
No water! No light!
ike Atlantic Vaice The 31 The Italo Abyssinian Conflict Church Activities More Troublesome Seas many of The past week has been the climax a lack of water during the day and the absence of lights at night.
It somewhat miraculous how our people have been able to keep agoing with the scanty supply of water granted Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone them by our Municipal Professors. How our poor woEditor English Section: NATION men are able to get out their Laundry is also something marvelous Año II Limón, Costa Rica, Sunday 29 ht March 1926 No. 86 The Pumping Station seem to by very ineffective in its onerations. We do hope the Supreme Government will soon come to our rescue by supplying the necessary funds and an Engineer to give poor denighted Limon a proper and permanent Water supply.
The National Company, who hold the concession While Peace terms are ing all they can to strike te ized nation that hosti for lighting the City, are at their wits end to cope with being offered by the League rror into the hearts of the would be ceased while terms the situation. Of course they too depended, in their in another effort to stop this Ethiopians. One would ex were being discussed; but contracting, on an efficient water supply for their mawarfare, the Italians are do pect from even a semicivil instead, on three occasions, chinery and as this has failed so sadly its an impossibiduring a fortnight, we find lity for them to render proper service. They are, hoItalian airplanes bombing wever, establishing an up to date plant up in the Rio Harrar and Jijiga, dropping Blanco hills whence power will be conveyed by high powered wires to their Storing Station here. When this hundreds of gas and incendiary bombs at each assault, is complete it shall have cost the Company, we understand, one million colones and we shall be blessed not place at the same time, we burning the homes of innounderstood, but in view of cent peqple, killing non only with an adequate service but with sufficient power the dedication of the Zent combattants as well as bomb for serving the entire province.
In the meantime tho demonstration of the nany Church it was postponed. ing Red Cross Units while On Sunday (today) the these benefactions of the United Fruit Company is patent, had are attending the it not been for the power plant of this latter Company ordination of a young priest wounded; and yet the great will be held during the ear Powers of the earth sit by which continues to light nearly fifty per cent of the lier hours of the morning, and watch such barbarism town, what a predicament our City would be in for light after which the entire con with complacency. France ing facilities.
gregation will entrain for wishes to have withdrawn We have, for two years, been suffering in this direction; let us hope relief will soon be afforded us.
Zent where the Church, of the petty Sanctions imposed which we wrote a fortnight on Italy for her past agago, will be dedicated and gressions, but now that GerConfirmation services also many is claiming her own held.
she wishes Britain not only This will certainly be alto impose ectomic Sancvery pleasant Sunday; not tions but military ones on our people have Hitler. What a murderous For several days during intendent of the local Marwitnessed an Ordination ce world of civilization we are the past week the swells in ine Department of the UniHis Lordship Bishop Dunn remony nor the dedication confronted with.
The Committee of the the harbour have been very ted Fruit Company, was un came in on Tuesday and of a Temple for the worship tumultuous. The Bathing fortunately damaged by the held Confirmation series of Jehovah, hence the day League are in Session to de.
of one of on Wednesday at the st. promises an instructive and mand a cessation of hostili Pool has again suffered; breaking away much of the screen curtains these springs. While superbut what Mark Church. An Ordina pleasant time at a small ties in Africa, for proctection against the vising the mooring of one To page 10.
tion should also have taken cost.
monsters of the deep, which of the ships alongside the was damaged on the last Metallic Pier, a wire hauser occasion, has been compe broke loose and hit him on tely taken away and the his side so seriously that he concrete walks of the gar had to be immediately taken den very badly undermined to the hospital. We are how Shipping activities have ever pleased to learn that also been caused much an he is not as seriously hurt On Friday last it was re burst of flame near a place Prince and Princess Schaum noyance by the breaking of as was at first thought, and ported from Mexico City called Zumpango and all burg Lippe, Baron von Stie: springs which set the ships it is hoped he will soon be that one of the large pas the bodies of the dead ber and other prominent adrift from their moorings out and among senger planes belonging to were burned. The doctors, Germans who were on an Captain McInnis, Superiore.
the Compañía Mexicana who were rushed to the sce airplane cruise.
had crashed while on its ne of the accident, were The Steward, Daniel Maway to Guatemala killing compelled to use sand to drigal, 20 years old, a son twelve of the fourteen per extinguish the flames on of Mr. Ramón Madrigal of the sons aboard.
the bodies.
English Academy in The plane crashed in a The passengers included San José was among those who lost their lives. We extend our profound condoWe very much regret to in the hospital here.
learn of the serious illness We sincerely lence to the bereaved pa of our e teemed citizen, Mr. will speedily recover and hope he rents and other relatives of Findlay, who took be able to resume his regthe unfortunate victim.
suddenly ill last Monday ular activities.
and has since been a patient SERVICIO DE VAPORES HAUPTMANN CHANCES Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York con escalas en Cristóbal y Habana.
IMPROVE LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS y EUROPEOS Próximas salidas de Puerto Limón Vapores Salidas para EUROPA (Santander, Plymouth, Cherbourg, Amsterdan y PETEN 29 de Marzo Hamburgo. VERAGUA de Abril CORDILLERA.
Marzo 30 QUIRIGUA 12 de Abril Para GUATEMALA ELDERS FYFFES, LTD. ARIGUANI. 27 de Marzo (Puerto Barrios y Livingston)
Llevando café solamente para Londres CARIBIA.
Abril 20 ALVARADO Cía, Sucs.
SERVICIO DE CARGA y PASAJEROS Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse a Para otros informes dirigirse a las oficinas de la United Fruit Company en los bajos del TRENTON Governor Hoffman has requested help HAPAG LLOYD Gran Hotel Costa Rica en San José.
from the Department of TELEFONO 3156 Justice in his desire to clear Agencia en Costa Rica Teléfono 2086 To Page 11 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Twelve killed in Airplane Crash us Once ON THE SICK LIST UNITED FRUIT Co.


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