
Sunday, 29 March 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE 11 The Nutritive Food Value of Honey a PALMERA For the benefit of our many organs and assiminated and superior to any other food Teaders we Traslate the follow transformed into blɔcd with lit It has a great advantage ing from the Magazine issued tle or lo distressing labour. All over garden vegetables, meat, It isn work, by the College of Pharmacy, of the inorganic focd needed by eggs, bread and milk; hence its which Mr Manuel Grillo is the body for its wellbeing are nutritive value. as a fountain OF Director and our friend, Mr. found in Honey, such as mag of energy, and its qualities it is a pleasure of Manuel Quiros now in charge nesium and chlorine, manga immediate ass milation and abof Mr. McRae Drug store, is nese silicio, su phur and sodium; sorbtion without fatigue to the to wash with Professor of Botany.
there is also iron in a most as organs gave it a preponderant Professor Ceek of Cali similat ve form, a vital element place as food during the msifornia says when cane sugar is, for the corpuscles of the blood, World War. From ancient times absorbed without any clarif. ca the lack of which produces its many advantagss and quation the crud sugar is taken chlorosis or greensickness. The lities were greatly appreciated in by the Kidneys and the la phosphoric acid and calcium and well known. When Polo Ru bour to absorb it results in the found in honey are the princ. millo invited Julius Caesar to a weakgning of these organs; but pal constituents of the bony dinner on his 100th, birthday, if, instead of cane sugar Bee system and the teeth as also Caesar asked him at this dinhoney is used for sweetening in the cerebral matter and the ner, what means he employed purposes the strenuons work on nerves.
to conserve s strength of Sold in pack our digestive organs is elimina Professor Barney of the Iowa mind and body to such a wonted and they are therefore Commission in charge of the derful degree at this time of his ages only.
strenghened. The reason for atudy of rural feed products, age Pollo answered him; InteThe wrappings this is that the chemical pro has made comparisons of the rius me. le, exterius oleo, ito the are exchanged ces employed by the Bees in nutritious vau of several of interior honey to the exterior for useful gifts CES: withdrawing the sweetness of these and has found that seven ci. the nectar from the flowers is cunces of Bee honey is equivaA Catalog of Gifts will be sent on request It will therefore be seen that precisely that which our diges lent to 12 ounces chezse; or honey as a food to children, in Industrial Soap Company tre organs have to effect by ounces of nuts; or 11 12 ountheir sweits, teas and beverages fermentation of the cane sugars ces of beef; or 15 ounc:s of cod as well as to adults in porridges, AGUSTIN CASTRO Co.
Among the sweetening proper fish (boneless. or one litro of on bread or in any way desired AFARTADO 271 and as often as is requided. will SAN JOSE, the Sucrusa, Dextrosa and the As a means of nutrition honey be much ppreciated as a healLevulcsa; the Intter two form supplies the carbohydrates, ge thy food; we should consequetly msar what is known as clarified su nerators of anim energy: and encourage the Industry among 195 gar and is that which is quick apart from dates, is found us.
persely absorbed by the digestive On Thursday last the gratulates Mr. Berry for edid Men Monthly Club of the work he has been able come the Wesleyan denomination to accomplish during his niet had a much appreciated con short stay here, which becert during which an ad speaks for him a prosperous dress of farewell was pre career in the wider field of 30; sented to their minister, the Jamaica.
Rev. Berry, who left our shores on p Jamaica.
ell Mr. Berry had been doing factory 00; very good work among his Si en el HOSPITAL no hay SUERO ANTITETANICO o lo que flock; in fact not only aOn Sunday last the up to mong his date Macaroni Factory reown but among pers se necesite en caso de accidente y si USTED desgraciadamente, es la others, as his forceful ser cently established and opevíctima, USTED ESTA EN PELIGRO. mons and amiable manner rated by Mr. Pedro Uller in ism drew many from other Heredia was totally destroy Churches. Suddenly, howed by fire.
ever, we find him deciding Mr. Uller loss is estimat to leave for his homeland. ed at between and 60 Mr. Berry can hardly be thousand colones. No insuy ayude al HOSPITAL y al ASILO para bien de todos blamed for his decision, as rance was carried.
it is only those who cannot Departure of the Rev. Berry Ricoo Pobre Ud. está en peligro Friday for Fire destroys macaroni medi Compre LOTERIA NACIONAL way for their homeland EDGAR YOUNG Hauptmann Our Pig Industry sto largest very or per kilo.
NUGGET must remain here amid all the discriminations and huCOMERCIANTE miliations of the present ESTABLECIDO EN LA PROVINCIA POR The weekly Fair some ces ranging from 65 to time.
From Page what recently established 20 per kilo. The weights MAS DE 20 ANS The Men Monthly Meet up the Hauptmann case, as in Heredia for the sale of of the 155 head aggregated ing Group seem to be doing Vende al detal Vinos y Lihe still adheres to his opi Pigs is said to be steadily 14, 374 kilos. The cores exiranjeros y del país, useful work among abarrotes en general.
nion that there is evidence acquiring importance. single sale consisted of 36 the members of the denoMicelánea.
to exonerate the condemned 155 animals were sold at head with a weight of 410 mination.
ESTABLC MIENTO ESQUINA DATE DEL MER man from a portion at least last Tuesday market at prikilos; they fetched 00 The Atlantic Voice conCAD) ENTRE LA AT ST LA CALLE of the crime.
Accompanied by Attorney General Wilentz and Attor rey Fisher of the defence, he visited Hauptmann for 66 mer home in the Bronx on the 26th. on an apparent inspection of the attic from a where it is claimed, by the KEEPS SHOES SMARTER prosecution, that one of the rails used in the kidnapping ladder was taken. The Gov pil ernor admits that several parcels taken into the house ran contained parts of the ladder, as also a panel from of the closet bearing the name WATERPROOF FREE ROM ACID GET lids, which can be exchanged of John Condon.
eral Detective Robert Hicks is the on his way by plane from LIMON TRADING COMPANY, Limón.
Havana with, it is rumoured, documentary evidence the the late Isidore Fisch is implicated in the murder.
INTERNATIONAL AGENCIES The Governor is a waiting his arrival and it is expectExclusive Distributors.
ed that if the report be true San José.
Hauptmann will be conceded another reprieve.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
UNEQUALLED TRADE MARK TERED REOIS Don forget to NUGGET your shoes every morning and save your NUGBETUN FOR GLACE KID Box CALF, PATENT LEATHERS for beautiful and useful gifts at

    KidnappingWorld War

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