
Sunday, May 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE the Dominant Races SAL UVINA (THE RIGHT SALTS)
For Liver and Stomach Ailments INVALUABLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF Puntarenas more Prosperous than Limon FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES OSTA RICA SODA VATER FACTORY Agriculture and Its Many Setbacks.
To Tax Our Bachelors 45 ar ar Editor pla was already a civilized land forts to repel the Roman ic sease grant me the privilege where her people rode in carta vadet seem useless; when her xpressing the following inges ved in well built houses, Aly the League, fails her; and most devoted Journal. dressed in silk, wore shoes or we ask, how will all this end?
ve white races have dominated leather, nie: sured time by a sur What will Britain do to mainworld so long that we a most dinl and carried umbreilas. Attain her prestige and toat of the et the leadership was not al an early period they also possessed! League, since they have proven theirs, as for more na tle compass and employed the in efficient to protect the weak the span of history the Jerks srt of printing from novcable from the aggression of the stro. g?
ned peoples were in the blocks Mahatma Gandhi recently readaney. During receat years We now regard the progent markea And whydo regard haeology has made marvelous when Ethiopia would seem to the British ile as a curse? sveries in Egypt, and our mo be just awakening from her long cause it has impoverished the world looks with amazanent slumber; when her desperate TO PAGE 2)
he cultural, the knowledge the achievements of resou quity le well known writer Lewis Flatulence And all forms vne, recently said that ia Our shipping is far inferior in, add further prosperity to the e when Athens was stit these days of competition bet Puerto Nacional, there is to be a and Rome not yet built: ween the Pacific and Atlantic refrigerating plant for the handIndigestion of Stomach Britain was still outside Railways. The government of ling of the Tunny Fish of which world and Gaul like a wil fers all sorts of facilities and there is said to be a vast abinress roamed by savages; Ethto protection to shipping and ship dance in the waters of the PaColics Disorders pers so as to induce the latter to cifie.
transport their goods by means This Plant is to cost 250. 000 of the Pacific Railway. The ship dollars and will provide work ping Companies are also indu for an immense number of loced to offer the lowest possible bourers; a wharf and a tank, caocean rates, compatable with pable of holding 25. 000 gallons MANUFACTURED BY: the Canal charges, so as to en of oil are also to built; 15 con HERMANN ZELEDON BOTICA FRANCESA courage commerce for the Pa therefore be readily seen that citie Port of Puntarenas which Limon is doomed for a fourth LIMON is termed Puerto Nacional as rate bench; and when the time SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA against the Puerto Estrangero comes for the Pacific Bananas Fábrica de Hielo del Atlantico. Hence, as stated to be shipped from that side above, the Customs revenue for does it not appear as Limon that Port runs up, at times, to will be a forgotten Port?
nearly twice as much as that of However there is always Limon silvery living behind every dark (FROM PAGE 7)
We now note that in order to eleud.
prits are generally natives and the complainants New groes.
In future, however, this will not be, for if a case be instituted and no attention paid to it, the Judge will, as the result of an appeal, be severely reprimand LA FLORIDA On the initiative of Depu the ages of 18 and 45 or ed or dismissed.
ty Dr. Jose Coto, our Le 50 years.
Our new President has directed the Minister of In.
Fábrica de Hielo gislative Assembly is being We understand the idea ternal affaire to appoint three Judges to try any mis asked to consider and sup is receiving a large amount Venta de Leche port a project for the pro of sympathy from a number demeanour of the Police or Police Judges, orally and in mulgation of a law to tax of Deputies and may come public, so that any infractions of the law by these minor y Maderas our Bachelor citizens.
up for consideration during Officers, as have happened in Matina, and other places, the earlier part of next will, on proper representation, be severely dealt with The Doctor says he has It is hoped, therefore, that these pefty rogues will be careilly investigated the convinced properly safeguarded by the vigilance of the Rural proposal and is that while it will afford an Helloll! Do you have Guards and Judges so as to give a greater impetus to mps tions between stations and lones for general revenue, it income of about 500, 000 coGoat, Deer, Tiger, Snake, agriculturists to cultivate intensely and lessen the pred staff and ticket method will also be of much benefit Lion Shark and Aligator sent abnormal cost of our articles of primary necessity.
to working the line are being to our social and moral con Zarzaparrilla and China lained, but the conventionai ditions.
od wearence of the line wül be Medicinal herbs and Barks?
th wirely changed from that In its present form the Beeswax and Houey? Strike is always a most di officials confused and non plu.
rte ditionally associated with project suggests that the Then, SEE US, sastrous occurrence. The best sed; the hundreds of arrests, er fish railways. Locomotives amount of the tax should ated to be fitted with poweriul range from one to five co Metropolitan Bureau planned Strike is always a cala thousands of families suffeding Office in the Crystal Passage mity to any community: it is from hunger and privat! on: dlights similar to those in lones per quarter and be pa Box No. 544 On American railroads. yable by Bachelors between therefore best to keep away irents unpaid; landlords and real from it.
estate people idling and merThere are generally thousands chants unable to negociate their of workers who really have no busines. all transactions tied kick, neither with their earnings up. Must not the Mexican popunor with their employers aid lace be happy it is over? Yes whose families are being fairly every department of living well maintained, but because a activities must rejoice. Strike is forced on them they There are whispers of another too must walk out or suffer Strike coming here, but let vs BANCO DEL ESTADO SOLE BANK OF ISSUE themselves to be killed or 11 hope our people will have better treated. Never therefore incite sense than to contemplate or enUNICO EMISOR STATE BANK or help to encourage the idea of courage such a calamity. Strikes a Strike, as even he few extra prostrate and paralize every inpoints gained do not compensate dustry, hence they are now iegis ofrece al público los Offers the Public the for the monetary and physical lated against and declared 11servicios de su sufferings incurred.
Services of its legal in most countries The long pending Strike among the workers of Mexico has ended and all are rejoicing that it has; and well they may, for what has been the gain?
EN LA IN THE nothing in comparison to the suffering It caused. few leaEstrada ders might have made money and a few extra cents per day Abarrotes y Licores gained by the workers. But conArtículos del Pass para toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service sider the many valuable lives Precios Economicos servicio bancario Rendered lost; all industries paralized for lack of LA IBERIA communication and transportation; all government Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
aya Signals for.
icked page Mexican Railway Strike Settled ac oard plati tis a to por PA ting Tarke how onit BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA back tice SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE SALOMON CHING WEE LE Ciudad de Limón City of Limon


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