
Great Opportunities Looming The Atlantic Vaice can From the Seat of War es SCANDAL IN HIGH QUARTERS Panama Resants Costa Rica Buying War Materi. Messrs. Stahl Union had subbeing up the Recently we have seen many propositions for commercial tradings with this country enunciated by mer.
chants of the United States as well as by those of CaDevoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone nada. This latter country has offered us a market for Editor English Section: NATION all the mahogany and other valuable lumber we supply: while there is a great demand and much proAno II Limón, Costa Rica, Sunday April 1936 No. 87 mise of a brisk trade in the Tunny Fish business on the Puntarenas end with the former.
Our capitalists are at last realizing the grand possibility of producing wheat and cottoa as favourably as in the United States; and we now observe that an importante American Firm desires to take all the fruit, The European dispule bit between the advance vegetable and yuca that can be offered them. The Seween Germany and France guards of both contendants cretary of Agriculture, through whom the enquiry was continues to eclipse al se on the northern front are made, has turned the proposition over to the Departtlement of a Peace Plan Lot Teported as also the continued ment of Agriculture, fostered by the International Bank, waen lialy and Abyssinia as bombing of Harror, Jij ga and to obtain the necessary statistics as to the put forward by the League other towns to prepare, il quantum of Nations; meanwhile clash(To page 12)
which might be available in the line of fruit, such as Pineapples, Papayas, Mangoes, Cashew, Citrus fruit, Breadfruit, Plums, Sour and Sweet Sops, Anonas or Naseberries, Avocado Pears Custard Apples, etc.
Undoubtedly large crops of these could be obtained and made marketable, especially among the smaller settlers with their little holdings; the lacă of During the past week or so nection with the awarding of representative of the firm of financial assistance is, however, always the deterrent Official and other circles in use cotract for che supply of Stahl Union who were award to any proposition which may be thrown our way.
San Jose have been greatly material for the Puntarenased the contract, Mr. Herbert We have always contended and argued that the perturbed as a consequence of Water Works.
Knohr reported to the Exgovernment should institute Agricultural Loan Banks an alleged subornation in con as the specially appointed ecutive that Mr. Carlos Fa in every Province to assist bona fide agriculturists, larbian of the firm of Victor Te.
bian Co. through whom ge or small, and here isthe chance for our authorities to do something in this direction to promote a thriving mitted peasant population. By instituting small holdings, unWhy should our neighbour Of course although an old tained the sum of 80, 000 co der the control of Citizens Associations, throughout the be buying modern arms and man our President still poslones from them and had dis country, available to every citizen who has lived here ammunition at a time when sesses an active brain and tributed same among certain for at least seven years, and making advances, on the everyone else is singing would not like to be caught officials as a bribe to awara recommendations of an Agricultural Board of the Peace, Peace, is the question napping, so seeing an op his principals the contract.
asked by correspon portunity of getting in these All the parties concerned met Canton, for the proper cultivation of here holdings denis in the Panamanian very useful items of defence at the office of the Minister with such things as are needed for exportation, such a Press.
at a very low cost he did not of Foreign Relations on Satplan would make a wonderful change in the habits and As has been made Public in allow it to pass. We now see urday last (28th. ult. at the customs of our communities and promote true happiness these Columns, don Ricardo a further movement being instance of don Leon Cortes, and contentment among our people.
Jimenez got in from Italy inaugurated, the Youths of he being Minister of Fomento Within another four of five weeks we shall be some weeks ago a consign his country are to be taught at the time the matter was having a change of government, and as don Leon Corment of heavy and light artil militarism in the schools and dealt with, and an effort made tes is known to be a man full of energy and progressive lery pieces and as the ques colleges so as to become pro to clear unsavoury tion of the boundary between Perly avquainted with the charge. Mr. Knohr is supideas, we are believing that such matters as the proper these two sister Republics has manner of expertly handling posed to have repeated the development of his country will receive his larly and been causing disputes with these materials should there charge at this meeting where serious consideration.
the authorities along the fron ever arise the necessity for To page 12 It is said he is against Communism and is therefore tier for several years, certain their use for either the de determined to stamp it out of the country, and as it is Panamanians do not regard fense of the country an acknowledged fact that Communism can never find this act of don Ricardo gov quelling of internal uprisings Important Case of Libel a place in any country which possesses a thriving, conernment towards prepared against the country govern case of Libel against tented population, we sincerely hope don Leon chiet ness with a peaceful eye. ment Mo Manuel Franc! sco Jimé aim will be to see that his communities are made prosnez has been placed before perous by affording them assistence to cultivate not the Supreme Court by Mr.
Mariano Guardia. The hear only for their own needs but to supply the requests of ing has been fixed for the the world markets. If he could succeed in having this 15th instant and due to done he would be dealing Communism its death blow the personality of these two without violence.
eminent considera Of course indiscreet, dishonest dolings out of the blc intc cst is being focus Funds of the State, as has been the experience of som sed on the suit.
of our Banks in the near past, must be safeguarded by In view of the freedcin generally admitted the Press the rigid punishment of any offender whether such be and the technicality or the the King son or the son of the slave. All acts of briarguments which will be ad bery or corruption with respect to recommendations for vanced by such two Jurists, financial asistance to cultivators as also failure to cula case of the kind is worth. tivate or otherwice fulfil the terms under which the aid travelling many miles to is given must be made punishable by Law irrespective witness.
of whose cousin the offending party might be. Then and only then shall we find our small settlers and peast and all material and accessories Our Likely Official Changes proprietors receiving their just and proper consideration from the general body of our State Officials. The for Tramways.
Since the appearance of the overburdening of the State Treasury, resulting in overitem in the Spanish section of charged appropriations to favoured ones would also be our last issue, we learn from a thing of the past and in place of deficits in Revenue to a very reliable source that cover padded governmental appropriations year after although our highly esteemed year, there would result increased revenue and smaller For Prices and other Information don Abel Robles will be one appropriations.
of our new officials as a reenquire of sult of the recent election, and will occupy an important position, it will neither be as Gaptain of the Fost nor as Governor. In so far as knowledge goes at this time, The Grand Jury who had ring another postponement, the occupant of the latter poonsideration of the Werdd he deaih senience was caAP. XVIII having sition will, in all probability, orfession sicted SAN JOSE rried into effect at o clock member of one of our hey were not prepared to Friday night. Thys has enCity oldest and most res ecommend a further stay of pected families con Ricardo Houpimann ex: cution, and ded one ihe most sensatioAlvarado.
TGovernor Hof man nct orde nal cases of recent years.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
RAILS wyers, FOR TRAMWAYS BANANA CARS Hauptmann Electrocuted Manuel Lachner Cía.

    CommunismFranceGermanyItalyLeón CortésPresidentes de Costa RicaViolence

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