
10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Sunday, 17 May 1936 ORGANDI, VOILE AT THE JAMAICA STORE BREEDY IS IT POSSIBLE. weakers a MENDEZ VENTA PERMANENTE DE LOTERIA NACIONAL religion. without a beliet in TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN BUEN HUMOR is most people know, is the cult of force, teaches the tl is bent upon banishing subordination of the Christianity from Germany, to the stronger and leaves and the question is being askno room for Cristian senti od wliether he will be succes mentalism. It is a religion ful in doing this. Within a men, was absolutely foreign the enemy within the country nation no longer hamper which glorifies war as noble measurable distance of time, to the character of the Teu cry must therefore be crushed by Christian morals. work, not only necessary but if something is not done in the ton that the submissive moed before any attempt is made It is an open secret, says Mr beatiful in itsef This reli menwhile to check the mo rality of the Gospels was alier. to crush the enemies withouth Rappoport, that Nazi Germa gion, it is said, will justity vement, says a recent writer. to the Nordics.
and Christianity must be era ny is bent upon war, and that all wars of aggression ard Mr Angelo Rappoport, Why is Germany so ber:dicated or changed. Another her next war will have to be a the elimination of the weak: there will be neither Jew: no: on the abolition of Christia question that is being asked totalitarian war, a war wit it will also foster bellicose ad Ckristians on the sacred Arvan nity? The answer, accordin tois: Granted that Christianity hout pity, a war the aim of spirit, the spirit which Nazi soil of the Fatherland. The Mr Rappoport, is that if is being eliminated in modern which will be not the defeat Germany is so anxious to riglity wave of religious per Chrstianity is allower to con Germany because its teaching of the hostile armies, but the arouse in her youth. The re is incompatible with National extermination of the enemy a turn of the German nation Socialism, why should the men tions. The German Peopie Ito paganism will therefore in power make such strenous must therefore have a warlike help to strengthen the warli efforts to introduce a new re religion and worship, not a ke sentiments of the German ligion by reconverting the mild and meek Redeemer, but masses, as it is felt that the people to the paganism of the nard and cruel fighting gods: military preparations which (ESTABLECIDO HACE MAS DE 30 ANOS)
Nordics? The answer to this This religion the Nazi leaders Germany is making would requestion, says Mr. Rappoport, nave found in the past ci present a waste of time and CAMBIO DE BILLETES is to be found in the astute the German nation when it money if such sentiments we ness of the Nazi leaders who still worshipped Wotan and re not systematically develop realise that the masses can Chor. This new religion is ed in the masses. But is this not live without some sort of the paganism of the Huns and development possible? How religion, without a belief in a he Vandals when they emerg can we believe that Germasuperior power, and without from their virgin forests ny millions will submit to che worship of a god, or gods. and hurled themselves upon any such eradication of Chris The religion of the German the Graeco Roman Civilisation tianity. secution which is sweeping tinue in Germany, if the Chris masses, therefore, must be a It is a paganism which extols (The Gleaner)
over Germany from frontier tian Church is still permitted religion which can be turned to frontier will soon submerge to preach a gospel of love, all into an effective instrument th, Pisgah heights not only the efforts of National Socia for intensifying the national of Judaizm but also of Chrislism to crush the feelings of consciousness and preparing tianity.
harity for neighbours and the people for the mission We wish to announce we have passed our eighth year of Some of the German Jews aliens will prove of no avail. which awaits a powerful mili Existence although the Skeptics say nothing lasts long here.
will wander into exile, some We have succeeded, because we have never deceived our members. You can fool the people some of the time; you can wil die of privation and star fool half of the people most of the time; but you can never vation As for Christianity, fool all the people all the time.
saya, Mr Rappoport, its days Remember that though we suffered from one Bank failaliche Nazi leaders now openly ure, we have met ALL OUR OBLIGATIONS up to date. We have never had cause to close our doors. We have paid Death declare, are numbered. Tnc Un músico, diestro en su tar cumplimentando a una Grants for one hundred and four persons. We pay the same of German nation, these leaders arte, pero muy envanecido persona de distinción.
a mount for Dependents as for Members; we do not make Bone a agert, must be delivered from de su mérito, tuvo un día la Aquel accidente debió ha of the one and Flesh of the other.
Should you join our SICK DEPARTMENT we do not the pernicious influence of honra de hablar con cierto berle causado algún embalimit your weekly Benefits: as long as you remain ill in bed Christianity. And, indeed, ac soberano, el cual, reparan razo; pero no fue así, por you receive your Benefits if even for One Year.
cording to Mr. Rappoport, the do que llevaba unas malísi que volviéndose a mirar a If you are seeking Help in the Hour of Need, join the consensus of opinion of all mas medias, le preguntó si su trasero, le dijo: si quieres ONLY safe and reliable Society, the prejudiced observers who era el músico de quien le ha hablar, será menester que COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASOCIATION pre are following affairs in Ger bían hablado con tanto elo yo calle. Todos rieron de la Established in Limon, 5th May, 1928.
of gio.
ocurrencia, y la persona obmany is that paganism is ra pidly spreading in that land No lo se, señor, respon jeto del cumplimiento no se dió, pero puedo vanaglo dió por ofendida. of Kultur. Nazi Germany Toward Modification of Rental riarme de tener una voz, que socis determined not only to hago de ella cuanto quiero. Preguntó un ladrón a un shaire off Christianity, but to on National Lands Pues si así es, dijo el mendigo: si no tenía verreintroduce the worship of rey, os aconsejo que hagáis güenza de alargar la mano The Editor gements of prices paid for banathe old pagan gods. This re un par de medias, porque para tomar lo poco que le Sir:nas cultivated on these lands; and ligious persecution, however. las necesitáis mucho. daba cualquiera.
As a subscriber to your most we are glad to inform him andes says Mr. Rappoport, is not a De esta manera se burló el mendigo le responvaluable Journal, notice the our other readers that many have a now phenomenon in Germany, el soberano de la ridícula dió: no me avergüenzo de stand you take from time to time been the calls made on us in sup For a long time attacks upoa vanidad del músico.
tal cosa, porque más vale on behalt of the cultiva port of this proposition. We are a Christianity have existed in tender la mano para recibir tors of the Atlantic Zone; an act in communication with one of the Germany. It that un hombre de humor la limosna, que vérsela cor that merits the highest apprecia best Lawyers in San José to ne Christ, as the incarnation of chistoso se le escapó una tar por haber robado lo aje tion and gratitude from such cul on this Commission; and we are Diceless, of love towards au Iventosidad, en el acto de es! no.
hoping that with the financial In your issue of the 3rd. ins backing of every tenant on these tant appears an article re the cul lands there should be no reason tivators on government lands; in why they should not be placed on it you endeavour to open the a par with those provided for eyes of the small farmers to their the government itself in the true position and suggested the concession to the United Fruit BA proper solution. think that eve Company, which is one colon per ry Section along the Lines and hectarea per on the Milla Maritima should We are called to Cahuita and grasp the opportunity offered, for Old Harbour in the coming week on this our very existence rests to discuss this matter and exped and be fully represented.
other calls from those interested.
Trusting that the readers of Pero para su tranquilidad.
this Journal may not allow the article to pass un noticed so that Equé le ofrece?
Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON the proper amount of interest be Piense que lo único es paid this all important question.
Liverpool Spur. Eugene Roper una póliza de vida.
Abogado y ED NOTE: We heartily apP. da informes directamenie al Notario Público preciate Mr. Roper recognition of our services with regard to BANCO NACIONAL DE SEGUROS Oficina: Altos Pasthe rate of Rents to be collected (A las órdenes de Ud. the milla maritima and cual Ingianna other lands of the government, as els minister forenesatjakendi tbsithe arran fo Da was felt BA Es ella el ojo de su cara?
nnum. on


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