
THE ATLANTIC VOICE Sunday 31 May 1936 Masons Reported Banished by Italy Cricketing Comments ALLAN SIME ALLAN SIME ROME Vague rumors have under Italian law and British Masonic loges have Today the Divided Unity been in circulation in Rome 10: The game between the ConsThese rumors have taken more been arrested. Some of the arrest some days of an alleged plot to re concrete form with the addition of ed men five, it is said. are high ytruction and the Excelsior last ces the Builders who expect to erect an exceedingly large build constitute Italian Freema sve further detai to the effect that a pieced officials ha the Ministry of Sunday ended in a draw.
which in common with all secret soumber of persons accused of hav Finance.
The Builders had the first ing, but if the former can only cieties has been declared leging illegal relations with French It is reported that some it no: knock and made 91 runs, of get together there might te which Isaacs was responsible surprise.
ALMACall of the arrested men have for 40. On resuming play after ready been tried behind closed do the recess, the Excelsior endea We are nearing the end of the ors and banished for a term of voured to overtake this huge buil first half of the Competition ye to a penal island ding of 91 pieces, but at the call the leading Clubs have only two of time had only mustered 78 points each, the Construction, What seems quite certain is that LIMON, LIMON, and the Excelsior. It is there forgot for the loss of wickets the commission whose task it is to try persons accused of offenses Hayling Jnr. once again pla somewhat puzzling to judge what yed excellently for 39. Cu ac will be the winner of the Mug punishable by confinement to the penal islands has held several sitcount of this draw, the Clubs re this season.
DEPOSITO DE MADERA LUMBER DEPOSIT tings lately and has handed down man in the same positions they were the week before.
Spectator a number of sentences.
Reports that an attempt has been Compra Cacao en grano Cocoa Purchased made to reconstitute Freemasary in Italy also seem to be fairly well authenticated Importación y Exportación Imports and Exports HOP LEE LUNG Has Faith in Emperor Island Wide Telephone S To Study Rights of of Neutrals ENRIQUE LEE SA Are Health talks by the lamaica Health Bulletin VE Se CO Service for Jamaica Establecimiecto de Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes LONDON. Haggard and en he has left the country for food.
xious. Dr. Warqueh Murtea, Eth. There something more behind it pia Minister to London sat forAccording to a recent press El más surtido en Matina lornly in his study at the Imperial ir it isn Italian propaganda. can item there is every possibility of Ethiopian Legation in the smal believe it true.
Jamaica obtaining an Island hours of this morning. waiting for The Minister had been without wide Telephone service. At the news from his Emperor s!
word from Addis Ababa for twenty Callers asked him about the de four hours. Last evening the tele holders of the local Company, annual meeting of the Share parture of Emperor Haile Selanie phoned from the legation to An held during last mah, it was from Addis Ababa, reponthony Eden British Foreign Secre announced that the necessay London by the British Misister in tary, who was at Leamington to cap tal, a very large amount the Ethiopian capital, Sir Sidniy make a speech. Mr. Eden cuid had been secured and that the KAD WASHINGTON. Clarixi dutiss of neutrals and belBarton only refer Dr. Marth to the Brit necessary application for the Knowng His Majesty as asih Foreign Office, which had Sit Franchise had been placed befo of neutrals was urged by Se: cation of the existing rights ligerents Conclusion of a conven Dr. Martin said, cannot believe Sidney report.
re the government who promi cretary Hull in a list of topics tior open to all nations sunt sed to give the matter early transmitted by this govern pleraenting and clarifying exist consideration ment today to the preparatory ing rules concerning right: Radio Telephone service is commission forthe Inter and duties of neutrals with now in operation in that Island American Conference, to be reference to certain classes of by means of which verbal com held in Buenos Aires.
trade and commerce AMERICAN LEGAL COUNSEL munication is possible with the United States, etc.
Member of the Bar of Indiana and the Canal Zone The preparatory comis Consideration of sto sion was formed as a subcom looking to a more comprehensi For local business, associated with HORACIO ALVARADO mittee of the inter American ve statement of international Costa Rican Lawyer and Notary Public. The proposed American comunittee on April 15 to re law pertaining to neutral and Lion Office, 100 yards north of La Tribuna, San Jose ceive proposals for the agenda belligerent rights and duties.
League of the conference from all the American nations.
III Due to the acknowledged inThe topic on the rights ois.
capacity of the uropean League neutrals was broached in the Inuyovement of communica of Nations, the American coun form of a proposed convention tions between the American tries are making much progress open to all nations supple republics.
in their overtures to one another meting and clarifying exist to partie pate in the first Learights ing rules concerning Steam:hip communica gue Conference proposed by se and duties of neutrals with re tior Ma aria is a dreadful which week, or thereabouts, full grown veral of the Republics to be hea ference to certain classes of Pan American highway starts with fever and a chill mosquitoes will appear to spread In Buenos Aires in December trade and commerce.
ort then fills the victim with ashes malaria, far and near.
Costa Rica has been asked to While there was no offiIV and pains from the crown of the Each man and woman, boy take part and to send in her recial this amplification of and girl, should try to destroy commendations. The ful text of head to the tips of the toes, announced proposal, it was as Facilitation by government leta Quinine will always ease the all skeeters Allow no stagnant the proposed pact will appear in sumed generally that the ship action of the exchange pain, but the ills will recur waters around the home at any an early issue of his section.
the 11 TO PAGE 11 ment of arms and munitions stagnant waters are a lowed to time of the year; then from mos quitoes you ll be rid. with would thereby be opened for remain in open barrels, tins or further study. The list trans Hello. Do you have cesspools around the house. Wa health and happiness, instead of ge a warfare against the skee sickness, sorrow, grief and pam, mitted to the preparatory com Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON Inission follows: Goat. Deer, Tiger, Snake, ters dire and dread.
and great will be your family LionShark and Aligator The female is the one to swat, gain. Thick shrub and treas Skins? She spreads the germ from spot around the house also lodge and Abogado y Zarzaparrilla and China to spot; encourage mosquitoes, thin the Roots?
Se out and allow the breeze to Her name it is Anopheles, Notario Público Perfection of existing in Medicinal herbs and Barks She bites at evening if you pass through so the Ekeeters ter American peace treaties. Beeswax and Honey? please cannot lodge.
Oficina: Altos Pas New peace treaties.
From patients who with ague lie, We particularly commend the cual Ingianna She sucks the blood and Metropolitan Bureau then II doth fly se advices to the residents Office in the Crystal Passage Box No. 51 To others who are strong Cieneguita and Jamaica Town.
ana Rules ergarding rights and weil; And these she also bites, When, strange to tell, the germs Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your atention to our remark at the back increase de su recibo que dice: Within the Blood, of receipt which reads: And fill the victim with a flood Este recibo debe. pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office Of Poison which brings sching cina dentro de los primeros 10 días before the 10th. of the month Head de cada mes And loss of Pep and days in Bed Be so good as to comply with this request and do not In puddles, ponds; in grassy Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which nooks along the banks of mars de tener que contar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
uring brooks, Anopheles lays her eggs In two or, may be, just o day these hatch and wigge. tas come out. Another Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Hin o Compañía Eléctrica de Limón


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