
The Italo. Abyssini.
For Liver and Stomach Ailments cording to wartime Treaties matters, thereby acquiring pulation of willy six inhabi: INVALUABLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF From page suit her former alliances justice Britain will stand by good can one expect when with France; but she konws him to get them, if not all France neuds the help of too that France has been at this time at least the maItaly to face England and hypocritical to her in the Ita jor portion of them.
Germany in the European lo Aby sinian conflict, for In the meantime the perconflict which threatens, had France acted on the mitted conquest of Ethiopia and which help Mussolini is square with her, Mussolini by Italy will go down to ready to give provided the would months ago have History as a shame and a Sanctions are withdrawn.
been brought to his senses, disgrace to civilization. ItaThe world watches eager the African trouble would ly claims she needs expanTy to see what happens in have been honourably set sion for her papulation, this respect. Hitler has ta tled by the League, and this whereas she has an area of ken military possession of Institution recognized as a 190, 000 square miles in Ita the Rhineland which, ac Assembly world with a scant po should never be militarily scope and status for set the square mile. In fortified; but here is France tlement of this European Lybia and Eritrea the popufortifying her adjacent fron matter if even at the cost of lation is only averaged by tiers with the most up to Britain conscience: al world Statisticians at one date underground fortifi though arbitration could be to the square mile. Where cations. Against whom is brought later to bear on then is the equity of her she making these prepara this humiliating condition claim for conquest of Ethio of Hitler and his people. pia?
Hitler has rejected the Should these murderous EL onesided proposals for a designs be allowed to consettlement: he claims there tinue in Africa, can the Bri are signatories to the Lo tish expect perfect loyalty carno Pact who are murder from her Afro subjects?
ously fighting other coun Can the French government Cantina Posada tries for that which belongs expect that support, submis to them, while he, for the sion and loyal love from y Cafeteria righteous expansion of his her Nigerian and other sub Felipe Wing Ching country trade and com jects of African descent?
merce, is only claiming Let us hope this Peace what is his. He needs the Plan being submitted by the Apartado 395 domination of his Rhine ter League will be an honourritory: he needs the posses able solution of the Ethiofins if not Germany? To sion of his African colonies pian question to the EthioFlatulence And all forms Indigestion of Stomach Colics Disorders CABALLO BLANCO FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES MANUFACTURED BY: HERMANN ZELEDON BOTICA FRANCESA SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA entered into a secret offen cupation for this citizens, citizens of African lineage JUNTA DE ASISTENCIA PUBLICA Depósito de Maderas Nacionales EL ATLANTICO EL DR. DON RUBEN UMAÑA.
sive alliance with Russia on and at all cost he must suc to be found scattered over Germany. How can any one ceed Let us hope that in all the face of our Globe.
expect a proud nation like EN LA RESIDENCIA DE Serviciu de dispensario Germany to keep her hands DON HUGH PASS TIE Resumen del año 1935.
by her side under such cirNE LUGAR UN TE DE DES En octubre, 251 persona cumstances.
PEDIDA PARA Mrs. NED. con un costo de medicina Germany, as a great inSCOLTOCK de 1. 309. 55; promedid dustrial and manufacturing 1. 75 cada tratamiento.
country, cannot exist with El martes pasado en la re En noviembre, 324 perse the limitations placed on FRANK MADURO HIJO, Propietario sidencia de Mr. Hugh nas, con un costo de las men her by the effects of the War and its Peace terms. Antes Mc. Guinness y Chamberlain)
Pass y su señora esposa, en dicinas de 1. 368. 80; pre la Zona, tuvo lugar un mag medio 53 cada trat she is really the only nation Maderas del país. Existencia permanente en nífico te de despedida para miento.
in Europe that needs expan la muy estimable esposa de En diciembre, 215 pes sion. All her colonies in Afri nuestro depósito 50 varas al sur del Correo un alto empleado de la Uni nas, con un costo de las ca have been seized and dited Fruit Mrs. Ned Scol dicinas de 1. 374. 00; pr vided between Britain, tock, quien va para Inglate medio 1. 61 cada trata France and Italy. As Hitler rra en viaje de recreo a la miento.
rationally argues, those vez que a visitar a sus fami Totales: 790 personal terms were imposed on us liares. Le deseamos a tan es con un costo de medicina against our wish when your (VIENE de la Página UNO por orden ascendente: vitami timable viajera toda clase de 052. 35.
swords were set to our curenta y cinco calorias, es pues nas (antipeligrosa. vitami de felicidades en su viaje.
throats. can no longer to más de dos veces superior al de na (antineuritica y de utiliza lerate them, my people are la carne Los bananos conser con nutritiva y celular. vitastarving, my commerce is vados son verdaderos almacenes mina (antiescorbutica. te de nutrición del organismo el fruto recibe para ser traspo Seria muy interesante estudiar tado luego rápidamente en paralized, my industries ar de energia Además de sus cualidades nu 12 influencia del banano en el frigeradoras flotantes.
smothered. Can the world Los aná isis quim. cos dan las trit. vas normalis los hidratos tratamiento de ciertas enferexpect me to continue to sub cif. as siguientes: ce carbón del banano son un medades de la piel.
mit to Maduros Jean Schunk de Goldfiem conditions thrown Coristita.
muy especifico de ciertas elecciones maduros En alimentación como en te.
upon me by force? No, he gastro intestinales de los niñosrapéutien hay que saber esco Traducido de la PRENSENU.
says, the only conditions y de los ejcs.
74. which my people will ratify Agua ger las mejores frutas: aquellas DICALE del 28 de agosto de 191 50. 60 En el Brasil se utiliza corrien Cenizas are those entered into by que han recib do la mayor can para LA VOZ DEL ATLAN temente el jugo fresco de bana tidad de luz y que estan masco por el doctor Rubén Url our free will; hence he de Miterias no contra las bronquitis, tos, in maduras. Por una parte un c! fia. Jefe de Sanidad. mands the abrogation of nitrogfluenza, csputos sanguinolentos, OD the Versailles and Locarno nsdas 41 ma óptimo y por otra parte un 14. 40 etc.
be Materias tra porte rápido del país de pro Treaties as being unjust and Nota del traductor El banano es un remedio vernon dishonourable to his nation. asas. 50 ducción al lugar de consumo.
dad. ro que debe recitarse a los 22. 25 And he affirms that he pre Gucides Estas condiciones se encuen4. 30 Si esto cen los franceses niños raquiticos y lo hemos uti tran particularmente reunidas sus pobres bananitos de las fers annihilation to this serf Azucares lizado con éxito ascclado dom, this inferiority com. sacarosa 500 la Gu nea Francesa cuyo cli lonias que no admiten com leche cruda en una cura de deplex. vucsa 40 ma es reconocido como el me ración con los nuestros que Britain sees that his con risultando 980 calorias por cien sint. xicación: 15 bananes y un jor para el cultivo del banano dirian si conocieran los ex Ger litro de leche para un adulto tomando en cuenta la cantidad rantes bananos de Costa Rica tentions are correct and so giamos de pulpa.
ocup do en su trabajo habla de unidades luminosas. rayos he she tries to palliate terms to El banano contiene además ultra violeta y calorificos que E mer Las acciones que parecen múl tiples y bariadas se deben a fac tores de dos o:denes: acción de los hidratos de carbón sobre el parato int stinal y acc ón de LIMON (ESTABLECIDO HACE MAS DE 30 ANOS) las vitaminas sobre las células.
En ef. sto nosotros sabemos que MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS CAMBIO DE BILLETES la vitamina que tiene esta fruta aumenta la resistencia Compra Cacao Material de Tranvia ce los pulmones (bronquitis inficenzas en Europa, Brasil, neuServicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo moccczias de Af. ica tropical Importación de mercaderia en general tec) y que las vitaminas 1, 2, 3 aumentan el coeficien 60 From con 18. 20 tual MENDEZ Guillermo Niehaus Co.
VENTA PERMANENTE DE LOTERIA NACIONAL DE Bu Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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