
Sunday, April 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE 21 Correcting an Error VERY PLEASANT EVENING sh Jabon PARK HOTEL POR TONTO Mr. Rogelio Gutiérrez Ross Dir: Note.
Dear Sir.
We publish the above as Lo cogerían a Ud. comprando loteria extranjera si sabe: As Director of La Voz it pleases us to know that que la LOTERIA NACIONAL da 21 premios más en cada 000 números del Atlantico am demand Mr. Heron was in no way im que con 3. 60 saca Ud. 9. 000 en la LOTERIA NACIONAL y en ing from you the name of plicated in the unfortunate la otra sólo saca 4. 500 (cambio 4. 50. your informant, or the sour death to which the article que la LOTERIA NACIONAL devuelve eu prentics, 63 centimos de cada ce from which you received in our recent issue referred; colón qae recibe. La otra comprando a 00 el pedacito, sólo devuelve the article which was pu and which was, we very blished on the 11th. inst. in much regret, given publicaen premios, 30 centimos de cada colo que la gaste. Haga el cálculo. the said without tion on erroneous informa Mayor número en PREMIOS paper delay; and expect that you tion.
Mayor ganancia para Ud. en cada premio will endeavour to take the We sincerely hope that Más cantidad de colones devueltos en premios necessary means to correct the publicity given this mat this false and malicious pu ter will in no way affect Mr.
Heron professional reputa Yours truly, tion, especially having reFrank Heron. gard to his length of residen The members of the St Each item of the program rapid progress achieved sinSiquirres, April 20th. ce in the vicinity and his Anthony Burial and Sick me was so befittingly ren ce its re juvenation under well recognized ability. Aid Association entertained dered, that it would be in the capable management of their friends on Tuesday the possible to individualize, Dr. Robert de La Bastide; 14th. instant in celebration althougt it must be stated and this celebration besIt ins work, of the second anniversary that the Melodians did par Ipeaks increased de otion to of the Association re orga ticularly well and are dally the cause; the by word of nization.
it is a pleasure improving in their musical today is Join the St. Antho The evening function ability.
ny Burial and Sick Aid will long be remembered by to wash with all associated with the So of the Association have eve nevolence and charity know The officers and members Association where love, beciety. The weather was somewhat threatneing during y reason to be proud of the no bound.
the earlier part of the day but gradually cle red so that San Anthonians and their friends were in no way inconvenienced.
The Artists of the Association department On ocean front of Limón, Costa Rica, Sports and Improvements Comfortable rooms. Rooms with bath. Well ventilated Sold in pack may be said to have excelldin ing room. First class table. Good assorted bar.
ed all previous efforts in Sample room ages only.
their transformation of the The wrappings School Building and the reLUISE SCHUSTER, Proprietress are exchanged sult was greatly admired by Tel all.
for useful gifts Catalog of Gifts will be sent on request The Finances of Italy Industrial Soap Compi The French Magazine AGUSTIN CASTRO Co.
Mr. Editor now been laid down that in Information is authority APARTADO 271 SAN JOSE, Recently there has been decent language can be used for saying that since she enseveral cases of misconduct in the Lodge without the tered the African Campaign among the memgers of va guilty party suffering a pe Italy has expended two thou rious Lodges in this Town, nalty. It is a parent Lad sand millions of Liras gold. Press has has half made several rebukes it standard she once that country metallic reappears to be getting worse was informed by a member serve.
FOR SALE: cach day.
of the Order that cursing few weeks ago a high swearing and indecent lan Military Promctors Eggs for Hatchirg Officer of one of these Lodges guage were strictly forbidden and a pillar of the Methodist in the Lodge rooms or their We are pleased to notice Curch used very indecent precints but things have nowdon Ricardo Jinenez, hos that the outgoing President, Barred Plymouth Rock language to another Officer changed.
been pleased to consider our while in the Lodge rooms: al My advice to the Higio Secretary of Comandancia, DONALDSON charge was preferred against Officer is to save himself by don Hernan Esquivel, by con him which he admitted, but doing what his Paul told the ferring on him the grade of RIO VERDE it was eventually thrown out members of his Church in his Lieutenant. Don Rafael Bee without an admonish farewell adresa Menu che, a Limonense born and ment being administered him Your Ways.
bred, has also beenmade. tion picture which will proy hiz wise co1Officers. Thanking you for space. Lieutenant, and to whom we bably be entitled The Cho henchmen and members.
also extend our congratulacolate Prince preosdent has therefore AN APOSTLE Itions.
PALMERA What Fraternity. The Coming Louis Schmeling Bout and though the premiera fallen from the high rich is about one hand of even. ANUGGET KEEPS SHOES SMARTER UNEQUALLED TRADE MARK REOIS TERED Predicting a 500. 0GO gate, promoter Mike Jacobs visions as one of the biggest fights in fistic history, the Louis Schmeliag bout which is to take place in June in the Yankee Stadium. The best ringside seats, are already being engaged at 40 each The Buick Motor Company has been given the exclusive contract for broadcasting the fight all therefore, who will not be fortunate to get an eyeview of the encounter will be able to have a voice description of it.
According to rumours eminating from Chicago. it is said that plans are being formulated by the Paramount Film Corporation to secure the Brown Bomber as a star role in an all coloured mo BETUN Don forget to NUGGET your shoes every morning and save your NUGGET lids, which can be exchanged for beautiful and useful gifts at the LIMON TRADING COMPANY, Limón.
San José.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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