
SAL UVINA For Liver and Stomach Ailments Wars.
a Guillermo Niehaus Co.
Sunday, April 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE CONGRESS AND From Page the insolvency of the Scott s, depositors of the Scott is being viciously criticised Commercial Bank should be Bank and on account of on the streets, the matter of also discussed in the Supre which this Libel suit has me Court in the Libel suit arisen.
of don Mariano Guardia These two items of denun SALOMON CHING against don Manuel Fran ciation, one against a for(THE RIGHT SALTS)
cisco Jimenez. In this suitmer Minister of Finance and WEE LE don Luis Anderson as Law the other against our preyer for Mr. Jimenez also sent Minister of Foreign ReEstrada accuses Mr. Guardia for his ations are being discussed carelessness as Minister then by every group in the comAbarrotes y Licores of Finance which caused so Imunity.
Artículos del País much suffering among the Precios Economicos LA IBERIA CARIBBEAN CORPORATION.
INVALUABLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF From page The Women international.
oil and cooking fats used in other West Indian Islands From Page deneies to study and inves and the Central American Retion in armaments as a first tigate all political, social, publics. The statistics compil.
step toward complete uni economic and psychological ed by this organization reveal Flatulence And all forms versal disarmament; that causes of war and to work ed the surprising fact that they will obtain the ratifi for a constructive Peace by the Indigestion cation of all coconut products from of Stomach international its propositions toward a topacts founded on the know tal and universal disarma ceylon and the Philippine Is lands, ledge of the independence ment; the abolition of viothousands of miles CarilyColics of all nations with a view oflent measures Disorders of coercion away, dominated the suppressing Anarchy which to solve bean markets.
any conflict is the foundation of all land the substitution in every case of a form of paThe discovery of this good FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES This Woman Interna cific solution; as also hcme market led the Ca.
tional Peace League has as worldwide Organization for ribbean Corporation (the Pre its aims the unification of the political, social and eco sident of which is Dr. Coro MANUFACTURED BY: all women of different po nomic co operation of all the Technical Adviser to the HERMANN ZELEDON litical and philosophic ten countries.
BOTICA FRANCESA Department of State of the Cuban Goverment. to erect a first class oil mill in JES SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA maica. Its output is now part the experimental stage and receive their basic component tons of coconut oil per LIMON in addition to crude coconut from the company factory annum, necessitating some Estimated oil, salad oil, compound lard in Jamaica MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS pro 10, 000 tons of copra or 50, 000 and margarine are being duction of this factory ia 6, 000 loconuts.
Compra Cacao Material de Tranvia successfully manufactured.
Similar faqtories are being IN LIGHTER VEIN Servicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo installed in Trujillo City (Do minican Republic) and Importación de mercaderia en general Hey, the guy that sold me, this morning with some kisses Cuba; plans are under way this donkey lied like the mis Gracous, what kind of kisses for others in Colon, Panama chief. He told me the animal could they have been?
and Limon, Cost Rica. In would bring me twentyfive Only come loud resounding ones was giving the Froni Page Well, won he?
has made a personal appeal and margarine factories will maid.
should he succeed in break for help to stay Italy aggre Naw. let him out of the ing through the Ethiopian ssion against her country, stables three times and he defences.
An Ethiopian patrol is France, as the traditional She has specially appealed Well. What. hasn brought it yet. Hello. Do you have ported to have successfully name of Liberty, and En Booth Bread, Goal. Deer, Tiger, Snake, raided an Italian airport at gland, as the defender Lion Shark and Aligator or Biscuits Buns.
Dessye during the night of Justice.
the 21st. instant and destro: Without which you can boast undestand your old maid Zarzaparrilla and China Although Japan seem to ed seventeen Italian boml of eating the best friend found a burglar in her Roots?
ing planes.
be keeping her busy in Mon Berlin Bread Medicinal herbs and Barks?
room the other night.
Yes. He kissed her and then Beeswax and Honey?
Ir. consequence of the to solio and Siberia, Russia is Booth Biscuits stole a ten dollar bill she had Then, SEE US.
rrential rains now falling in reported to have entered the Southern regions, Gene into a further agreenient The People Bakery. on the mantel. Metropolitan Bureau ral Graziani operations are with France for the strengWhere you get the best.
Office in the Crystal Passage being handicapped, as his thening of their mutual dethe industry can produce.
My wife won speak to me Box No. 541 air forces cannot be utiliz fence pact.
just because awakened her ed, although his troops are supposed to be still advaneing.
In the meantime Europe remains in great confusion, and all eyes are watching England, Germany and Tur key action with France and What to become of your youngsters Italy. Sir Anthony Eden has stated that if the League if you should die before they fails to find a solution Lor putting an end to the Afriare self supporting?
can warfare, the British yo vernament may, along with other States, act independently The Ethiopian Empresa hin Abyssinia Struggle. each case, the lard compound bucs any day Give your Children Protection José Achion Ng.
Get a Life Insurance Policy HOW?
Through any Local Agent or Office of the BANCO NACIONAL DE SEGUROS COMERCIANTE DETALLISTA Licores, Abarrotes, Cristaleria, Artículos de Fe.
rretería y Eléctricos; todo se encuentra en este establecimiento a Precios de Situación LIMON, COSTA RICA OR Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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