
6 Sunday, April 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE nche Opening Cricket Match SALUVINA (THE RIGHT SALTS)
For Liver and Stomach Ailments INVALUABLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF a a FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES ere 2n Suero Butantán The Evil One among the Lodges Laboratorio de Análisis Clínicos mere, on Sunday 22nd. ult. bour could not supply them have ecked out a truly long Spo Curtidora entertained the with water while on the field. existence on starvation wage gs.
celsior in the opening Last year the Youngsters and have accomplished nothtch of the Season. No play finished the Builders at 36 ing for the bettement of our available until p. all out which caused much cricket. You never Thougiis ing to the heavy overnight commenti; and noticed that that the Boys of yesterday wers. The Excelsior oc thereafter the members of would be the Men of today.
pied the wickets first and tre latter Club changed their You never thought that in lared their inning closed metrods somewhat by reailz dividual financial help in 62 for 9: the Surtidora in ing that Cricket is a game collective form was essential ly had 35 to their credit where each player gives of to keep you alive. You have the call of time; the game his best. From what have now discovered that the late ended in a draw. been observing, the Youngs Ben Sankey was the only The champion appeared ters have a very poor batting source of your past glory; great difficulty and had to side, though strong in the hence your decision to return ht for runs until the arrifield, with a variety of bowl to his care wherever this of Sutton who played a ing and a witty Skipper back may be found therefore ptain inning to save hised by much luck.
Farewell and again Farewell.
Flatulence And all forms although he gave In chances for being stump The Motive Power is This is neither a Bumper o. Edwards really had after all again competing. nor a Bodyline, but am ask Indigestion of Stomach ery batsman puzzled, for We hope she will be satisfi ing Mr Hurdle Codrington of first wicket fell with the ed at the end of the Season. the Stock Sellers Club to ore at 11 and the 6th. when Poor Unity seem as if she endeavour to act more deColics Disorders stood at 18; the stand is not yet united, and is cently in the future when gi ing thereafter made by likely to make much trouble ven aut B. or otherwise tton and Walker.
The in the Fixtures by giving by the Umpires. His action Iding of the Merchants was away points.
in the match on the 22 nd.
ma cher poor particularly that ult. was not appreciated.
the Stumper. Their batt Goodbye Wanderers. you THE BALL MANUFACTURED BY: was also poor a3 the ney ws of Bramble kept them HERMANN ZELEDON BOTICA FRANCESA guessing Esh SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA On the 11th. Ultimo the hfinders journeyed to Contra mordeduras de serpienies. Téngalo siempre a mano Harbour where they deen su finca. Hombre prevenido vale por dos.
ited both the Old Harbour EXISTENCIA PERMANENTE: a Margarita Teams wick in hand. The scores were cad preachings of the Mil the same time, to an inof Harbour 53 to the Del LIC. CARLOS VIQUEZ lenium Dawnists or, as they fensive high officer of the ungsters 67 for 8, Mar Avenida Central, San José Frente a las Compañías Eléctricas are more recently know The Order. This also is receiving ritta 56 against 66. for Witnesses for Jehovah. it is the consideration of the Autho their return the follow evident no man made Insrities of the particular Order day, the players, while Citution can expect per We have recen ly become pressing the pleasant time manent existence in these aware of the depretion of the y had, complained that latter days; hence the atro funds of several organizae local team et Old Harcious occurrences which First Nurse. don think way last night.
find taking place recently.
there any hope that the pa Do you suppose it would EL The latest is that of a Bro tient in room 292 will livedo any good to advertise for ther of one long our Fraternal it in the Times?
Second Nurse. Good Societies, which bases her COMERCIANTE Heavens: He was sitting up only reads the tabloids.
No, the blonde who got it teachings on the parable of ESTABLECIDO EN LA PROVINCIA POR the Good Samaratan, who so and kissing me only this afCantina Posada. MAS DE 20 AÑOS forgoe himself as to use ernoon.
the Grandma, said little Willie hilt of his sword to First Nurse. y Cafeteria strike Vende al detal, Vinos y LiThat just to his visiting grandmother, down his chief and produce cores exiranjeros y del país, the trouble: his wife has please make a noise like Felipe Wing Ching a abarrotes en general. found out about it.
temporary senselessness; this Micelánea.
frog too with out any provocation, Apartado 395. ESTABLECIMIENTO ESQUINA NORTE DEL MERWhy, what on earth do you we gather. The matter is un CADO ENTRE LA AV. 3a. LA CALLE 42 lost my wallet on Broad mean? exclaimed the much der consideration by the mag tions as well as Fraternal So astonished grandmother. nates of the Order.
cieties; but the commission Well, explained Willie, Another, is taht of a very of such atrocious acts among heard papa szy to mama last high bfficex who threatened Benevolent, Charitable, night that we ll get fifty violence to another worthy ternal Institutions makes one thousand dollars when you Brother and indulged in the feel that, the for some weeks past there before the Supreme Court Croak.
Millenium is use of indecent language, at really overshadowing us been serious discus against the former Company prens regarding their rights for functioning by a MoSe purchasing Bananas nopoly thereby restricting raund the Turrialba Parai the freedom of trading in son Districts as well as in cer such a commodity. If the regions on the Pacific charge be proven, the penalty ween the Compañia Ba is fine of 20, 000. 00 and era de Costa Rica and the dissolution of the offendCompañia Nacional of ing Company.
BANCO DEL ESTADO SOLE BANK OF ISSUE The trial will be an oral ssrs. Saborio and Ulloa. one and in public therefore UNICO EMISOR STATE BANK Now Mr Manuel Mora, it is expected a great deal of Communist Deputy in interest will be exhibited in ofrece al público los Offers the Public the gress, has stated a case the suit.
CAMBIO DE BILLETES Ciudad de Limón City of Limon ENTA PERMANENTE DE LOTERIA NACIONAL para toda clase de servicio bancario All kinds of Bank Service Rendered

    CommunismManuel MoraViolence

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