
Sunday, 19 April 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE UMBRELLAS YOU WANT ALM BREW. AS. AT THE JAMAICA STORE BREEDY THE ETHIOPIAN WARFARE From page In Interests of our Mineral Deposits EDGAR YOUNG be very A. MENDEZ ass VENTA PERMANENTE DE LOTERIA NACIONAL cort ularrow Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard EL ATLANTICO Best native lumbes Coul ollection OS mpire to Italy similar to that, auch dumps, they can afford it. ed Ras Desta forces near NegMeesrs. Brundage and ed parties as also representatives istituted in Manchukuo, Mean says Mr. Wells. In the South helli yad advanced but had to Sheldon, the American Engineers of the government.
me Haile Selassie announces their war supplies are fed to them retreat almost the entire distance who arrived here a month or so 13 routing of three Italian Divi by Camel Caravans both from in order to maintain contact with ago to investigate the country ons in the South and denies the British and French Somaliland his supply base. Meanwhile the minera! possibilites, returned to ports made by Musso ini. and reserves are not so enti Ethiopians were given an opSan Jose last Thursday after mil In an article appearing in the ful as to require dumps expecial portunity to reorganize their for making a close inspection of our COMERCIANTE ril ew York Tribune, Mr. Fay Gil ly in such unprotected spots asces. Since then Graziani has been northern regions.
ESTABLECIDO EN LA PROVINCIA POR Wells, a War Corerspondent Jijiga. The Marshall predicts an unable to progress even as far as They are believed to MAS DE 20 AÑOS yo 29 years experience, says he is intensive drive to win control of Neghelll by the constant harakVende al detal, Vinos y Li8 the opinion that Italy, single the Dibuje. Addis Ababa Raising of the Ethiopians and now Cavourabiy impressed with the recores exiranjeros y del país, anded, can never conquer Ethio rond: why this was not done be the seasonal rains are retarding sults of their investigations and abarrotes en general.
la. He points out that after six fore is a mystery: but to march him leaving him 350 miles from cuss the matter will prior to their departure, disMicelánea.
conths of bombings, skirmishes to the railroad is another matter. the Capital and such roads, moun Ivelopments with certain interestof further deESTABLECIMIENTO ESQUINA KORTE DEL MER CADO ENTRE LA AV. 3a. LA CALLE la ad fighting Badoglio has only It has required six months of Itains, precipica3 and ravines. avanced 90 miles and Graziani bombing and skirmishing to con In the Northern Sector the 15 miles over level barren waste solidate their positions around Black Shirts have arrived now inds with much the worst yet to the waterholes of Gorahai and here, Mussolini has collected ome. He asserts that the Italian Gerlogubi, both being 90 miles off few miles of barrendesert terewspapers boastingly issued the their base at Walwal which they ritory and a few more of mounews that 30 Italian planes in have been occupying and fortify tain terrain. At present they say formation and perfect ing since December. Under these they are at Amba agi, another light disciplina few 250 miles conditions how long will they take collection of mud huts about 100 (ESTABLECIDO HACE MAS DE 30 AÑOS)
rom their base and dropped so to reach Jijiga 250 miles north miles south of Adowa constantly sats, ons of bombs on Jijiga laying ward, particularly now that the harassed by the Ethiopian warCAMBIO DE BILLETES the hig town in ruins. have been rains are making progress a most riors. Is is almost six months Tu Jijiga he writes which is impossible. They must take all since they entered Adowa withle to acdel Ethiopian village of mud luts with a market place in the entre, located in a plain with a mountain pass which euards the road to Harrar and Nacionales Diredewwa and the railroad to Admonths of the easiesti campaign over it are lost; meanwhile all dav to penetrate little more than the Ethiopians would have to do Is Ababa Frank Maduro Jr.
couple hundred miles of Ethio would be to drop rocks on them.
cond Why, he says any military man Prop.
pian territory, and this at a time. There is no other way of advance moms hould waste precious gasoline to Frank Maduro hijo, when the luds were fresh froon ing but oevr this route.
and end 30 planes 500 miles to drop their home, fired with enthusiasm The above comments, coming as Prop.
mo many tons of bombs, also an eager to write their names they do from an experienced Amer pensive item on a defenceless Maderas del país. Existenof the pages of the history of ican, give an idea cia permanente en nuestro of the difof mud huts of no at moderate prices Africa Orientals. But months of ficulties the Italians will have to conftrategic va ue, so conspicuously depósito.
heat and fever, and altitude and subdue Ethiopian tribesmen, and ituated on a barren plain that vermin in Eritrea and Northern should arouse the courags of the ne good bomber could wipe it Ethiopia, months combatting guer many sympathizerns in the cause Telut, is beyond all comprehension. their food and water with them out resistance, as it was intends tilla and night attacks: months Afric.
Particularly is this so when it is or maintain a long line of comed they should. They brought with of road making, months of hand recalled that Jifiga had been munication with the supply tase them a hug? statue of their bo to hand warfare on poor food and wice tombed during the proced an almost impossible feat with loved dictator and erected it in polutted water have broken their ter ng two weeks. Jijiga was abans 250 000 of the enemy on one side the market place in commemora health, their spirits and their loned since October when Ras and 500, 000 harassing EL waltlors tion of having Wiped Out their hearts. The rains are starting and Vazlbu moved his headquarters along the route; and if they ever defeat of 40 years ago. The mo just a little way from where they 100 miles further South reach Jijiga, their objective being nument has since been demolish cow are is a chaem 6, 000 feet Harrar and Diredawe, the hared by the vandal warriors from deep and miles wide, this tary Finds Tactics a mysłery dast part of the route would now the mountains.
must descend and ascend and the Cantina Posada b2 begun. The Harrar. Jijige Dessye which lies 150 miles only way they can do it is by Marshall Badoglio reports the trail would prove a nightmare to from Ambu Alagi has now been traversing a caravan trail which y Cafeteria lestruction of Nazibu ammun. the sitewdest military tactician.
ion dump at Jijiga but fortu The road runs 60 miles through distant another 240 miles.
reached with Addis Aba oa sti is so narrow that mu es must be Felipe Wing Ching unpacked before descending sately for the veracity of this re dense undergrowth and over high It will therefore be seen that ascending and even then at least Apartado 395 port the Ethiopians do not have mountains. ideal terrain for the It has taken the Italians six one. fifth of the mules passing guerrilla warfare at which the Ethiopians are so adept. None of the Italian motorized machines FOR SALE: could traverse this country without being bogged or lost over the ciffs. But should they reach their goal at Harrar, thay Barred Plymouth Rock will still have 35 miles of worse ncountain territory to reach the railroad.
BANCO DEL ESTADO DONALDSON With regard to the activities RIO VERDE in the Southwest, Mr. Wells reUNICO EMISOR STATE BANK ports that moving in January from Dolo, General Graziani rout ofrece al público los Offers the Public the servicios de su Services of its STATION RESTAURANT 9IQUIRRES (Under New Management)
EN LA IN THE The passenger train from Limon stops at siquirres 20 minutes. Buy your Lunch Ticket on the train so your Lunch will be served on your arrival. Price 50 (Costa Rica money. Restaurant right at the Station.
Cigars Cigaretts English Spoken Se habla espafiol para toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service servicio bancario Rendered SULLIVAN Di CABALLO BLANCO or Eggs for Hatching BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA even SOLE BANK OF ISSUE SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Ciudad de Limón Limón City of Limon BarEste documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguer oregon Lizano werSistema Nacional de Bibliotecas e mistero de Cultura y Juveniu, CUSCIC.


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