
THE ATLANTIC VOICE Sunday, May 1936 THE EMPRESS SPEAKS The following is from the Editorial columns of a recent OC that un The Italians are not acting like ly that it has nothing to hope gentlemen. They ought to rememfor in the way of the intervenber that though the wife of Emissue of the GLEANER tion of the European Powers of peror Haile Selassie is an Emthe application of oil sanctions.
press and also an Ethiopian, she tempted to use even a safety ra gases are used. For the Abys ry resistance, for the Emperor Haile Selassie has long since pe. is nevertheless a lady and that or whte in motion is aware that sinians have learned to flee to and his Government are no longer ceived that country defense ladies should be treated with so having and rapid movement at the mountains, and the majority her and have not the slightest must depend upon the valour of me consideration and courtesy one and the same time are almost of their domestie structures of intention of making it their ad its own people and on its dify We are afraid, however, impossibility, especially as fer so little resistance to bomb ministration headquarters. The ficult topographical character they regard her bus as a politi there are no trains by which the explosions that many of them Abyssinian Government is very That, however, has not caused cal woman and a gerous ohe Emperor can make his progress must remain but slightly damag moble now: more and more the him to despair. Courage neither nt that: hince whenever she en from place to place. And while ed after the aeroplanes have per war will be guerrilla and nomad he nor his people have ever lackdeavours to make a speech they Haile Selassie is represented as formed their appointed task and So the destruction of Addis Abaed, though courage without arman set their radio stations in motion either begging for peace or at Irlown away. Addis Ababa has not he wound be but a wanton act without supplies, without disci for the purpose of preventing her pline, is at best a poor resort avoice and her words from being Con 3. 00 Ud. puede sacar gainst all the resources which heard. This happened some time country like Italy can put intos ago, it happened again yesterday the field. stin, at the least, the when the Empress announced by 9. 000. 00 en el nuevo plan de la Ethiopians can maks this a cost radio that her husband had not ly adventure for Ita y; and the been vanquished but would tight LOTERIA NACIONAL is always the possibility that loagire to the end. As soon as her first continued warfare in such a counce words wore heard radio interfertry ac Ethiopla may wear out the ence began; she continued speakcon la lotería que más se importa con 4. 00 sólo saca 500 Italian patience. The Ethiopians to ing, but the air conditions set up are fighting for their indepe re blurred the reception of her COMPRE LOTERIA NACIONAL dence, are fighting in defense of marks and continued until she their country, but they are also stopped. This was an ungentle y sacará más dinero ADEMAS, QUE, ASI AYUDA fighting in vindication of thelry manly thing to do, but perhaps in gastando MENOS plata.
AL HOSPITAL AL ASILO. manhood and their pride. They len war this ara no gentlemen. It will vindicate their claim to be me was a foolish thing to do, how tending to his beard, the Italian yet been bombed; and the Ita yor barbarism, of no toilitary ad considered men of courage who of ever, for enough of what the Emarmy reports stupendous victo lian Government has assured the ventage whatever, and perhaps love their liberty. For this even press Esid managed to get Mussolini Plea, with sometimes as many as League of Nations that it has no Signor throuzh and all the world knows cour hundred realises that if ultimate defeat be regarded as of the Ethiopians intention of attacking that city there is nothing to be gained inevitable, they are determined, as today that the Ita ions tried to slas. The victories th: Empress of Abyzsinis are now from the air. It is in fact, 10 from further gratuitously disgust prevent bar from addressing procalimed to the world in here word cience that was willing but it was only two or three days sinian Government or its militabicoming monotonousiy frequent orger the centre of the Abyssing the civilised world.
to hear her voice We think that th Abyssinian own voice and words but yester.
ago that a Colonel of His Majesday, to struggle to the end.
This will have no effect on the ty forcos pointed out to us that Government recognises quite clear course of the war, but it will most of the Italian military certain ystrengthen the sympa chievements apparently take pathy which the world feels for the ce in or around the same spot: ethiopians and particularly for he had looked up the names on the Royal Family of Abyssinia the map and had found that the lot of nonsense is being cir area of their momentous triumphs culated about the latter: one day was singularly localised. bethe Emperor is suing for peace, lieve that most doldiers take the next day he is shaving his much the same view. They know beard and fiying precipitately about actual warfare, they unche suggestion being that while derstand military movements, he is flying he is shaving his Leche Fresca de Vaca hence they are not at all as imbrand. Anyone who has ever at pressed as are the ordinary ciel MOLICO us leche lians by despatches from the fresca cuando se front which seem to be manuHello. Do you have envasa, Fresca factured in the rear, PULL CREAM MILK POWDA dentro de la lata Goat. Deer, Tiger, Snake, Of course the Italians can sead cerrada herméti Lion Shark and Aligator their bombing aeroplanes ovar comente y fresco Skins?
Ethiopian towns to create cons en ol momento de Zarzaparrilla and China ternation and favoc. But while Ronts?
Medicinal herbs and Barks?
aeroplanes can bomb a colection Beeswax and Honey?
or houses and kill a certain nunThen, SEE US.
ber of persons, they cannot take and occupy territory. As a matNESTLÉS PRODUCT Metropolitan Bureau ter of fact, too, their bombs go Orice in the Crystal Passage cot slay so many persons as may O, Box No. 541 be imagined, even when polson TULL CREAM MILK POWDER FULL CREAM MILK POWDER as a le MOLCO MAGNIFICA COMO BEBIDA IS MOLCO hele Swi CNN CINE MODERNO MOLICO MOLICO CRODUCT NESTLÉ PRODUCT Re Sábado La Doncella del Postin.
Domingo La Rosa del Rancho.
John Boles y Gladiy Swarthout. La Doncella del Poslín.
Lunes Martes Su última Canción.
Alfonso Ortiz Tirado.
el exquisito sabor a crema de la leche fresca hecha con MOLICO. No hay leche en polvo mejor que MOLICO, porque conserva intactas todas las cualidades de la leche fresca de vaca.
Es insuperable para dar al café o al chocolate un agradable sabor de cremo. Para hacer postres deliciosos y en general, para todos aquellos casos en que sea necesario emplear leche, no hay nada mejor que MOLICO.
económica y conveniente.
Miércoles Santa.
Lupita Tovar Fijese con que agrado taman los niños la leche MOLICO.
Se prepara en un instante; basta agregar agua.
Juzves y Viernes. Te quiero con Locura.
Rosita Moreno y Raul Roulin Es muy M4 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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