
936 Sunday, 17 May 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE 11 One Lunatic kills Another Our Cricket Competition among the now The People Bakery.
cuge om In Lighter Vein PARK HOTEL On Sunday last the Pathfinders This youngster in certainly placFor several months past the prison for the murder of a sai. as to cause his victim the 03s 3administered an awful drumming ing himself Stars: scourage of Limon has been an in cor on one of the ships trading the use of an arm; and here we to the Unity something si (Please keep cool headed Tas. vasion by lunaties, without any here, had, since his release from are witnessing the present inci milar that gives the Surtidora We note that Unity is al30 apparent thought being gives the punishment, been a privileged per dent by a man known to be a ur by the Construction.
raising a fast bowler in Steseriousness of the situation my sonage on our streets. His murde bulent, crazy character. Will our The hometeam was well re wart. Would that the Captain sake those in authority in this sadiy rer, a young man, Whitelock, Les new Governor not see that the presented and Robinson, the could raise a couple more Bats.
neglected portion of the Repui been arrested but it is left to be State is responsible for such oc youthful faat Bowler, exceled avo lie seen what will be done with hin, currences and thus take Spectator active himself by recording six wickets ent because he has been arrested Lasteps to secure the community for five runs.
On Sunday last, a young man ny, many times for unszemly and trom similar atrocities?
who has been allowed for quite a disorderly conduct, kept in jail There are several of these de This Club needs a change of Well. What. be while to run around the city for a few days then ngala li niented ones, men and wonen, administration; there has beea tal Booth Bread, cometimes in the same condition barated to continue committing who are allowed to roam at several changes as to name but stits as Adam found himself when his the same peculiarities.
berty; some can be seen armei none in regard to tactics. It was Biscuits Buns. eyes got opened in the Garden with machetes and other tools of known at but as the even Without which vou can boats of happiness, at other times ir This is a very serious occur destruction, there is therefore no Brothers. then it became the of eating the best.
CORE nacing and threatening peaceful rence to which we have on two telling when serious outrages may Burial Scheme which seemed to Berlin Bread passers on the streets, venc the occasions called attention, the yet be committed on responsibe, res have had the effect of burying its Booth Biscuits 11 fury of his passion on another government took no heed until now pectable members of the comunicareer under the cold clay. Its Turatic who had also been per a murder has been committed ty: and surely the government members would endes mitted the freedom of the City Sometime ago we also mention would not be able to evade rascour to rise, like the Pho this Where you will get the best.
tare some time, by dealing him a ed that a madman named Tom, pensibilily for serious damages to from the ashes of the past, as the industry can produce.
are atal blow on his head while he had been arrested and was after the assaulted ones were a The Unity. but they seem more was asleep.
wards set at liberty with the re sericusly undertaken against it. Divided than United. for The deceased, himself a crim. sult that he so damaged a peace. These demented citizens are well Sunday they could not find hid minal, having served a terra In ful citizen with a butcher knife known to our officials so Sur eam, cnly ten men were avail day incident should be a note able. Up to the present Tey can had a date with a milloinaire 10 of warning not make a showing against the last night, and charged him a The President of the Institu weakest team. Campbell did we thousand dollars for each kiss.
tion for the Insane says he has as Stopper or Catcher, as Basebal Why then don you date him no space in the Asylum for the lers call it, a Wicket. keep is up again this evening?
How demented from Limon, but if a no longer known. The Construc Nothing doing. m not going Limón, Costa Rica, On ocean front government be incapab e of tak tion and Motive Power are the to date up an ex milionaire ing care of its citizens, it is zot only Clubs who play Wicket KieChri Comfortable rooms. Rooms with bath. Well ventilated fulfilling its proud boast of pre pers. Campbell a so made a ra So you dancing girls are supdining room. First class table. Good assorted bar serving Law and Order. If there cord as top scorer for Unitey with posed to be singers, too, eh? Do Sample room be no Space in the Asyluni ir four runs; the entire team could you really know one note run LUISE SCHUSTER, Proprietress the protection of these unfortu cucy muster 17 Runs.
bates from Limon, why not consThe Pathfinders quickly ron up Sure we do. We can teil a onePost Office Box 23 Telephone truct another ward of twsnty cells 85 for wickets, of which young dolar note from a give dolar for them? We have recently seen Smith (Tas son) made 40 not out rote at fifty paces.
el the importation of much Arms and Ammunition into a Peaceful Cou try such as ours, the incurring of expersive investments for the purchase of buildings for govern il In the matter of the after aow left to be seen if toe Judges ment offices; but no recommendeath sa es in the transactions will agree with our Crininal Juddations have been set in motion All Registered Shareholders of the above Society me of the transfer of the belongings ge that there are reasons for for the housing of our incapable of the deceased East Indian, Charcordemning the parties to the ea are invited to a General Meeting convened for a.
1ss Bennett or Charlie Tory, ut les or no.
May 31st, at the usual place, Madre de Dios, for 301 Westfalia, the Criminal Judge The outcome of this case is We are however proroguing the Life of the Society and to decide other hoping that found that the investigation me watched very anxiously by not with the advent of the regine of very important matters relative thereto.
rited an indictment as he wclone theee immediate y connect don Leon Cortes such matles that a prima facie case was ed but by the public at large GIBB, will be brought to his attention, Secretary proven against both perpetrators It is interesting to note that when we are confident that, with of the Sales Both con. cadants Con Leon Cortes has expressed his energetic regenerative ideas appealed to the First Court of the desire that certain cases inust such frivolous excuses as have Appeals where the Judges decid be heard in public and cradly as been put forward by don hero ta eď that before they can decide is done in Ergland and the Unit Echandi in the Deliy Press us to the culpablity or not of the par ed States. Many litigants wou a insufficiency of funds and space ties accused the daughter of thereby come by their rights re for taking care of these demeatCharlie Tory should be called to ther than being left entirely at ed ones from this section oi the declare with a view of proving the mercy of unscrupulous country will be brushed aside ara PARIS. Italy has lost bil Italy has sacrificed her (ecoher innocence in the intrigues of ye. who purposely delay their proper provision made for these lion lire in gold or almost halt nomic) principles to her Colonial such eales and so throw further suits by incidents, etc. in sicer poor people and thereby sare her previous bullion reserve since expansión. the financial publicalight on the affair. She has since to be able to demand additional guard the lives of our sane resi the outbreak of the Ethiopian tion concluded.
Te given her dec aration, and it is fees.
war, the financial newspaper Information declared today.
Bas. ng its figures on a compa José Achion Ng cison between the lest Italian statistics of Dec. 31 and recent COMERCIANTE DETAILISTA reports of the League Sanctions Committee of Dighteen, the jour Licores, Abarrotes, Crisnal asserted that gold has been Talería, Art culos de feflowing out of Italy at the rate of rreteria Eléctricos: todo 300, 000, 000 lire per month.
se encuen BANCO DEL ESTADO en e: le SOLE BANK OF ISSUE To this loss, the newspaper said, establecimiento a must be added Italian credits and UNICO EMISOR Precios de Situación STATE BANK holdings abroad, worth 5, 000, 000000 lire, making a grand total of LIMON, COSTA CA ofrece al público los Offers the Public the more than 7, 000, 000, 000 lire.
servicios de su Services of its Before The Courts The Agricultural and Building Corporation of 28 Miles TE Half Italy Gold Lost Since Start of War BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE EN LA IN THE Ciudad de Limón City of Limon STATION RESTAURANT SIQUIRRES (Under New Management)
The passenger train from Limon stops at siquirres 20 minutes. Buy your Lunch Ticket on the train so your Lunch will be served on your arrival. Price 50 (Costa Rica money. Restaurant right at the Station.
Bar. Cigars Cigaretts English Spoken Se habla español E, SULLIVAN para toda clase de servicio bancario All kinds of Bank Service Rendered Locurem os prop Nacional gueroTEGOT LIZANTO sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas de misterio de

    ItalyLeón CortésPresidentes de Costa Rica

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