, like the peace organize the persons you have our country. To the memory of pacts, the colonial questions mentioned and have them ma your late husband, the Honorable Bedin di patches ind cate and Germany return to the El vapor inglés «Cavina» ke suggestions toward the rais Mr. William 11. Taft, we Costar that there is general indigna League. Hitler Is disillusioned at que zarpó hoy a las 10. 39 ing of funds arrange public est cordial feelings of hightest corno powers that the German aged and prefers bilateral agre aicans retain in our hearts, the tion at the demand by tho Lothe mass of discussions envisD. para Avonmouth via meetings with speakers cap esteem and gratitude. In a ques troops be withdrawn from the ements instead. Considerable Kingston, llevó la carga si able of impressing the subject tion in which millions were in French frontier and the permit speculation has been raised as guiente, para Londres: 4543 on the minds of our people, the rebelveen Costa Rica and the litary police to patrol the ph in the peace negotiations, anu volved, he was appointed as ar to be given to Scandinavian mis to the possible attitude of Hur sacos de café.
reng securing all the co opera British Empire. As he always neland territory Curing te for the first time Hitci own tion possible. With regard to did, Mr. Taft devoted to that negotiations for a definite set paper, the Voelkische Beobach Los dineros gasfados. the raising of funds: this, case, his best and scrupulous at tlement of the crisis. Germanyler criticises the League since tention, and did not take think, could be easily accom consideration that one of the li the proposed conference should turn to Geneva.
into does not relish he idea that the Chancellor offered to retigant nations one of the strongest in the world, whilst the other was one of the smallest.
Fortunately, in our case, justice was confided to the able hands of the Honorable Chief Justice of the United States of America, Mr. Taft. His just decision in this matter was highly favorable to Sábado 21.
Costa Rica.
La Flecha del Terror take advantage of this opportunity, dear Mrs. Taft, to pre Sábado 21. El Fantasma del Convento.
sent to you, my respectful homage, Domingo 22 Feria de Vanidades.
and to give to you my cordial En Español welcorne to our Country.
En Colores Respectfully yours, Domingo 22. Ricitos de Oro.
Shirley Temple y John Boles.
RICARDO JIMENEZ Lunes 23. La Edad Dichosa.
GRACE LINE Lunes 23. El Fantasma del Convento.
En español Martes 24.
On Board, March 8th. 1936.
Matando en la Sombra.
Martes 24. Bulldog Drumond se Venga.
My dear Mr. President: feel very much gratified by Ronald Colman.
Miércoles 25. La Vestida de Rojo.
your interest in my coming here, and thank you very much for Miércoles 25. La Ultima Avanzada.
your and your people good feeling. am sure that Mr. Taft did Cary Grant y Claude Raims.
Jueves 26. Su Primer Beso.
right in his decision about the Costa Rica and the British Gov Jueves 26 ernment.
With kind regards and thankViernes 27 Viernes 27. El Demonio de las Carreras, ing for your expressions of good will EN ESPAÑOL Sincerely yours.
HELEN. TAFT Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
eling Bout more men.
was Teatro ARRASTY CINE MODERNO La Mujer del Puerto


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