
Sang 10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Sunday, April 1936 Railway Tragedy in Mexice Likely Rise in Theatre Prices HAUPTMANN ASHES GO TO GERMANY Antas electrocuted Friday night o destroyed by the explosion EDGAR YOUNG MENDEZ fom ort.
ble he Hain unit VENTA PER:ANENTE DE LOTERIA NACIONAL he Our Precious Choice it is a pleasure Na abon old Our Cine Fans will we are they are now paying, the Assure, by sorry to learn of the sociation which controls the Cine From Mexico City it is and 14 injured. Several likelihood of their bcing caled business throughout these paris reported that a frightful the bodies were so carbo upon to pay a higher price for has suggested to the operators of tragedy occurred in a loca ized that identity was in the continuance of their nightly all the Theatres handling their iity known as Paso de Ma possible.
films that an increase of 50 per cho, 50 miles from VeraWh We understand that in view of cent be made in their entrance The mortal remains cruz, when a train on apof the existing high rates of ex charges. proaching a change and the heavier tases last week as the kidnapper chine.
of a powerful maCOMERCIANTE and murderer of the Baby Several of the car fell to Lindbeugh, ware cremated ESTABLECIDO EN LA PROVINCIA POR the ditch below where one, on Monday at the Fresh MAS DE 20 ANOS Pond Crematory, Long Is nited and burnt some of the load ed with petroleum, igVende al detal, Vinos y Listai (ESTABLECIDO HACE MAS DE 30 ANOS) land, and will be taken by cores exiranjeros y del país, his widow to Germany and the crime is connected with others. It is believed that abarrotes en general.
scattered in the forests of Saxony where Bruno play elections.
the results of the recent ESTABLECIMIENTO ESQUINE KORTE DEL MIR Inue ed during his childhood.
CADO ENTRE LA AV. JA YU CALLE nater Ten persons were killed in a This is in keeping with his expressed desire.
The cremation was carried out after a short ser It ins work, vice was held in the crematory chapel by the Revs.
Mathiessen and Wener who had attended Hauptmann There was a rumour and a noise, during the closing hours of to wash with In every home and every street, his life, and at which the Among the many girls and boys widow, Attorney Fisher and And grown. ups you did constant meet, a few intimate friends were That of the Journals laws their choice, present in addition to seThe Weekly News. Atlantic Voice.
veral newspaper reporters and photographers. Despite For wecks they had not seen the print the heavy rain which was of this good Journal, much beloved; falling at the time more Nor did they ever get a hint than 1, 000 persons are said tum Just why it was from them removed; to have gathered in the viAnd so they clamoured for their choice, cinity of the Crematory.
The Weekly News. Atlantic Voice.
Sold in pack fere With the electrocution of Lire Hauptmann the last has not ages only.
ror Some said it went in politics Deen heard of this sensatioThe wrappings er And suffered there a fatal blow; nel and, in many respects, are exchanged 125.
And that it was an awful fix remarkable case. The fedeIn which twas found so very low for useful gifts ral department of Justice in But never could it be their choice, Trenton has commenced the Catalog of Gifts will be sent on request The Weekly News. Atlantic Voice.
investigation of the supposIndustrial Soap Company ed Such people would much tales dictate of what they neither saw nor heard; AGUSTIN CASTRO Co.
comi EL it is But as they tell their story straight, APARTADO 271 SAN JOSE, face They think you should believe their word.
for To speak the truth is not their choice raise About the Good Atlantic Voice.
Cantina Posada mate And when abroad they noised the newsW The poor Atlantic Voice is dead.
y Cafeteria gress. The Company fleet of 89 total of 35, 500, 000 was dons And thought no more they pay told dues Or hear a word about it said: Felipe Wing Ching ships, representing an investment ported as having bee nspent toitaly To their dismay and our rejoice of 92, 384, 000, and their chart the purchase of fruit and the Apartado 395 ered vessels Back came the Good Atlantic Voice.
aggregated 424, 778 payment of taxes and tons; during the period under re while the sum of 7, 448, 000 hu dan The Good Atlantic Voice is just ed kidnapping of Paul Wen view they carried 49, 043 passen been appropriated for capital ex 200 The paper which we like to read; del and the torture which he gers, 893, 112 tons of freight and penditure including work in pre 27 It does its duty and we must underwent before making 51, 900, 000 stems of Bananas. previous year. 7, 000, 000 worth can Do ours to make it well succeed, the repudiated confession (2, 000, 000 more stems than in the of agricultural products and ma and As tis of course our precious choice Chief Detective, Ellis Par On the 18th, of last monthnufactured goods were sold and Yes Sir, the Good Atlantic Voice.
ker, was submitted to a leng meeting ofthe Director of the tropical countries. The value wi thy examination regarding United Fruit Company was held the Company fixed property Con Adj. Vlowlitt activities in this con in New York when the past the close of the year was stated at nection.
year operations were reviewed. as 278, 500, 000 of which than 60 per cent is in the tropics Due to certain legal restrict the production of Cuban sugar had been stopped but that molasses had been increased an additional 33, 666 acres plant ed in canes.
KEEPS SHOES SMARTER Mr. Jefferson Coolidge, who recently resigned his position Under Secretary of the United States Treasury at Washington was, at this meeting, elected member of the Board PALMERA CABALLO BLANCO United Fruit Co. Operations Reviewed links wa6 bom his пот. tel NUGGET UNEQUALLED TRADE MARK REGIS TERED BETUN Don forget to NUGGET your shoes every morning and save your NUGGET lids, which can be exchanged for beautiful and useful gifts at the LIMON TRADING COMPANY, Limón.
PATENT LEATHERS WATE (mo FOR SALE: Eggs for Hatching Barred Plymouth Rock INTERNATIONAL AGENCIES Exclusive Distributors.
San José. DONALDSON RIO VERDE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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