
The Ethiopian Warfare The Atlantic Vaice The trial, condemnation and resurrection of JESUS Helping Abyssinia African Peace Plans again Blocked Court decides against Wm: Smith Europe Fases Grave Situation The Committee of the Leugue adoption of Military Sanctions of Nations has been giving con against Italy which is opposed by sideration to the various com France, Italy has hoisted her flag Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone plaints lodged by Ethiop a as well over the Lake Tana territory Editor English Section: C. NATION as the defense submitted by Italy which naturally irritates British for her barbarity in the use of sentiment, so she is determined if Año II Limón, Costa Rica, Sunday 19 Apr 1976 No. 89 Poison Gas. Britain proposes the Italy does not accept the proposajs for Peace and cease her atDihs tempted domination of Ethiopia, to force the League to impose military measures; France however sees the menace of European conflagationd an the result an opposes such a measure.
The Italian forces have entered Dessye where the Ethiopians As a means of engaging the cases iavolving death the mini a character that should not be GE had their Military Headquarters, thoughts of cur readers in a se mum was 23 cad the sentence surprised in the course the capture of this stronghold is rious attitude at this period of had to be approved by the Re ime, they change the destiny regarded as opening ths way for religious activities, we arranged man Governor, who in this ins. of our nation, for it seems of lato the advance on Addis Ababa for the reproduction, in lasttance was Puntius Pilate.
that all the Gods have ceased to which Mussolini declares will be, week issue, of the exceedingly (By kind permission of the be propitious. So turbulent are occupied within the next three interesting report submitted Rosicrucian Digest. people that live in momentary weeks. As soon as this has been by Pilate to his Emperor Caesar To Tiberius Caesar, Emporor arcad of an insurrection ffected he proposes installing respicting the trial and conderd of Ronie; Among the various rumours the Duke of Hærrar as Emperor nation of Jesus Christ, but unfor Noble Sovereign, Greeting, that came to my ears, ther was CP Adrsnila in pace of Haile Se tunately our Printers disappoint The events of the last few days one trat attracted my attention elassie, thus formulating a servile ed us. Today being the Octave in my Province have been of such. To Page The NEGUS To Page 11 of the Easter festivity we produce so much of the report which leads up to and tells of the Resurrection It will be remembered that the kingdom of Judea was conquerTomorrow, Monday the 20th, to some spot as additional aids.
ed by the Romans, and while the there will bs a special meeting All sympathisers will do wel Roman government permitted the The League of Nation efforts tiss deny that the town has falof the Abyssinian Red Cross to get in torich with the pro Jews to have their own Courts to bring the Abyssinian conflict len permanently into the hands Committee at the Rooms of the motors of this scheme: Masts. of Justice, the Greater Sanhed to a coge have once again bees of the enemy; they are of the poi Motive Power Sport Club, by Angus, Chairman: Rivers, rim was composed of 71 Judges blocked. Mussolini has informed nion that the forces under the kind permission, to ascertain Vice Chairman; Hayling, Se and the Lesser of 23 drawn from the Committee in charge that he command of the Negus might so what progress has been made by cretary: Jack Orane, Treasurer: the Priets, the Elders and the is only prepared to discuss such threatenn the column rearguard those who were asked to solcit or the Editor of this Journal, Wise men of the community. Mi proposals if initiated by Abys. that they will be forced to evacontributionsg in aid of this hu the columns of which are always nor offences were tried by a cinia and conducted through the cuate. Addis Ababa also reports man cause, and to discuss the open for such suggestions as may quorum of thre Judges, but in Italian High Command at the that the Emperor gained a victopossibility of instituting functions assist the project.
fre:at; and then on the further ry last Sunday when with 200, 000 as well as the running cf a train conditions that the terms be not picked men he killed 2, 000 Eriroferred to the League nor to treans and 400 white Ita ians any representative of same and Later efforts having failed to that Abyssinia guarantees she secure a compromise with Italy, Court Decides Against etc and Smith is to pay the costs of will not reorganize her forces the Committee of Thirteen have William Smith of 28 Miles was the suit.
during the discussions. Abyssinia arrived at the conclusion that unfortunate in the decision re We shall, in our next isgus rejected the proposals of their efforts have definitely falldered by the Civil Court in con give the decision in detail. We re Latest cable advices indicate Mussolini, hence it is expected ed; they have consequently decidnection with his suit against At gret Mr Smith did not regard that the International situatioa that England will now persisted to convene a meeting of the torneys Daniel Zeledon and Au the advice given him by our Edi in Europe has reached a much with her demand that the milita Council of the League for Monrelio Bermudez. The annulmerit tor some time ago.
more serious point than ever be ry sanctions be enforced im day (tomorrow) to discuss the siof the Pagare has been denied fare as the result of the Lee mediately possibly with the ad tuation and if possible extricate gue failure with the Afncan ditional request that the League the League from a situation which Peaos plans and the continued approve the closing of the Susz now seriously threatens to desattitude of Britain toward the im Canal against Italy.
troy its prestige as an sterposition of greater sanctions Meantime Marshall Badoglio national entity.
against Italy Is reported to have largely 100 The Abyssinian authorities are forced his troops at Dessye to arranging to remove the seat of It is feared that an actual commence the drive on to Addis the Empire goverment from break may take pace at any mo Ababa while General Graziani is Addis Ababa to a place further ment between England and Ita stated to havs launched his of to the west and all North Araerly and that if this occurs Gerfensive against Harrar and Ji icans have bee instructed to many will seize the opportunity ta for the purpose of seizing the seeks safety at the British Legaof moving against Austria. This Railroad tion in case the city should be latter belief has been strengthenWhile admitting that an Ita actually attacked and which the ed by reason of recent Nazi sub liah column may have entered Emperor is preparing to defend versiva activities in that country Dessye, the Abyssinian authori with 20 000 soldiers.
and the threatening attitude being assumed by the supporters of Hitler resident in that country. Sir Austen Chamberlain is and all material and accessories now in Viena and his visit there at scm to Le tow a sit this time is regarded in dimatter manipulations of this Bank shall of Goodbye Bank. By the Diario have left the country for Tramways.
plomatic circles, as further evide Costa Rica of the 14th. insdence ofthe seriousness of the He says that this gentleman stant situation We note that Mr Ricardo has been criminally accused 57 Fourier Quiros the Curador himsef and his associates. Guardian) of the depositors in Trustees of the Estate, for fraud; this illfated transaction is chuck and if by this amendment Mr For Prices and other Information ing the spunge.
Benson is given the privilege of claims leaving the country there is no enquire of tin by a recent amendment pro other course left them but to posed Congress in the law govern resign their position and hand The Trustee of the Estate of ing the settlement of properties in to the government their crethe John Keith Bank requests to such matters, Mr Benson, the dentials to operate in favour of those persons whose names ap Gerente or Administrator of the the Gepositors. He denounces the pear in the list pubilshed else bankrupt Bank, will be privileg project and says the iden of where in this issue to call on nis to lenve the country at any such amendment is only done to Representative at the Limon time he pleases: and it such be facilitate this gentleman in freely AP. XVIII SAN JOSE Branch of the International Bank the case of what use will be his quitting Costa Rica and leaving for the dividends payable to them (Mr Fournier Quiro s) positioa behind him only the memory of in connection with their claims when the only person responsible the buslesqued Creditors. This against the Bank.
before the Law for the fraudulent will be amplified ater.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
RAILS FOR TRAMWAYS BANANA CARS Congress and the Keith Bank ES To the Keith Bank Creditors ar Fournier Quiros Manuel Lachner Cía.


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