p. 12


12 LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Sunday, April 1936 From the Seat.
HOLLYWOOD Preparing For For Easter SPORTS Salvation Army Services (From page 7) BERENZON 90 SERVICIO DE VAPORES is said, for the advance of Gei eral Graziani great ar Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York my which has been reported Articulos para señoras y caballeros. Las con escalas en Cristóbal to have been reinforced by Habana últimas novedades en telas y articulos de y 125, 00 men. However, the fantasia. Los mejores precios. DepartaE hic pians are snill on the LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS defence, they too have been mento de Abarrotes ampliamente surlido.
AMERICANOS EUROPEOS reinforced by many airplane of recent arrival and Haile Selassie is incomplete comVapores Salidas mand of his iroops. Advices still mention the bringing VERAGUA de Abril.
down of Italian airplanes. QUIRIGUA 12 de Abril. Mussolini will have to do The Costa Rica Burial, lice cents o help in provid much work in a hurry o Scheme Association propose in a smile for stricken PETEN 19 de Abril.
avoid disaster for the rainy, having a concert on the 7th. brother or sister on Easter sessans start in May and instan: the proceeds of whicr Day.
will last for six months, du will be exclusively used to In ring which time litre or no provide a repast for the very connection with th ALVARADO Cía, Sucs.
fighting can be done, and poor of our community on above, we wish it to be known Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas world statisticians announce Eauer Morn that The He. will be pais his financial conditions are It is anaicipate that an imed ah the Door for a 25 Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas in a most dilapidated state; mense crowd will attend this collection.
his pe place is bordering function; for apart from shar In de la United Fruit Company en los bajos del addition to the many on starvation which may reing in the joys of our musi musical attractions provided Gran Hotel Costa Rica en San José.
salt in the outbreak of a cal and oratorial talent, the there will be a Bun cating Kola TELEFONO 3156 hunger stráe al any moment purpose is a humanitarian one comuetition as also a It is said by Radio news These who may not he ablc drinking one and a con est Thal the dams of the irriga to be present can send in a on the piano between Messis lion works of the Mile Valley donation of a least twenty MsCreath and coe.
have been damaged by llalian planes, which of course The City has been rather Construction had the will call the attention of busy during the past fort nearest get Britain.
away from de night in this respect.
feat we have witnessed for No withstanding the ear. During Holy Week there will be the close of the scene.
The American Marines have many and many a day, all due lier report of a complete vicbeen dropping in occasionally to Captain Dixon lack of tory by the Italians over the special meetings in the Salvation An offering of twenty five forces commanded by the Army Hall every morning com conts at the Door is requested.
Construc. ion to visit cur resorts; they have judgment. The Emperor, Addis Ababa ad mencing at o clack: at night Come and spend the Holy been engaging and entertain went in and made 72 runs, vises under date of the end. special subjects will be expound Week in surveying the wondrous ing our Ball fans, they taught after playing steadily to very instant that the Ethiopians ed with reference to the Life and cross and to refreshed.
the Cubs what real Ball play good bowling by Brown and had a great victory near work of our Blessed Redeemer. special Easter programme mcans by defeating them to James: the Pathfinders fol Maicho Debar, had coplured At o clock Friday night there on Easter Sunday at pm On Sunday last they engag lowing on, by the very careed the Mosive Power Base ful play of Gordon and Brown, four fortif cations killing 36 will be a Lantern Exhibition with Resurrection Glories.
officers and 700 whiteol lustrating the story of Our Lord ball team but lost to the Iron brought their inning up to 61 diers in addition to about suffering, death and glorious reA WRIGHT sides runs for two wickets. Captain 000 Eritreans. The losses surrection with a brief address at Adjutant Dixon here got so elated over of the Eihiopions were given On Friday the 27th. uit. his prospects of victory that as 880 odd killed and 300 the Cricketers from the he signalled to his batsmen wounded.
Cavina met a mixed team on to hit out freely though know From Rome it is announFrom page the invitation of the Motive in connection with the affair, ing he had no hitters on hisced that Marshall Badoglio Power The ship team, cap: team. procession in media hed commenced negociations upon Mr. Fabian while admit intend taking action against tained by the Doctor, went down in defeat before the tely followed as the result of direct with the Emperor with ing the receipt of the money Knohr for criminal libe!
Papie Lyon bowling, from Stahl Union, denied he Having regard to the serious who a view of determining the had used it for the purpose nes3 of the charge and the hemes. ers who were captain got Capt. Dixon Boys all conditions under which the positions held by those con ed by that energetic Cricketer Peace Plan could be defini stated by Mr. Knohr.
It is understood that cer cerned, the matter is being Dr. Sutton; going first to the out for 68 and brought victo tely seliled.
tain of the parties whose followed with unusual wickets they ran up a score ry to his side. Thus we saw a most exciting finish of 61 names have been mentioned amount of interest.
of 135 runs to which the true for 2; 63 for 3: and 69 for Suscribase a este hearted Britishers, though much out of practice, replied curing a win by the meagre 10 with Manager Spence se DEL BUEN HUMOR with 67 Semanario Una señora se quejaba de El mismo sentimiento margin of three runs no haber tenido hijos, de dominó siempre a mi madre; In entertaining us with the lante de un caballero, que, nunca pudo conseguir que second Cup creyendo decir algo, obser el cielo le concediera un match on Sunday last, vó: hijo. VIENE de la página 6)mió la cartera de Finanzas en el año 1924) ha realizado ya una brilante carrera politica. En 1920 fué designado profesor en la Facultad de leyes de Belgrado y tres años Sábado Un estreno emocionante, la Cacatua Blanca más tarde comenzó sus actua The White Cocokato, con Ricardo Cortez y Muir, ciones políticas llegando al Sábado 24. Escándalo Estudiantil.
Parlamento en su carácter de Por Kent Taylor. Arline Judge.
Domingo En la noche Katherine Hepburn, en su más ado diputado por el partido Radi rable interpretación Silvia Scarlal, locura, amor y sufrimiento, Domingo. Las Cruzadas.
secundada por Cary Grant y Brian Ahere.
cal, el cual, a pesar de su nom. Loretta Young. Henry Wilconson.
bre, es el partido conservador Lunes EL CRINDER) DS ALMAS, Ralph Bollamy y de Yugoeslavia.
Lunes Escándalo Estudiantil.
Kreen Morley.
Por Kent Taylor. Arline Judge.
La situación econcimica Martes Estreno monumental de la gran pelicela musi halla ahora en buena posición Martes:7. Monja, Casada, Virgen y sicada MrLOD14 SEDUCTORA, con Anita El balance del comercio exte Martir. Consuelo Franky Julio Villarreal.
Louise y Ricardo Cortez rior es favorable, el presu puesto ha sido equilibrado y Miércoles El mayor éxito de 1935, MOTIS ATBORDO, Miércoles 18. La Mujer del Puerto.
Clark Gable, Franche: Tone y Charles el circulante monetario estali Andrea Palma y Domingo Soler.
Laughten lizado. Todo el país necesita y desea ahora un periodo Jueves Su última Canción.
Alfonso Ortiz Tirado Maria Luisa Zea.
Jueves Estreno de la conmovedora peltcula PARIAS DEL ENSUEÑO. Love You Always. Nancy de paz que asegure su conti Carol y George Murphy.
desenvolvimiento y la Viernes 10. No hay)
práctica de una políica firme y liberal Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
an Competition Los Balcanes, aníaño.
Teatro ARRASTY CINE MODERNO se con nuo


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