
10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Sunday, May 1936 ORGANDI, VOILE AT THE JAMAICA STORE AT THE JAMAICA STORE BREEDY NOTICES OF WORLD WIDE WIDE INTEREST lobor. Linebarger, adviser to the the newspaper Yomiuri, which was now absolutely peacerul sud ter the death of the rebel Gents repge alo TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERNE ARGENTINA HONDURAS JAPAN TEGUCIGALPA, Hondura.
BUENOS AIRES planes to suppress the sudden Argescua, Washington for inclusion in tne The Presidential secretariat stat. bel movement. Without wait has proposed that President Roc agenda of the Buenos Aires cur.
sevi forthcong conferee ference.
TOKYO The Japanesced that rebel uprisings had been for the rabels to get under wu.
commercial mission to Cea crushed at Santa Barbara, Olan the planes bombed and machin at Burnos Aires recommend inter. American study of art.
tral American countries has cho and El Paraiso. As a result, gunned the various ground u.
BUENOS AIRES. gration, colonization and communique stated thnt es met complete failure, reports it was declared, the whole nation The proposal is made in the form Chinese Government, was to of a draft for a resolution to be leave was all commercial and agi cultural eral Leonardo Nuila, kied in ps states that the mission here for Rio de Ja dissolved at Port au Princa, activities were being carried on right with government adopted by the conference, aneiro after having troud discuss the whole Santa Barbara zono ru ing all rations that are membered wih Argentine officials a Haití, without having conclud in a normal manner.
of the Pan American Union Palace attachés said that pe turned to normalcy.
cd a single contract or agree to plan for a triangular trade make an investigation ment.
would be maintained through The government has abft capacity to absorb European. tes, China and Argentina, per the deal between the United Sta: The mission objective was out the republic because the whole confidence that it will mainan peace throughout the migrants. The information gather He stated he hopes to work to arrangle for the purchase of country was backing the govern ed in this investigation would be out a scheme whereby China Central American products sc mert of Pr:sident Tiburcio Ca. and that any attempt to par sam used as a basis for bilateral crore would take Argentine wool, with these countries in cot Japan new export trade rias Andino.
it will be rapid y crushed. e der ETES The government used military added.
ties between American and Euro the United States would tale trac pean nations govering immig. Chinese tea and silk, and Ar ton textiles might be relieved Lion, colonization and labor.
of restriction.
gentina would receive Amer ps The project has been sent to lican manufactured producto Last year, Japan exported Central America goods We wish to announce we have passed our eighth year ofifore worth 36. 00. 000 yen and Existence although the Skeptics say nothing lasts long here.
bought in return two prod We have succeeded, because we have never deceived our members. You can fool the people some of the time; you can THE GIFT SHOP ucts valued at 8, 000. 000 yen.
fool half of the people most of the time; but you can nevet Even this was a nimprovement fool all the people all the time.
ANTIQUES AND SOUVENIRS over 1934, when Japan sold Remember that though we suffered from one Bank fail Central America 43. 000. 000 ure, we have met ALL OUR OBLIGATIONS up to date. have never had cause to close our doors. We have paid Deat Large assortment of genuine old indian pollery.
yens worth and bought to the Grants for one hundred and four persons, We pay the sam Beautiful objects in native woods.
value of only 856, 900.
amount for Dependents as for Members; we do not make Bone Exchange and other diifiof the on and Flesh of the other.
Should you join our SICK DEPARTMENT we do ne MO PRICES REASONABLE culties were compelling the limit your weekly Benefits; as long as you remain ill in be DIRECTION: From Hotel Costa Rica, east 75 yards on car line Central American republics you receive your Benefits if even for One Year.
FC rghi hand side, before Drug Store Nueva Polica on corner. to enforce quotas and higher If you are seeking Help in the Hour of Need, joint ONLY safe and reliable Society, the MISS BROAD Sucr. BOX 831 SAN JOSE COSTA RICA tariffs and the Japnese mission wanted to preserve the open COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION LOOK FOR THE INDIAN SIGN door by making the trade e Established in Limon, 5th May, 1928.
Failure was inet everywhere MEXICO CHILE according to the Yomiuri. Co MEXICO CITY. move ico is not concerned.
lombia turned down a propo wa previous Mexican resignati SANTIAGO, Chile. Chile will announced that it will prestat asal for a trade treaty similar ment was started in the Mexican Congress y to lift its sanctions against Italy in bill to Congress in the bring about from the League, for economici later to that recently signed with this nation resignation from the sons, was withdrawn two ya the near future, according to the part of next month providing for the United States.
newspaper Trabajo which points Cane withdrawal from the Lea.
League of Nations.
cut that Minister of Finance Gusgue.
Negotiations for purchase of Senator Candida Aguilar a num tavo Ross, of the Foreign Relations, industrial salt from Ecuador ber MEXICO, petu Tow in France, has ΕΙ Mercurio says (ditorially broke down on the eve of sige Committee of the Senate, asset of 11, 000 Catholic residents of here received instructions from his that world faith in the League his government to prcoced Mexico. State of Queretaro asking owl to lay been gradually destroyed as a sing of the contract. prcing the League is for and Spain at once on a special suit of its repeated failures. wie jected deal in oil in Venezuelanothing more than a experse of churches there be reopened car mission drawal of nations from meiner was found impossible owing 90, 000 ann ally in dues. seid before President Lazaro Cardento political conditions. Congress would soon request Pre. The Queretaro Catholics Infobos, The press generally bus ucen ship has weakened its moraj ef.
fre voicing the opinion during the last fect, it adds.
Plans for purchase of coffee, sident Lazaro Cardenas to presented the President that State the the withdrawal to the Leagie.
sugar and cocoa from ficials had told them the chilot two weeks that Chile, like otber The lack of success at Geneva Dominican Republic failed. Other Senators are supporting ches would not be reopened South American countries, should in preventing the Chaco war and Haiti offered to lower its 100 Senator Aguilar proposal to re ul Catholics who have withdraw from the League of Na the Japanese invasion of China Re per cent tariff if Japan beaght sign from the League, which the the government socialistica tions where its position is weak also are pointed as examples of 700, 000 or 800, 000 yen worth Serator termed an instrument of cation program agreed tec tou and unimportant. At the same practical failure. The idea of creat of raw cotton yearly, but con the great powers who turn to their children to public schools me it is pointed out that needet ing more effective Pan. Amer clusion of contract was Leir own end, in settling cont. This, they contended, constitui al ship in the League is extreme y ican cooperation is stressed as found impossible.
nental disputes with which Mex religious persecution.
costiy meriting further study.
cris On po itical party already has y to Ma opposferic a oag ta CO Ahorrel! ה Ee NICARAGUA MANAGUA, Nicaragua. pital. Reports are that the The Anglo Central American bank is closing due to com Commercial Bank, one of Ma mission control of foreign ex nagua oldest, is being liqui change, but the local mana dated because of economic ger announced that borrowers conditions.
tesest on loans and no bank The bank is owned by did not want to pay their in French, Italian and British ca could continue on that basis.
pes me Inbe El éxito en los negocios y en la vida está siempre en espera del hombre que tiene el dinero necesario en el momento preciso Usted debe ser de esa clase de hombres Maduro Lumber Yard Depósito de Maderas Nacionales EL ATLANTICO Frank Maduro hijo, Frank Maduro Jr Prop.
Banco de Costa Rica Prop.
Maderas del país. Existencia permanente en nuestro depósito Best native lumbes at moderate prices SUCURSAL DE LIMONA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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