
10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Sunday, April 1936 UMBRELLAS ALL YOU WANT, AT THE JAMAICA STORE BREEDY President Mitchell under Guards Criminology in Fraterna! Circles of be Stsame COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY to EDGAR YOUNG HOP LEE LUNG y Refrescos FLORIDA ICE AND FARM Co.
CONEstablecimie: to de Licores, Tierda y Abarrotes Comments On Cricket y Maderas Ou Recently there have tot been recommendations On this occasion it was wat Correction where a heavy a License for the conducting many cases of misconduct Tuis is a dastard y the Re organizing Committee utine will be imposed when presrd religious and secular criminal education fore our Police Judges which ct, ths Order really seem de the who caused by the Inspector of Hacienda. We noticed our genial the presence of the police al Li It is hoped that his initiatory cretary of the Police Court, who speaks well for the good beba renerating from its former prou!
viour for our people. Unfortu position judging recent berty Hall, it was due to the remony at the Campos Colleg is also a member of the occurren Mu more recent pecstilar manipuin will be a salutory lesson to Pre nicipal Board, was very busy up cord an wately, however, we have to re ces among some of its adheronts.
unprecedented case of Lions of Mr J. Mitchel sident Mitchell thus securing and down with Mitchell on Suuwounding with intent to kan As announced in these courrns for hima further degree of day morning, but we are hoping among Brothers of the some weeks ago, a Liquor Sonour in communal rights and that his education and cultural (raternal Society: men among cense was applied for by this respectability and that the Mu home training in matters of whom one wou least expect to individual to sell Rum, etc. ups nicipal Board will see the cri MORALITY will allow him hear of such misdemeanours.
lairs in the Salon de Instrue minal propensities to be inculcat. debarthe granting of a Rum LIIt would appear that one ciones where long preachmentsed in the minds of the young cense in such a Sa oon, in keup Adolphus Richards has been har on religious doctrines are curri and old of the community if a Ing with the march of progressing continual disputes with Chie LIMON Liquor License were granted for andthe suppression of crime in kory family, they being nelgh1 Hall which already carries all civilized countries.
Sours, with the result that on Fri Fábrica de Hielo day night of last week they had a fight in the yard, when RICOMERCIANTE chards used a bit of iron piping ESTABLECIDO EN LA PROVINCIA PCR and fiercely attacha:d ChicMAS DE 20 AÑOS kory breaking his head and sight Vende al detal. Vinos y Liarm in three pieces. Chickory cores exiranjeros y del país, now lies in a precarious abarrotes en general.
dition in the hospital and Ri Micelánea.
chards is being sought by the EITABLECIMIENTO ESQUINA NOITE DEL MER police.
LA FLORIDA CADD ENTRE LA AV. Ja. YU CALLE 4a El más surtido en Matina It is one of two things, either that the principles of the Ме. Fábrica de Hielo el on by Mr. Rodney Plunketh chanics Order are not being cor the Priest ofthe Society, as rectly taught nowadays, or the Venta de Leche one of the aims and objects of sponsors of candidates are very the Organization; and where negligent in their selections and school is also allowed by tho government to be kept by highly respected and capable We had no gama last Sunday Clubs are as follows: Excelsior, The Weather Continues teacher Mr. Thomas fou on account of the weather, but Motive Power and Construction the training of the minds of the expect a good game today bet one point each; Unity one point For more than a fortnight Thanks to the care and rising generation. While the go ween the Unity and the Surtido down: Pathfinders two points now the rainy seasons con attention of Mr. Krank vernment was considering thera as both teams are supposca down and the Surtidora nil. tinue unabated: intermit Sheehy, our genial Superinadaptability of this Hall of to be equal y balanced on paper tent gusts of very heavy tendent of Traffic, and his Tastruction for the functioning of The present position of the SPECTATOR showers, then lighter ones co workers, Engineers Smith Rumb Shop under the pretenses come along with little or no and Prince, the Railway sunshine between. It is for Track has not caused any of a Club within a Club, Mitchell tunate that at this time there inconvenience to traffic, an is no Cocoa crop. We are enormous amount of capital fearing however that blos has, in recent times, been with the result that on Saturday further movement has dores as well as our Banana soms for the intermediate spent on the Tracks and night, a week ago, the Fiscal been started by the United growers, thus putting into crop will be all weakened much improvement is still to Guards after buying themselves Fruit Company for the ship circulation more currency in with no sunlight to streng be put in effect.
supply of this stupifying ment of our fruit, as from the commercial life of our then them.
liquid, demanded that the Monday a regular Atlantic Port which cannot cense be shown them and as line has been instituted with fail to bring greater prospethere was none to be shown, they New Orleans taking a week rity to the entire community CRITICS ON CRICKET confiscated the supply of liquor, ly supply for that Port.
arrested Mitchell and took him This will greatly improve grateful. Correspondent, signing be humourous, but has not for safekeeping to the College conditions among our stevehimself The Bat. tries to come to the mark as a Critic.
He is not sufficiently knowa in matters Cricket to indulge in the use of slangs Who is Help and who is Lucky. He feels that the Ball is hopelessly Lost: having been his in the bushes for six hence his time to come in as The Bat. but we ll advise him to have another try: and in the next over he may come nearer the mark as a Batsman.
By the way, what has become of Cricket Capitalist. He seem to have gone on to Jamaica with Hendricks as neither voice nor pen nor rewards are anymore in evidence among us.
Rum selling to all and sundry Improvements in Banana Trade a Li last EXAMENES CIENTIFICOS DE LA VISTA ANTEOJOS y LENTES de todas clases Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON SOSsri TO CONSULTORIO OPTICO RIVERA Abogado y Notario Público Oficina: Altos Pascual Ingianna FRENTE AL GRAN HOTEL COSTA RICA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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