
8 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Sunday, 29 March 1936 Necessity Acknowledged 00000000 RESTAURANT, CAFE CANTINA SAN JOSE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION ITS as SALOMON CHING WEE LE (Conad trom last Issue) person to be allowed on the rosVisite Ud. el moderno trum of any Division of our OrThis Rage Mitchell, after ganization; you know why, and bing chemat of Cuba at the know why: and you know that time when Jamaicans were ex know. she said.
pelled from that Country. though fortunately for Jamaica he dis To go back to the lawsuit of ownes his birthplace claiming he Holness promoted by Mitchell is a native o Santa Clara Proy Holness was arrested for not want Ince, Cura. weat on to Jamaica, ing to give up the furniture, etc. El sitio preferido por nuestro mundo but as the Big Trees at Solas and bad to sign a Pagare of 960 elegante para sus fragos, tees o refrescos.
Market have been cut down he colones for costs and damages of migrated here to take refuge in this traiterous suit before he was Musica todos los días de a 12 our City and shelter himself in set at Tiberty. This document was the building erected by Mr. Ro deposited in the ironsafe of the Especialidad en riquísimos helados berts.
Society, but rumour says it is de diferentes clases.
not to be found there now. Of He worked as a labourer on the course, Holness is one of the chief Avenida Central, frente a las Compañías Eléctricas KISSLING Co. Prop.
streets, Irut sadly. was not includ Armourbearers of this Adonizeed in the Chain and Ball dedek, so possibly this pagare has BIJN partment; when dismissed, he been turned over for services opened Dettifoggin shop on the rendered.
subsequently thrown out by resolution in Pisidint Nation U. premises where he could not mice good and had to These are the group of usurpers time. Mitchell is trying to merbejected, leaving a sad memo who are trying to keep out stead ge the office of Presidency into honourable members, that of a High Commisioner y of several hundreds of colo fast and nes in the rent account of the many of whom hold scripts for which carries with it Poder Ge In continuation of the ma matter further considera Thusejected, the subscribed Stock Shares in the neralisimo very special genetter of Higher Education, we tion. We also would be glad Organization Men and women liv ral powers of Attorneyship, by publish the following from to be advised went to Cieneguita along with his Society.
about any few friends whom he still has ing honest, thritty lives in the which he would be able to borMr. Da Costa.
further development.
around him. the famous Maud community while Mitchell has row and sell without consulting Mr. Curling published a Wade.
been Laird, the Sinclairs, the Westtwice condemned in our, anyone on the matter. As the fine article on this subject and nesys and a few others and Courts for Slander and Calum names of Messrs, Roberts in La Tribuna of a week Secretary, Court Galeed, such Yormulated the memorable Gar ny; and once for doing someth Franklin now prevent any ago; in our next we shall of an assemblage of members? ing with a chicken, dont exact transactiond, hence the Season give a translation: Limon, March You are not a fit and proper ly what but the Court Records far these gentlemen being ridiGreetings: are there.
culed and abused so as to get their names, Dear Sir: hereby acknowiedge Co duenos on am instructed by the Mitchell does not wish to hear part owners, off the registration with thanks the receipt of Mr. Garvey name called in and allow your usurping Acting your circular letter treating Officers and Members of this business. He told the Go High Commissioner to do as he upon two specific vocatio the (Pyogressive Lclige, to vernor Secretary some time ago pleases. This same kind of trick nal professions for our boys acknowledge receipt of your and and maidens who desire to appreciable letter dated the that Garvey has nothing to do was played in New York caused the loss of that advance and to give profi 2nd January last and, in City with this Society, that it is a Estrada reply, to convey to you the Costa Rican Society: when asked Liberty Hall to the Organization.
Lodge approval and symAbarrotes y Licores why then should he pay tribute THE METROPOLITAN pathy to the scheme enun.
Artículos del País to Garvey, his reply was that These are the wrongs which he only gave it as a moral ciated, in an endeavor to lo my Conmidtet are trying BUREAU Precios Economicos lift the status of our colour nation, not as a legal obligation avoid why this King of the Plan LEGAL AND GENERAL BUSINESS OFFICE ed yong men and women LA IBERIA Mitchell is hiding himself for tain Chip Shop is so opposed to for positions as lawyers, a second term of office under the us.
Is to your SERVICE Doctors, Nurses. ete.
amendment of the Constituti For all LEGAL put in by Bryant and We highly endorse the Higgins, Thanks for space: your most vey Club, with the idea of divid which cost Bryant his life and appreciative contributor, JUDICIAL and General proposition and are willing ing the membership of the DiviHiggins his dismissal by MadaBusiness to cooperate with you in the con us to wreck the adminisme de Mena, but which measure of our posibility was FRANK ABEL Our 6th year of SERVICE ration of Mr. Reid. But Secy.
to bring this endeavor to a Forson was more than a match OFFICE IN THE CRYSTAL PASSAGE reality; kindly include us or him and got the then Goverwith those who endorse the or to order the closing of the EGBERT POLSON scheme and continue to en Club. Finding he could not by lighten us as to it movehis relarious designs of a Garvey Manager ments.
UN Ciub, from which Mr. Garvey, by BERENZON BOX. No. 544 Limón, We regret we were unable price the way, never received a dollar, until now to respond due to jere succked in ruining the AssociaArtículos para señoras y caballeros. Las Che scanty meetings, tion, he instigated the man Holbetter late than never.
ET ness to institute an unreasonable últimas novedades en telas y artículos de cient services to the public.
SO lawsuit against it for a fictitious fantasia. Los mejores precios. DepartaI do not only endorse the Petgrave. ill loan by which all the furniture sentiment, but congratulate Secretary.
and other fittings were embargo mento de Abarrotes ampliamente surtido.
you, most ferv (ntly, for ed and taken from the Hall. Forsuch inception and initiatiSiquirres, Feby.
tunately, by the wise guidance of veness. am glad too, to see Secs. Pearson and President the ring of decent personaReid, backed by the handful of ges who espouse the project faithful members, the Society and most humbly beg you won this lawsuit, much to the to include me in the roster chagrin of the zealous Garveyites; MORE WAR MATERIAL of service.
day and placed in the Bella Vista hom, in the interest of aGrveyThat the ARRIVE project Cuartel may ism, Mrs. de Mena had occameet efficient support and sion to drive off the rostrum. Sixteen cases of war material, be abundantly blessed by LIMON Will great hero of Ne purchased the Almighty.
by the government WARSHIPS COMING So Rigths be honest enough if it from Italy, arrived here on the Yours for willing service, De but for this once, to tell us Peten last Saturday. They The warships. Fairfax, ManHenry Hylton, Fábrica de Hielo why Madame de Mena treated were sent up to San José on Mon ley and Memphis. of the UniLimon, March Tum o sabbily in the presence ted States Navy are expected to arrive at the Port on the 25th. Dear Sir: June next. They are making a am directed by the Ofcruise in the Caribbean and visit ficers and Members of this THE PEOPLES BAKERY ing various ports.
Court to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated We wish to advise the PUBLIC that the demand January 2nd.
for the BERLIN LOAF has so increased that only In reply we beg to state standing orders can be supplied; we are, however, CATTLE SALES LA FLORIDA that etoo are anxious to arranging to increase its output.
see the young folk get an 519 head of cattle were sold at opportunity to obtain profeCOME IN AND TRY LOAF Fábrica de Hielo the weekly Fair held last Monday ssional training so as to enaMo Discuirs are genuins without the name BOOTH impressed on them in Alajuela. The weight of these ble them to be of service to Venta de Leche animals aggregated 191, 696 kilos their own Sex.
BOOTH PRODUCTS CHALLENGE IMITATORS and the prices realized varied You may include us on Maderas from 0. 27 to 0. 41 per kilo. your list, while we give the Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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