
britain Watches Ethopias Lake Ina 1936 Compañía Eléctrica de Limón (Continued from previous issue)
This canyon is overhung tion to population than any 5, 000 years of Nile worship clouds of smoke from other city in the We beg to call your attention to our remark of the back world. renews itself in carnival and of receipt which reads: Pub fires constantily burn There are hopes, ambitions feasting.
its temperature is ne and far sighted statecraft! Some rivers are incalculable; Sless than 100 degrees; in it, for it is the mud of the Nile rises with clocklike reso full of fever that not the the Blue Nile which gi gularity. The coming of the flood This bill must be paid at our office en a mule can live in it. ves the Sudan and Egypt is something like the keeping of before the 10th of the month Sthing lives here save wild their importance on the Li la tryst. There is not a drop of imals. It is the most near verpool cotton market, and rain in Egypt to explain it. Its primeval piece of jungle the mills of Lancashire their cause lies 2, 000 miles away. In Be so good os to comply with this request and do not the whole of Africa. For hope of in dependence from Egypt it is an annual mystery.
oblige us to suspend our service, a step which miles it cuts its great foreigngrown cotton.
which the great river faithfully we would much regret to take.
cle through the of perfor as if in obedience to le mountains, turning east, The milky White Nile, some ancient paet it has made Luth and finally west befo which unites with the Blue with the dwellers along its banks.
its mighty walls begin Nile at Khartum in the SuBut anxieties as well as rejoic opping away to low foot dan, has a comparatively Ulls and the river again co constant flow. With the help ings attend the flood. More than es into view near the low of the Assuan dam it enables a century ago Napoleon said that Egypt to live between not a drop of its min of the Sudan.
the Nile flow ther is added to the network of more than 100 lett below. On should be wasted in the sea; yet floods, say from February dams, barrages and drainage sys the other side you to across a By this time the Blue Nile to June. But it is the Blue every year, down in the delta, tems with which 5, 000 years of vast silver sheet of water which become Old Man River. Nile on which Egypt waxes the dikes across the river mouths engineering have already har stretches away for more than the crystal clearness of fat and prosperous. When have to be cut to let the surplus nessed the Nile. At Assuan today 100 miles up river. But the flood youth has left it. It is a the rains burst in Ethiopia, food pour into the Mediterrayou can walk the top of one of cannot be stored behind any dam.
oad, slow moving tide of the Blue Nile moves down nean. And every year the cry the greatest dams in the world. The mud that makes it so much rk chocolate brown, laon Khartum in such volume for more water becomes more On one side you look down to liquid gola to Egypt would choke with millions of tons of that the White Nile is thrust urgent. The population of Egypt the jets of white water which any reservoir in time ad.
There is the daily back on itself like a tidal steadily increases, and the only roar through the opened sluices (To be continued)
Olead of 10, 000, 000 Egyp estuary. The flood moves on way to feed it is by growing Ins in it now. There is mo to deposit its thin film of three crops a year where only y in it Alexandria boasts Ethiopian mud on the raimtwo are grown now.
Sre millionaires in propor less fields of Egypt, be glad and One immense dam after anoWith reference to the gine for transportling the rumour in circulation during bananas of the surrounding the past days that the Unit cultivators.
ed Fruit Company would be completing the Guacimo branch railroad to Rio Frio, we are in a position to inMaduro Lumber Yard BANCO DEL ESTADO form our readers that the SOLE BANK OF ISSUE Company has no intention Frank Maduro Jr.
by the of carrying this into effect UNICO EMISOR end STATE BANK Prop.
at this time; what is being age, considered is the reconstruc ofrece al público los Offers the Public the tion of the lenght of roadted the way which has been in exis Best native lumber nd, servicios de su Services of its tence for several years, and youth to utilize the services of a at moderate prices ud sya small but rapid Diessel enai siden The Rio Frio Branch Railway Zade.
BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA Galeed of you Tor SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE In Lighter Vein we Ciudad de Limón City of Limon EN LA IN THE TOD ret will para toda clase de servicio bancario All kinds of Bank Service Rendered Why dont you divorce, ing my mother leave his your husband if you dont house forever.
leve him any more.
Oh, no; wouldn give suppose every body talk him the satisfaction of seeing about that wild party you ran last night.
They are not. Some of the guests are still ton drunk to TOT elude Corse Price of Sugar Drops CRICKET NEWS le to say a word, vs.
TORI Unlike that of every other consequence, it is said of The following fixtures have vs. Pathfinders, Aug. 23nd. Ex don like my mothere unulticle of primary necessity the production being very been made by the Cricket Lea celsior vs. Motive Power. Aug. in law.
de ere has been a small de much more than had been gue for the current Season: 30th; Construction vs. ExcelListen, don you realize rease in the price of Su expected, producers have, sior, Sept. 8th; Unity vs. Cons that you wouldn have your ever.
since last week end, been Pathfinders vs. Construction, truction, Sept. 13th; Excelsior wife if it hadn been fon Some time last year, it selling at sixteen colones March 29th; Motive Power vs. vs. Unity. Sept. 20th, Motive your motherin law?
Petgrill be remembered, that per quintal.
Unity, April 5th; Excelsior vs. Pcwer vs. Surt. dora, Sept. 27th; Yes, that why don lie retary the result of the tendency While this small decrease Pathfinders, April 12th; Cons Surtidora vs. Pathfinders, Oct ke her.
abnormally increase the will not, of course, benefit truction vs. Motive Power. 4th; Pathfinders vs. Motive Poice of this commodity, it consumers in so far as cash pril 19th; Unity vs Surtidora wer, Oct. 11th.
as decreed by the Autho is concerned, it will never April 26th; Surtidora vs. ConsMy maiden Aant is afraid ies that the maximum theless, enable them to ob truction, May 3rd; Pathfinders The first match of the Season, of her own shadow.
holesale price shculd be tain a better grade article vs. Unity May 10th. Motive played last Sunday butween the Well, don blame her venteen colones per quin than they have for some ti Power bs. Excelsior May 17th, Excelsior and the Surtidora, with that profile of hers.
1; it has all along been me been receiving.
Excelsior vs. Construction. May ended in a draw.
pt at this. However, in 24th; Construction Unity.
Where have seen your May 31st. Unity vs. Excelsior, face before?
June 7th; Surtidora ys. Motive FOR SALE: You should know; lost STATION RESTAURANT Power, June 14th; Pathfinders my head the other night SIQUIRRES VE. Surtidora. June 21st. Moti Eggs for Hatching and when found it, it was (Under New Management)
ve Powers vs. Pathfinders, Juon your shoulder.
ne 28th. Excelsior vs. SurtidoThe passenger train from Limon stops at siquirres 20 Barred Plymouth Rock ra, July 5th, Construction ys.
Blonde Do you think minutes. Buy your Lunch Ticket on the train so your Pathfinders, July 12th Unity it wise to give a child can.
Lunch will be served on your arrival. Price 50 (Cosvs Motive Power: July 19th. DONALDSON dy when he as young as ta Rica money. Restaurant right at the Station.
Pathfinders vs. Excelsior, July that?
Bar Cigars Cigarelts. Englisk Spoken. Se habla español 26th; Motive Power vs. Construe RIO VERDE Admirer. Of course tion, August 2nd: Surtidora vs.
he old enough to tell you SULLIVAN Linea Vieja Unity Aug. 9th; Construction folk ve been kissing you, vs. Surtidora, Aug 16th; Unity isn he?
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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