
cen ch COM JLL CREAM MILK POWDE MOLICO ht FO EMPLEE LA QUE NECESITE NESTLÉ PRODUCT RCME. Italy conquest and a scarcity of capital The of Ethiopia is now considered Italians idea of colonizing. to be to nearly accomplished is to transform colonies into that the people thoughis al fit places for white men to ready are reaching forward to live and work. Moreover exploitation of the vast ic under the British system, ca rritories they believe are to pital is mostly provided by come under Italian ruit, private enterprise. Under the The problem is a vast one Italian system, it has to be Italy has not an abundance provided mostly by the State.
of ready cash to sink in colo What has Ethiopia to cffer uies and she is not likely in the to justify the vast outlay of near future to receive finan. money?
cial aid from Great Britain, Italians are chiefly interest usually the most promising ed in Ethiopia agricultu prospect for those needing ral possibilities. These by all cach for colonial enterprises. accounts are excellent. With As things stand, Italy must the exception of the arid Oga rely on her own resources den and Danakail Desert and to make Ethipia pay. the very mountainous norIf the cost of the East Afri thern part, all Ethiopia seem can campaign alone is consider excellent agricultural land.
ed, Italy has already nearly three quarters of a billion Lands for Settlers dollars invested in Ethiopia.
Tothis must be added a sum Particularly important that cannot yet be estimated Italians is that the western but is certainly very large plain in Amhara Province and representing the damage Ita the whole of lajjam 1:0 ly has suffered through sanc vince are suitable for grow tions.
ing cotton and coffee, which Italy imports in large quantiPensions Another Expense ties. The whole of the nigh plateau is said to enjoy exAnd to all this must be cellent climate and to be in added a sum equal to the pre every way suitable for habsent value of the pensions that itation by a race of will be paid for a great many taineers such as the Italians.
years to men permanently It is, moreover, though: disabled in the war and the fashat Ethiopia may contain milies of the fallen.
vast mineral wealth. The The price Italy has alrea Italian colony of Eritrea is CREAM MILK POWDER CREAM MI to MOLCO МО, ANEST NESTLÉS PRODUCT Bola Fa niolin Leche fresca siempre a mano la leche en polvo MOLICO pura y saludable suministrará GUARDE EL RESTO PARA MANANA agua, y en dos minutos, MOLICO vuelve a convertirse de nuevo en leche fresca, con todo su sabor natural. Emplée la cantidad que necesite y guarde el resto pora consumirlo mañana o cuando le haga falto, sin temor a desperdicio o sobrante que se echo a perder. MOLICO se conserva fresco sin necesidad de hielo, y no hay dudo que MOLICO es la leche fresca más económica y conveniente que pueda obtenerse.
ALLAN SIME ALLAN SIME LIMON, LIMON, Impons and Experts New Signals for English Railway pm o Importación y Exportación Imports and Exports NE DEPOSITO DE MADERA LUMBER DEPOSIT new system of railway fiat of the Ministry will pro lenses which will be picked u signals has just been put into bably be introduced on other by powerful head lamps tid Compra Cacao en grano Cocoa Purchased operation by the London lines. It is described as ecc the engines.
North Eastern Railway As nomical, accident proof and The home signal is to biwa soon as the sanction of the effective.
replaced by an even largcain Minister of Transport had board, painted red and whitpea dy paid for acquiring a new a small producer of gold, and been received the E. The familiar semaphore in diagonal stripes, with whittire colony is therefore, enormous many persons believe the pre experimented with it signals with their mechanical reflex lenses, and three readit even before a single penny cious metal will be found in on the single track line of equipment used in the Uni clusters down the center. This has been spent on actual es. Ethiopia. Oil is said to existewelve miles and three stations ted States have been abolish also will be illuminated to ploitation even in larger quantities the between Pilmoor Junction ed, and in their place sig: Inight by means of the headla However, part of the mo in some parts, and copper, and Knaresborough.
nal boards. which will ney tha: has been lamp of the engine.
charged iron and tin are reported plen give the various indica to the cost of the campaign tiful.
Boththe Ministry and the tions tothe train driver, have At the stations a board has has is steality been spent Italians, however, think of railway officials found the sys, bee installed. As a train ap been ficted on the plation on works that will me useful Ethiopia chiefly as an agricultem a success, and now it is proaches asłation, in place of four feet square. If it is per after the war. Huge sums, tural country. They dream of being expanded, and by the la distance signal there will missible for the train to cry for instance, have been expend it as supporting a population be a location board of rec ter the station the perso ed on construction of roads of several million hardy Ita tangular shape, painted black in charge will lift up a fla hospitals, schools, air fields, lian peasants who will fin ducts that cannot be producand yellow in diagonal stri on this board exhibiting docks, warehouses and bar, there the land to till that the ed in Italy for manufactured pervewhich wiliche easily or green center, after dark racks that will be converted luck at home and who goods.
in. after will be to civilian Srade their colton, coifee Loth as a source of supply dark will be illuminated by a The present telephonic cu When the probable cost of and other agricultural pro and as a market.
zigzag row of hemispherical To Page developing Ethiopia is considered, one must not lose sight of the fact that the Italian colonizing system differs Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your affention to our remark at the back de su recibo que dice: dically from those of other of receipt which reads: countrjes. Britain, for exam Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi Thiş bill must be paid at our office ple, has an abundance of car cina dentro de los primeros 10 días before the 10th of the month pital secking profilate invest de cada mes ment and a scarcity of em Be so good as to comply with this ruquest and do not grant. Britain idea of coloniz Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which ing, therefore, is to send de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
few engineers and overseers and put the natives to work Italy on the contrary, has abundance of population a Compañía Eléctrica de Limón an Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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