
Agriculture and its Agricul lis Many Setback The Atlantic Vaice Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic done Editor English Section: NATION The Agriculturist is the victim of misfortunes from many sources, and of all Industrialists needs the kinlliest of governmental attention and help.
EXP The Merchant or Industrial adventurer stocks his place of business and no matter what untoward circums tances happen in trade, by unemplayment, depression, or what by he Ano II Limón, Costa Rica, Sunday May 24. 1936 No. 04 something from his investment if even at a depreciation As a Result of the Conquest of Ethiopia are were Among Our Officials tanding that they are all lega Banana Exports to be further Increased hoit out the necessity of the government Banking Ins. New Minister at Washington mary in considering of but the unfortunate agriculturalist finds himself up The Itaian occupation of EtItalian citizens. Every goud tants have taken to the mounagainst many corners, he even sees Nature acting unkhiopia has caused the expulsion treatment is being meted out to tains from where a constant idly toward him at times. If the weather be very dry, of the French Bishop of Harrar, them and they have been ex series of guerilla attacks he loses his crop as a result of the drought and must because it is alleged he always horted to go and spread the directed on the Italians. These find new capital to replant and care; if he experiences denounced the aggressive at news to their people. Thousands natives are friendly spose to of Askaris are being employed all foreigners, except the Itain overabundance of rain, his crop sinks into insignifi: titude of Mussolini and his invading hordes. France has pro in this way.
ance; if the elements are llans, whom they are confidert quarrelsome and stormy tested the Bishop expu sion they wil some day overcome reather result, he is again affected and often ruined; Due to the many executions Several patrol parties have alhould nature be propitious and all seem flourishing, and hardships in Addis Ababa, ready been completely wiped out le way find himself confronted with an overproduc In spite of the persistent de several thousands of the inhabi by them.
ton whereby the world markets are glutted and prinials of Rome, broadcast execues lowered to such a point as to to make it unprofitable tions continue in Addis Ababa: On Thursday, 45 persons br him to even harvest the fruits of his labour. Then, executed in that City and 23 in bo, he is often confronted by the most disgusting of all Etibabo. So as to keep secret the Our Police Judy: dou Carlos Department, San Jose, will succe Escultural ills Praedial Larceny where bands of atrocities and savagery beinz Vaglio, has sent in his resigna ed don Ricardo Mora as Chr azy good for nothings wander carelessly about, break practised, all foreign newspaper lion from that office to take up of our Customs Department. Don and steal; and when he does not suffer from these correspondents have been orde we understand, a mere herative Miguel is no stranger to our Cired out of the country. Hence position esewhere. This is re tyas during a previous regime luman depradations, he does so from the ingenuity of forward one can well conjecture grottable as don Carlos was a de cccupied this ente position.
Yild animals.
what will be the barbarity cai terror to the scandalmongers and We wish him a successful tern.
Are these not sufficient reasonings to merit the ried on by these invading sol other disturbers of the peace of We are glad to learn that doz nost intense and efficacious assistance and protection? diers our community. He is succeed Ricardo do not intend Icavo Ve feel sure they are.
by Mr Villalobos Rojas.
the Province, so we hope to have As an outcome of the vast experience gained in his We also note that Gon Miguel his continued interest in our suial dministration of the Ministerio of Fomento and AgriMarhall Graziani has ordered Alvarado of the Monetary Control and economic we fare the release of all Ethiopian ulture, we note that don Leon Cortes, as President, is prisoners of war with the unders letermined to protect and foster the best interests of gricultural pursuits. In his message to Congress he Our readers will be pleased to chips formerly of the Elder itutions judiciously loaning money to the small as well learn that the Unit: Fruit CouFyffe service is the large agriculturists to assist them in planting and post As comtemplated al present harvesting their crops.
He instructs the Directors of saipmen: Bian the shipments are to be to lisgihe Agricultural School to formulate a Board of ExDon Ricardo Castro Baeche, Germany. The frint wil, we ur tly and the first may take place ex President of Congress, nformation to agriculberts to give instructions and has derstand, be of the cis usually during thn earlier days of the been appointed Minister for Cos required for the Eng. ish mar coming month. It is expected that curists as to how to cultivate so that they be, in reality, ta Rica before the American go ket and will go forward in cach shipment will consist consultative and advisory Board on agricultural pro vernment, he has therefore relobout 50, 000 stems blems linguished his position as one of But most of all are we pleased to see that he has our Legislative Repre entatives directed the Director of Police to see that his men take and left for his new field of important labour a more active part in preventing Praedial Larceny. the He insisies that the duties of the Fiscal Guard are not Mr. Gonzalez Zeledon, former holder of this high office, According to the recommen changes will be made in the moonly for the discovery of contraband Stills or patches of has returned home very il. It dation of the great Banking gede of procedure by the Banco Marijuana; but equally so to drive off these marauding is hoped that the beautiful clinius, Dr. Max, sent here by the Internacional and which will pillagers, who roam around, some armed with guns as mate of his native land will 500n government of Peru to revise the shortly change its name to that a pretext for hunting, whereas what they do hunt are so brace his nerves that he will manipulations of our Bankingo: Banco Nacional de Costa Ri the cultivations of the honest industrious farmer and recuperate his former good heal Institutions at the request of ca.
th in a short while this government, important in his absence rob him of his growing crops of Corn, This institution will, we learn, be operated in three distinct Yuca, Yams, Plantains, etc. even Cacao and Bananas.
functioning each one entirely This is one of the most distressing evils with which the independent of the other and small farmer has to contend and it often acts as a dewith their soparate capital, atterrent and discouragement to a man from planting his tendants, etc These distinct catch crops.
functionings will be. a Discoun SERVICIO DE VAPORES ting Department; a Loans and Imagine how discouraging it must be to a man who Mortgage Department and cultivates a plot of land, and who no sooner than he Commercial Department In case Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York sees his crops coming to maturity for the support of his of shortness of cash by any one family, finds, one morning, that these pillagers have con escalas en Cristóbal y Habana department a loan may be obtained from one or the others.
ramsacked his field and carried off the best of his LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS Its operations will be so arranyear labour; naturally he ceases to cultivate, and as ged as to permit of its having a sequence Corn jumps to 15 cents per pound, Beans and AMERICANOS y EUROPEOS the management of our foreign Rice follow, because what is the use of buying yam debt and the control of our explants to cultivate when these vagabonds seem encourag change. By this means a permaVapores Salidas nent value will be placed on our by the Rural Police to effect these depradations; and monetary system, The Colon. hould one be caught and taken to the Police Judge he. QUIRIGUA 24 de Mayo which of course will be guaged in turn, will say, que vale eso? es nada. and the to our exportation as compared complainant appears a miserable fool for complaining PETEN 31 de Mayo with our importation volume of about such a trifle. But it is the principle, the moral trade. As a consequence. VERAGUA de Junio every involved which our Police Judge loses sigh of in his impetus will be given to produenarrow mindedness, and which don Leon Cortes insists tion so we may send out much more than we import.
that a stop must now be put to so that the small farmer ALVARADO Cía, It is therefore very interesting be encouraged to cultivate.
Ageates para Limón y Puntarenas to see how don Leon is going to In some countries Praedial Larceny is punished carry out his promises of assistby Corporal punishment in addition to imprisonment in ing the stimulus in agr. cultural Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas an effort to eliminate the mean habit. In this country and industrial pursuits; the stade la Unired Fruit Company en los bajos del the Law prescribes imprisonment, without a fine, for bilization of salaries and their Gran Hotel Costa Rica value in commerce having teravaging Cosechas pendientes but our Police Judges TELEFONO 3156 gard to the different Zones of have never been mindful of this chiefly because the culcl mate and commercial activi(TO PAGE 9)
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Costa Rica National Bank UNITED FRUIT Co.

    FranceGermanyLeón CortésMussoliniPresidentes de Costa Rica

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