
PRESIDENT CORTES cind his Efforts to Straighten out Affairs The Atlantic Vaice Public Works, he demonstrated tha quality, and is The National and Milla Maritima Lands Lands Charges tant for the purpose of preparire Commercial Warira New Professional Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic done As a great Organizer, none can surpass our pres.
Editor English Section: C. NATION ent Chief Executive Officer, den Leon Cortes Castro.
To those who might have taken the trouble to follow No. 95 Ano II Limón, Costa Rica, Sunday May 311h. 1936 his career, from his early days, it must certainly have appealed that he was born to rule as he always evi. of. administration of the Pacific Railway gave proof of his wonderful administrative ability; and this must have In keeping with our previous cultivators, as per the Banana ned petition can be presented by been the dominant incentive which moved his admirers article in our issue of the 5th. Concessions granted her and as the President and his Executive to ask him to accept nomination as a candidate for the instant relative to the occupancy designated by the compromises Council Prior to the fixing of a position to guide the affairs of the country which he is of these lands by squatters or entered into as a result of the definite rate by them.
presumed tenants, we can now efforts of the Strike in 1934, at This matter has been referred indeed already admirably executing. Every effort of state that it is the intention of say One Colon per hectarea per by Congress to a Commission for his denotes a sincere motive for the dignified progress the the Administration of the Tri annum or at most the same as the purpose of reforming of the country in every line of industry. He is so imparbutación Directa to take a com provided by an original Law of Law which premits the rental tial in his decisions with regard to those who are called plete census of all the cultiva uwo co ones per annum of Paldios Nacionales and the to serve the best interests of his country, that even his tors who have settled thereon All persons interested in this Milla Maritima lands, hence most inveterate poltical opponents have expressed their and to determine what charges movement should at once get in the necessity of early action be high appreciation of his qualification for the elevated as Rentals shall be placed on touch with the Committee at fore a decision on the matter them these places, or directly, as early has been arrived at by them.
sition, the very leaders of Communism thus express As a consequence of this de nal, so that a numerous y sigthemselves. We cannot deny the merits of President termination on the part of the Cortes in his attitude with respect to the impartial mangovernment, we visited the Soutner in which he treats his own political friends.
hern end of the Atlantic Coast in his opening message to Congress, don Leon di from 26th rects his Ministers and the Banks to take care not only the the of of the Capitalistic Industrialists, but the smaller Agri these lands to meet such census Much interest is evinced in We are very eased to culturists who will need aid in furthering our agriculby nounce to our readers that, and to advise them to formu ate the latest Tariff proposed tural exploits: and we find him demanding the strict themselves into convenient the United States Senate on Got Francisco Fonseca, Ch. the Crtton Goods.
and equal dispensing of justice to all who may come grow is to approach the governminal Judge of Port Limon has under their control. He demands the employment, not ment intelligently to decide the An increase of 41 per cent resigned from his post, and has only of those who laboured with him in his political matter of a uniform rate of ren will be instituted on the 20th. been appointed by the Limón Mn June on all Cotton Goods of a Dicipality as Lawyer for thig campaign and helped in gaining him the victory, but tal for such occupancy as well determined class which are being corporation. In addition Mr. Foa also those of his opponents whose qualifications, prepaas to enter into contracts, after a minimum rentel, for the lands poured into this country by seca will open his own Office in rations and aptitude are such as will anable them to Japan and finding a ready mar Limon to attend to private work cooup. ed by them.
faithfully serve in the positions in which they may be ket at lower rates than the Ame. for the public.
Dy our timely intervention rican produci placed. He says. In completing the organization of Committees have been formalaMr. Fonseca, is we known in As will be remembered, what Limon as well as being very pothe personnel of his employees, he endeavours to at.
ted at Penshurst. Cahuita and ever might have been the inci pular in the Community, and tend to the natural sentiments of gratitude toward o Harbour, for the purpose of dent that lit the flame, those of his partidarios who demonstrated faith in his presenting a Memorial to com. the Atlantic Voice, wishes him the mercial competition was capacity to serve the country the the best of luck in his new unhus helped bring Executive Council, praying a basis of the confiagration in dertaking. From his long expeng his campaign to a victorious issue; but in the same min mum rate of rents based Europe in 1914, hence much those chargeable by the United conjectures are aroused by this we take this opportunity of say rience as the Criminal Judge.
makanner as he has, with a clear and resolute determiFruit Company, for lands in her recent move by th greatest of ing, that his services will be very nation, come to give the country of his best efforts, so 20 session similarly occupied by Republics. This rate will serio will he be expecting that same honesty of purpose and the English Section of this Jour usly much sought after, and his know affect the trades of Bri ledge of the Larv, will be a great dignified deportment from all who are called to serve as possible, with the Editor of tain. Switzerland and Japan asset to his clients in the several departments. On this principle he regards them neither as friends nor opponents but as Costarridans who may merit the confidence anú honour of appointments; but should they fail in maintaining that special confidence, however dear a friend or devoted a wanderings through ing soon, unfortunate cros and worked with Mr. Galbra th this immense partidario. they will have to be displaced if a justiplantation wered the Great Border Line. Mr. till he too crossed into the Great Fiable complaint be made against them as he will not found that the Managing Diree Findlay thon came to the rescue Continue in page tor, Mr. Findlay, has been Continue in page 11.
sparing no pains to bring the concern up to a first clase status Formerly there 572Sellers of Eatables Must Carry Health Crtificate re two Tractors hauling the For the protection of Public the Health Officer in every loca fruit over tre twenty tfive Heaith and as a precaution a lity and obtain certificates of Tramways (inclurainst the spread of infection di good health; these certificates ding epurs) but as these were SERVICIO DE VAPORES seases, it has been ordered by the they are to carry with them so found to be inadequate and unHealth Department that all per they can be presented to the Po certain by the technicality of Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York 10s who are occupied in the sale lice or any Sanitary Orficer wan gas machinery a ten ton Porters steam oil burning Engine has con escalas en Cristóbal of Milk, Bread, Coffee, Ice Cream, requcated by them. Habana ind such like articles, These examinations and Certi been imported to handle treets on in shops shall submit ficates are Free of charg.
enormous quantity of fruit be ng LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS themselves for examination by supp ied the United Fruit Company from that vicinity Mr.
AMERICANOS y EUROPEOS Findlay is now selling over twelve thousand weekly and Vapores Salidas within a few he to be able to put out 25 000 We wish to announce we have passed our eighth year of The people of the Penshurst Dis PETEN.
31 de Mayo Existence although the Skeptics say nothing lasts long here.
trict. Cahuita, Hone Creek and We have succeeded, because we have never deceived our Puerto Viejo must hold VERAGUA. de Junio the members. You can fool the people some of the time; you can fool half of the people most of the time, but you can never rames of Galbraith. King and QUIRIGUA.
14 de Junio fool all the people all the time.
Findlay in veneration Many Remember that though we suffered from one Bank fail have been the empty taſks reure, we have met ALL OUR OBLIGATIONS up to date. We garding different Companies have never had cause to close our doors. We have paid Death Grants for one hundred and four persons. ALVARADO Cía, We pay the same entering these districts to enamount for Dependents as for Members; we do not make Bone courage planters to grow and Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas of the on and Flesh of the other.
sell their fruit, such as the AShou you join our SICK DEPARTMENT we do not tlant Fruit the Cuyamel, the limit your weekly Benefits; as long as you remain ill in bed you receive your Benefits if even for One Year.
Green Star and even the United Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United Fruit Company en los bajos del If you are seeking Help in the Hour of Need, join the Fruit, but nothing ever materiaONLY safe and reliable Society, the lized untii Messrs. Galbraith Gran Hotel Costa Rica COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION and King. two Ingleses, eame TELEFONO 3156 Established in Limon, 5th May, 1928.
along and made it possible Mr.
of miles on the the TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Ethernet menthe koospects Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    CommunismLeón CortésPresidentes de Costa Rica

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