
10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Sunday, April 1936 Britain watches Ethiopia Lake Tane million acres are waiting volume of water available at the politicians seem to view Egypt the engineers have so Tana is still in the hands in the Sudan to be planted any reservoir in the world. it as a series of sometimes far managed to get their the politicians, and the to cotton as soon as the water The rest would be an in discordant political problems. way, but in Ethiopia their gineers can only wait.
can be had without encroach calculable benefit for the Down in the Sudan and writ does not yet run. Lake ing on Egypt supply. whole valley of the Nile. The Egypt too has discoverer the Sudan would get the extra wa money that lies in cotton; ter it needs for more cotton. Compre but the rhythm of its agri The present seasonal varia culture has to be timed to the tions in the river flow, both immense seasonal variations in the Sudan and in Egypt, in its water supply There could be leveled off, and in also occasional lean the years of a bad le years. just as there were in there would be an ample recon el orgullo del que bace el bil biblical times. good Nile serve of water.
is a rise of about twenty As an engineering project y del que sabe que es mejor.
it looks perfect. There is AYUDE AL HOSPITAL donde hay (sufrimiento y dolor que alivid much to be said for the view.
that the whole 4, 000 mile y a donde TODOS podemos llegar.
Maduro Lumber Yard basin of the Nile constitutes e single problem is hydraulic Protagiendo a los que padecen Frank Maduro Jr.
engineering. But the more nos protegemos nosotros mismos.
the engineers insist on view ing it in that light, the more LOTERIA NACIONAL are Compre sólo LOTERIA NACIONAI Best native lumber at moderate prices Liberia new President to speed reform plans an re If HOP LEE LUNG Ir pl the ex on re, mirea na vcar program for of IL EO As proof of reconcilation Another Innovation CO a Bankru des not prove th th the one groups in crfi MONROVIA, five fect the from the interior, including grounds were turned over Assuan, 2t but Liberia. coruption filed before Pledged to give a reform a League of Nations.
500 chic! attended the fair hem for tribal dances the there are years when On The Barclay administration and rise is only twenty feet and minis ration to the 000. 000 the last day the horse races.
inhabitants of Africa only as promised a school in every there is no present reserve Bar native republic, Edwin which is capable of making clay, former minister to Was village, no matter how small Suge for freed Amerian siaup the deficiency.
hington, has just been inau and new opportunities for ciThe inevitable sequel to gurated as president for an tizens to sell the oducts of the immense conservation year term the country projects at Assuan, at Gebel Conceived more than a cen Aulia on the White Nile and tury ago as a sovereign e Three Year Program Starts at the Sennar dam on Establecimiento de Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes Foreign specialists in saBle Nile is. as the en nitation, education, agriculu gincer ssee it. control of administration and El más surtido en Matina he flood at Lake Tana. The FOR SALE: litary affairs have been pu: blueprints have been to work ofganizing a threedy for years. The chief dif Eggs for Hatching interior ficulty would be that of gett development.
ing the machinery and buildBarred Plymouth Rock ing material up to the lake, which is six days by mule with the United States, from the nearets point on the ent Barclay selected three of DONALDSON From reliable source we, Ileague? Has the Sudaa frontier.
hose specialists in America.
discover that a Canteen Li Estate of the League besig RIO VERDE They are: By suplementing the exist cense has been applied for and wound up?
ing natural dam with a great Maxwell Saben, administra will be granted the Liberty ive specialist, will deal with Hall in the name of Mit Does this Larrage, equipped with siviHe has chell, for the purpose of sel contentions of the Reorga to oes ten feet luwer than theuge for freed American sla hinterland affairs.
present river channels, to they ves, Liberia, after years of had wide experience with ing liquor on the upper floor izing Committee regardit the Latin of the building could tap a ten foot dep of man rule? Will the sleepy inen. ia, is now looking aborigine people interested water over the whole allow the area According to the Constituforward to pogress that will America.
to of the lake, about 1, 100 squa continue? Or will the wipe out the stigma attached Prof. Remington Emotion, no President nor mem Sa re mes by far the make largest to charges of inefficiency and bree, educator, has been ber can use the Hall for the of the infractions of the is proper representatiot made President of the College carrying on of private transcription of the Society to no of West Africa here in Mon actions. Is this a renovation rovia of the African Communities proper authorities?
Chi Fat Capt. William Nabors, th: mitary specialist, had his training with he New Jer It ins work, sey national guard. He credit as a officer of the Liit is a pleasure berian frontier force under a previous admnistration, to wash with The foreign specialists were selected in accordance with a plan suggested by the LeaCuando usted necesite mercaderías que no engue of Nations. Liberia cuentre en su localidad fused the League active assistance on the ground that matic Pidalas directamente a San José it would undermine the Re Chur Public sovereignty, but por nuestro medio.
welcomed the idea of bring ed by ing in foreiga experts El Transporte Aéreo de Encomiendas carry out the vigorous forms outlined by President Sold in pack ES MUY BARATO Barclay ages only.
One of the early acts of The wrappings ga usted una prueba Consulte a nuestros President Baralsy after his are exchanged inauguration was to open Lifor useful gifts AGENTES: En Limón: Mr. Robert Johnston beria Cirst national exposiA Catalog of Gifts will be sent on request En Sixaola: Don Fausto Solis.
tion of agriculture and in dustry. The exposition Industrial Soap Company SERVICIO EFICIENTE DE BIMOTORES grounds covered eleven acres on the outskirts of AGUSTIN CASTRO Co.
Mon rovia.
APARTADO 271 SAN JOSE, More than 50. 000 natives is His won SO AEROVIAS NACIONALES re great tet vindt not Jabon gua to re PALMERA me Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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