
The African Warfare The Atlantic Vaice Addis Ababa Death of King Faud To be Evacuated Cairo last Tuesday after a some rouk, but as he is only 16 years The Goodyear Co. to start Operations Marshall Badoglio main motorized force which started from Dessye last Sunday are now reported to have reached about 100 Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic o ne kilometers from Addis Ababa, Editor English Section: C. NATION while another force moving by way of the Uanscit River is at Año II Limón, Costa Rica, Sunday May 3rd. 1936 No: 91 a point about 125.
It is supposed that Ras Nasibu is on his way from the Southern front to assume command of the army of about 20, 000 men who will be making another efKing Faud of Egypt died at succeeded by his son Prince Tafort against the Italians advance in the vicinity of the Sholameda what short illness caused by an of age the government will be Pass; it is also expected that infection in one of his jaws. He placed under the Regensy of his the Emperor will be present.
was 68 years old and had occu uncle Prince Mohamed Ali unGeneral Graziani has been The forces of ths Emperor pied the throne for 15 years.
til he reaches 18 years. ca forced to temporarily suspend his having failed to check the advan The deceased monarch will be movements in the South due to ce of the Italians at the Sbolathe torrential rains as well as Emperor Selassi meda Pass, the latest cable adthe able resistance of the forces vices report that it has been deof Ras Nasibu On the 28th. plane Marshall Badoglio has SEURA es April it was reported that dur threatened to destroy Addis Aba The Goodyear Rubber Corpu tation on the four hundred teeing the past fortnight the Ita ba by air bombings should the ration will shortly commence ope tar as they are acquiring, under lieng had suffered casualties a Abyssinians oppose his intention rations in this Province under the lease, from the United Fruit Com mounting to about 1, 500 of which of occupying the town. Suould Concession grante dthem some pany along the Cairo Brunch ot more than 1, 300 were stated to this eorort of the Italians sucmonths ago by the government our Railroad.
be natives; four of their planes ceed it is said that Mussolini Por exploiting the Rubber Indus The seeds for this plantation were also destroyed.
wou immediately have King Me cry.
will be brought from the Con By flysheets dropped from a nue dec ared the Emperor.
On the 22nd. ultimo Mr. pany plantations in Panatea, Blandin, the Director of the Cor and as soon as the Experts aro poration who carried through the satisfied with the results obtainaegotiations with the government, ed, they will be prepared to disceturned here. He was accompani tribute seeds to such of our pri ed by two other officials. Mr. vate farmers who may be poene Powell, Manager of Plan ed of lands suitable for the cul.
rations, and Mr. Barg tivation of Rubber.
ham, Botanical Expert. These Bearing in mind the beneficial This Journal has pledged itseif disadvantages suffered by these atter hava since left for Fana Effects which the estab ishment to protect the interests of the settlers but nothing has come in but will be back here in of this industry will bevoton our Province of Limon; and in so far tangible form. days.
economic conditions, we breiterate as our English subscribers are It is seen by the Diario of TuesMr. Blandin states that as zoon our hope that the efforts of Mr.
concerned it is time something day date that don Aurélio Casus the necessary legal formalities Blandin and his assolitey will was seen in the interests of the tro is again appointed Adminisare competed he will start the meet with the very best fosults.
cultivators and settlers on the trator and Collector of National Marshal Badoglio work of establishing their plan Milla Maritime of the Atlantic Rents from these lands; and in cided to evacuate the Capital Zone, we ere thercfore craving his information to his superior which it is now expected will be the CO operation of these not Officers he bes pointed out that reached by Marshall Badoglio only as subscribers but as con there is a vast quantity of Jamai betwen today and tomorrow tributors or colaborators. cans settled on the ands from From London it was steted LONDON, 29th. The govern ſty would be based on the terms It is a well known fact that the some of whom he collects rentals that the Italians had arrived at ment announces that Soviet Rus agreed to between Loglar. very great majority of these seit but that there are many from the town of Debra. Bret; sia has formally declared she is Srance and the United Statey in lers are West Indians; and if whom he do:s not on account Reports from the South declare willing to sign a Naval Fact with the Pact celebrated recently in they expect protection and sup probably of lack of control.
that Sassa ereh had been captur Great Britain. The proposed trea London.
port from their only mouthpiece, Formerly the Law governing ed by G:neral Graz anj after a the English Section of this Jour these repta scheduled the rate valient defence; the forces of the nal, they ought to subscribe to at two colones per hectarea par the Gensra are now on th:ir way its upkeep, both in cash and by annum: today it is being collect to Bullale, sald to be a point of contributions expressing their ed after the rate of two colones much importance. Degabur has complaints.
per hectarea monthly for Bara not yet fallen.
We have liad verbal comp aints nes; ong colon monthly for Ca The airport at Addis Abasa as to certait inconveniences and To page 10 was again bombed on Thureday Following on our searlier by an Italian military trimotor.
note on this subject, we erit The Emperor is stated to be now state that Mr. Brundage has secured the co opera in the vicinity of Addis Ababa and to be in constant communition of a group of American capitalists who are preparcation with his Executive OLed to invest a large amount ficers.
in further exploiting our SERVICIO DE VAPORES mineral deposits.
Mr. Brundage has opener Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York To page con escalas en Cristóbal y Habana The Cultivators on Government Lands Britain and Russia to sign Naval Pact TO ASSIST OUR MINING INDUSTRY UNITED FRUIT Co.
Austrian Troop Movement British West Indians To Leavo Worries Europe Venezuela as LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUER10S AMERICANOS y EUROPEOS recent issue of the Gleaner various oilfields of Eastern Vene.
Vapores Salidas gives the following:zuela. It is not know whethce According to information gath the conditions in the oil metropo.
The European stiuation is re ered by a representative of this lis of Maracaibo are normal or QUIRIGUA de Mayo gerded as being further complicat journal, an unprecedented exo not.
ed by the movemert, since last dus of Jamaicans and other Bri The opinion is given however PETEN.
10 de Mayo Wednesday, of large numbers of tish West Indians who were em that from the vigorous manner in Austrian troops toward the Ger VERAGUA.
17 de Mayo ployed in the Republic of Vene which this new law is being en man frontier. The movement is zuela stenographers, clerks, torced along the eastern section supposed to be in retaliation of artisans, etc. is taking place at of Venezuela, the large viltiels the rumoured concentration of present, because, it is stated a re around Lake Maracaibo are not ALVARADO Cía, German forces in southern Bava cent edict has been issued by the exempt.
Venezuelan Government demandAgentes para Limón Puntarenas The prejudice against foreign y In dər ying th alleged mobilling the dismissal of these em workers who compete with the zation of her forces in the vici ployees from the different oil natives of Venezuela is said to the Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas nity of the Austrian border, Ger fields which have been utilising growing at present. This is 30 de la United Fruit Company en los bajos del many stated that her troops were their services.
particularly as the elections for Gran Hotel Costa Rica en San Jose only undergoing their usual spring Most of these West Indians ha the Presidency draws niear, and training Austria explanation ve gone over to Trinidad as the political factions are malcing de TELEFONO 3156 was that the soldiers were being result of a series of dismissals by mands for reforms in various trained in pine manoeuvers. their chiefs. They are from the ways.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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