
Sunday, April 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE 11 936 TWEEDS AT THE JAMAICA STORE BREEDY ABOUT THE ABYSSINIAN WAR France opposes Britain on Ethiopian Question ia.
am ed.
Jorge Ramírez Valido se While Rome is broadcast 45. 000 shells, 7, 000, 000 car Hun was in accord with the dact peace plans ti rough conflicting stories of ages and 360 trucks te application of further and the League and in stric: ac GENEVA. At the meetintastical victories in Ethio me material and food heavier sanctions against cordance with the spirit of ing of the Committee of reliable information stuft about.
the Italians.
its constitution. He lust Thirteen held on the 8th insrom American sources re At Takazze where two Notwithstanding the vic ssued a proclamation cal tant, Eden proposed that an ort that Italy will never be Army Corps operate a tories claimed by the Italing on every male native investigation be held into mble to subdue Ethiopia if gainst Ras Imru, 8, 000, 000 lians as the result of their capable of bearing arms to the charge that Italy was he European Powers re Partridges, 30, 000 she ls, recent encounters with the report of duty at the front. using poisonous gases in her sain true to their word to 90, 000 bombs, 500 trucks forces of the Emperor, lai Cal a meeting of his Ca African warfare in violation abstain from supplying Ita and 2, 000 mules were us le Selassie strongly refutes binet on the 8th. instant of the 1925 convention, with money and the statement that le is Mussolini declared that this Flandin of France claimed unition, if they will con In addition to the eror beaten and has commenced was not the time in which that this could only be done inue selling the necessary nous expenses these m:t iegotiations for peace 1:e he could enter into peace by the inclusion of Italy material of war to Ethio trial entail they had to be reafirms his intention o negotiations regarding the charges that Ethiopia had Lin and if the Ethiopians carried through the Suez continuing the fight until African conflict as it was been using Du. Dum remain united, their (onal, the most expensive every Italian has been ex a bgolutely necessary for bullets and mutilating their hieftains refusing to suc toll route in the world, pelled from his territory, Italy in the interest of her Italian prisoners. On the where they pay a foll on although he says he is still colonies to annihilate the League Secretary, Avenol, cach ship after the rate of willing and ready cu con Abyssinians.
pointing out that they had José Achion Ng. rodollars per tan and no complete information refour dollars per soldier. Up garding the use of poison COMERCIANTE DETALLISTA to December 1935 216, 310 gas, it was agreed that the soldiers were transported International Red Cross be Licores. Abarrotes, Crisby that route while to take taleria, Ariículos de Feasked if they had received hack the sick and wounded rretería y Eléctricos; todo Interprete genuino de las últimas modas any report in this respect.
to Italy 338 ships had to be It was later decided that a encuentra este establecimiento a employed. Hence the expen Si desea adquirir personalidad encargue Committee of Jurists investises of this warfare to Italy su traje en esa acreditada SASTRERIA gate this and other protests Precios de Situación may well be conjectured.
cuyos talleres están situados made against Italy by AbysLIMON, COSTA RICA Italy is exceedingly an25 varas al Este del Cuerpo de Bomberos sinia.
vious that the economic Sanctions should be taken SAN JOSE cumb to the offers of Italian off so she could be free to FOUND rold. Ras Seyoum was of corrow money, bua wale From Cairo it is reported ered a bribe of one million France is willing England that the celebrated archeolLires to desert the Empe will not consent and is once ogical profeseor, Selim Maror but he spurned the ofmore threatening to pics phan, who has been conduct Pfer which is equivalent to the oil sanctions from the ing extensive excavations in 125, 000 dollars.
fact that Italy is, using poi Our attention has been was Mrs. Keats sole support the Gizah Pyramids, has As is well known, Ita son gases as she holds called to the fact that in throughout the entire build discovered the Mummy, inQu financial standing is abundant proof of this vio our recent article dealing ing operations and without tact, of an Egyptian Prinything but safe; in fact lation of Internationa: Var with the interest taken by whose help she would not. cess lying in a luxurious although the sensor is plac fare Rules.
Mr. and Mrs. Keats in the he feels certain, have been The body is supposed to ed on all communications in the British House of work of establishing an An able to achieve what she be that of the daughter of coming from that country, Commons Foreign Secreta grcan Mission at Zent, we has He also says Mr. and Chepsren Tharah, the buildit is known that starvation ry Eden stated that in view omitted to mention others Mrs Lake and others were er, according to history, of faces many districts there of the manner in which Ita whose generous assistance very helpful.
the second or largest of for every dollar that can be ly had intensified her ac materially helped the suc We heartily appreciate these nyramids, the body is raised must be used for buy gressive acts in Abyssinia cess achieved in the erection our correspondent correc stated to be luxuriously ing or manufacturing war since accepting the princip of the Church.
tions and hasten to publish covered with ornaments of materials.
les of the recent concilietathis in order to give appre gold bracelets of gold and What this most hazarry move, it would be ut Our correspondent, who ciation to whom due. We are precious stones encirhled the dous campaign is costing ficult to arrange the mat refers us to this states that certainly sorry that, when arms and feet and around Italy may be conjectured er in the coming meeting although Mrs. Keats and writing these omissions the neck were richly worked when we learn that in the of the League and that it her Committee were the should have occurred as collars. Although perfectly bombardment of Amba Ara 10 means were foun. of principal workers and these was no desire on preserved, the mummy is dam the Italians used. bringing the war to au end should be given the credt our part to overlook any of the most fragile yet discov290, 000 artillery shells, within a given time Bri they deserve, yet much is those who assisted in so ered in the celebrated pyra27. 000 bombs, 22, 000. 000 also due Mr. Whittaker who worthy a cause. mids of Egypt.
cartridges, scores of thousends of gallons of gasoline Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON and 3, 000 tons of barb wire: 900 trucks were used Abogado y transport supplies and samtauniion to the front, Notario Público Wiere 240 trucks, 1, 90 tie and 000 caniels were employed to move ma Oficina: Altos Paste around. Tembien, a single Ar cual Ingianna Ey Corps used against Ras fa and Ras Se you. nl An Omission Corrected Verdaderas Novedades en CARTERAS SEMANA SANTA precios escandalosamente bajos conseguirá usted siempre Para los días santos acaba de recibir absolutamente toda clase de conservas EN El Centro Comercial DE LA MARQUESA (Su tienda preferida)
César Arguedas Sucs.
Tomás Fernández Fernández AVENIDA CENTRAL Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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