
6 Sunday, 10 May 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Yvery Coo Stand CODU.
For Liver and Stomach Ailments PARK HOTEL INVALUABLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF Season were will attended. lexa after worshipping side by side in the Germany Establish Demitilarized Zone FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES Toer EDGAR YOUNG stiriamaica now Popular Winter Resort MARSHALL BADOGLIO ACTIVITIES These notes were unfortunated in a fine spirit. At Even Keats. The continued active la tly delayed in reaching us, ne song on Easter Sunday at St. terest shown by Capt. and Mrs.
vertheless we produce them as John Zent, the congregation Keats in this Church is most they are always of interest to witnessed an impressive little encouraging and we are very edherents.
ceremony in the dedication of grateful to them.
an Organ for Zent by Capt.
St. Mark Church Hoy Week and Easter were observed in the true Christian sprit. The Three Hours DevoPrele tions on Good Friday brought Sche great numbers of people. Indeed, upres the services throughout Limon, Costa Rica, On ocean front ing up to a climax on Easter Comfortable rooms. Rooms with both. Well ventilated Day when the Sung Mass at dining room. Pirst class Jable. Good assorted bar a. was celebrated in a most Sample room dignified manner in the prePro LUISE SCHUSTER, Proprietress Flatulence And all forms sence of a very large congregation.
PS Chilce Box 23 Telephone Witnessing, as we did, such a Indigestion of Stomach representative congregation Church of Colics Disorders worship. the Eucharist was indeed a noble sight iwhich BERLIN. demilitarised It is believed that this act of ipso facto, conveyed the spirit an of Easter. We trust that our Zone, five kilometers wide, has Hitler is a part of his reply to subfriends from the Point will make been established by Germany the questionatre recently greater use of this opportunity along her frontiers with France mitted by England as a base for MANUFACTURED BY: and Beigium on the west and giving consideration to the ne for corporate christian worship that with Che koslovaka on the peace plan.
line Encouraging reports came in south for the purpose of avoidHERMANN ZELEDON BOTICA FRANCESA also from the Mission Churches ing accidental incidents. The RICA a ong the Lines. At Estrada and decree sined by the Minister of SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA Zent, the services were conduc Defence was published in the or SIGN ficial Gazette.
COMERCIANTE Attention is called to the fact that this zone does not include ESTABLECIDO EN LA PROVINCIA POR that section of the frontier adMAS DE 20 AÑOS joining Austria nor also that th gokamaica is now at the height with Poland Vende al detal, Vinos y LBy LORENZ MORE Island because of the tax would cores exiranjeros y del país.
naj tre the most prosperous Winter The decree prohibits uniform be far outnumbered by new vi ed officers and soldiers entering abarroles en general.
mense dhrist season in its Micelánca.
history, sitors atttracted by an advertis the zone or crossing any of the ESTABLECIMIENTO ESQUIA NORTE DEL MER strictuh hotels filled to capacity and For several years up to this ing campaign made possible by bridges of the Rhine.
CADO ENTRE LA AV. 3a. LA CELLE 4a nis pajamship and air ines unable Winter Cuba was in a state of the tax collections. The assumpccommodate the demand for unrest that greaily reduced itstion proved correct.
sportation to that is and normal quota of Winter visitors, The most popular piace in Ja therto known chiefly as a and Jamaica was the princ pomalca this Winter is Montego or call for eruise ships, this beneficiary. Several transatlas Bay, where a fine white sand gest of the British West Intls cruise ships substituted Kingbeach. an uncommon thing in Marshall Badoglio has taken authorities in Addis Ababa pro is islands has suddenly taken ston for Havana in their West zolcanie islands. is the princi over the management of the hibit tile free transmission of favored place on the tourist Indies itineraries, and thous pal attraction. Montego Bay French Addis Ababa. Djibou messages to foreign corresponContep. It has definitely canged ands of travelers discotered in hotels have been filled to capa: ti railroad which will be used dents. All dispatches have to be if with Bermuda, Nassau Jamaica a quaintness and bea cty since early January, and ac for the transportation of troops submitted to the Italian Censor. Cuba as one of the major ty they had not previously sus commodations are not to be from the frontiers.
nd resorts of the Western Ile pected. They passed the word had General Caribaldi has been ap its It eis generally supposed sphere.
along to their friends, and often Kingston, the capital, has pointed Military Governor of that at the meeting of the Supre me Fascist Council Lieutenant December a longer stay.
fine and a wide Colonel Alessandro Lessona will ury, but that took transporta The unsettled conditions in variety of sports and amuseoduce a companies, travel The British Goverment has be appointed the first Goveragents the Mediterranean have led ments. Other popular places been advised that the Italian nor General of Ethiopia. even Jamaica itself by suz many persons who normally have been Shaw Park, near Ocho winter in Egypt, North Africa, Rios, where the Duke of Gloucehe sudden popularity of the Sicily, and along the French and ster stayed last Winter; Good nd, at first baffling to many Italian Riviera to seek havens Hope, a tropical dude ranch velers, is readily understand that are nearer home and many near Falmouth, and Mandeville.
en certain facts are exaria of these selected Jamaica. a mountain town somewhat reFinally the little town of Mon sembling an Eng ish village. ESTABLECIDO HACE MAS DE 30 ANOS)
tego Bay, on the north west coast There are many other places of Jamaica, came into prominen rich in scenic charm but rather CAMBIO DE BILLETES ce through its selection by the lacking in good hotels.
Duke and Duchess of Kent for The island as a whole possesheir honeymoon. The royal coulses a warm climate subject to no ple liked the place so well that unpleasant eccentricit es; a Estrada they extended their stay several lonial administration that is weeks hospitable; a native population Abarrotes y Licores Artículos del Pais Encouraged by the mounting that is quaint and interestlag, port, the tourist trade, from p:e influx of visitors last year, the and remarkable scenic versatilisent indications, will bring in Precios Economicos Jamaica Government decided to ty, ranging from luxuriant tro from 500, 000 to 700. 000 this LA IBERIA risk the imposition of a tourist pical vegetation to mountain year, ranking with bananas and tax, on the assumption that the peaks as high as 7, 360 feet. cane sugar as a major industry If you go home at this late few person who would avoid the Counted as an invisible ex of the island.
hour, will there be a light burning for you?
Yes, my wife doesn like to fight me in the dark Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your allention to our remark at the back de su recibo que dice; of receipt which reads: Tramp. d like to cut up Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofisome of that wood out in the This bill must be paid at our office yard for a meal, lady, cina dentro de los primeros 10 días before the 10th of the month Housewife. Why, of course, de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not help yourself to what you wisi Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which hope it tastes good.
de tener que corlar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
Doctor, what should a woman take when she is run down?
The license number, madame, the license number.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Bakery he season began normali esoned to return themselves for severn many moreters not aboude Addis Ababa.
layo. OS dCompañía Eléctrica de Limón obo


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