
936 nday 31 May 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE tsHE NUMBER SEVEN and its Mystical Uses SAL UVINA (THE RIGHT SALTS)
For Liver and Stomach Ailments ructiore it seum INVALUABLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF Trinidad to Manufacture Paper Flatulence And all forms nits pect to Thirteen has the repa. Seven lean oxen. Jacobserved, vant from Mount Carmel Seven buldof being tafe most ilifated Laban for a period of Seven years times to look for rain. There is an onlycky of numbers and its to obtali his wife Rachel. also the unclean spirit who tock te conseguently avoided, whe Nebuchadnezzar ordered the with him Seven other spirits more lossible by many; in a re furnace for Shadrak, Meshak and wicked than him self, and the se published article, Lord Pon Abednego to be heated Seven. ven devils which were cast out of of thralls attention to the many mes more than it was wont to be Mary Magdalene. The Seven cada on ties which surround the heated. Elisha sent Naaman to stick of the tabernacle arc mennyta Seven and the special sig. wash Seven times in the river tioned in Exodus, and there are the to have had Jordan, and Elijah sent his ser Seveu lamps of the Apocalypse.
relorcut history, or as Jol ge wil the noted mathematician Mug of all the numbers there Pe which has exercised a uence, no one which has zator tad in a higher decree the and reverence of mankind We understand that Trinidad and Paper Mill in the West Ine number Seven.
is to have the first Bamboo Pulpdies; this plant is to be erected is the number used to on the estates of Thomas Nelson the period of time in and Sons Ltd. near St. Joseph we work of Creation was Preliminary work, such as levelland it still represents Ing of the site and construction hber of days which cons.
of a large railway siding, is well ur present week. There in hand tes Seven Churches of Asia The output of this proposed fere specially addressed by LIMON plant should be in the region of bil: the Seven Champions 000 tons per annum, and 15 stendom, St. George indeed a step in the direction of St Denys of France, Fábrica de Hielo utilising the countless Bamboos es of Sptain; St. Anthony that undoubtedly add beauty to St. Andrew cf Scotland, y Refrescos the countryside but have previorick of Ireland and St.
usly had no apparent commerWales; and the Seven cial value. The West Indian ReGreece, So on, Thales, view.
Hydropanoeuvering Communism in Brazil Fábrica de Hielo y Maderas The Penshurst Banana.
as the trial of the Seven Another, Rich Discovery lutis EL CABALLO BLANCO ca SALOMON CHIN WEE LE sunca ghway th history records that German Communist. Harry munist party, and his wife o the Norman Conquest OVO LA FLORIDA Berger, and his wife, have been confessed that they were respon was divided into Seven American war machines have su expelled from Brazil for Com sible for inciting the revolution 15 Kent Sussex, Essex, recent y been very busy in tho munistic activities in that coun in the Argentine Republic. and Fast Anglia, NorthumPacific Ocean in their practises try for were preparing the plans cia, at efficiency; much trainings have Venta de Leche Berger is found to be the Se revolutions in all South Ameriwas the Seven Year been undergone by American ses ol cretary of the German Com can countries.
Pen, between the years Ships and Airplanes around the 1763, England and PrusIndian Ocean and the Sea of Ja snt against Austria, Saxo.
pan which, tot sb long ago, ssle, France and Sweden: roused some suspicion.
Now we find 12 Hydroplanes Topal who protested against the and their supply ship manoeu Front page Long may such comradeship be land dion of Indulgence decreed in British Guiana vering around the coastline and Beyond a few months ago, when evinced among us.
James 11 of England, carry With the recent discovery of waters of Puntarenas. It this not Mr. Findlay was left to Septennial Act which, in on and he is doing marvellous a large deposit of Pitch bleads the signs of the times?
ctended the duration of or Radium bearing ore in British work to help the people of Calish Pariament to Seven Guiana, that huita and Old Harbour.
unica outpost of the We saw posters all along the British Empire, lying on the re also informed of the mainland to the South of us, is lines stating that no one is allowed to ride onders of the world, as again attracting much attention, on the Car serCantina Posada vice which, we understand has Seven stars which constiDoctor Von Sickengen, a noted constellation known as the Austrian scientist, is reported to produced much disappointment Estrada y Cafeteria ear. Then we are warn have unearthed an extensive de to and resentment by the trafst the Seven Deadly sins, posit of the precious ore in the Abarrotes y Licores ficing pedestrians of Cahuita Felipe Wing Ching orted to practise the Ser Hinterland of the Colony and it Articulos del Pais and Old Harbour; but this is linal virtues.
only a precaution according to Apartado 395 is rumoured that several expePrecios Economicos Law to absolve the proprietors Bible there are innume ditions are under organization tances of the mystical for the purpose of locating adLA IBERIA from damages in case of ache number Seven. Phaditional beds.
cidents to persons taking a rat passage on these Cars, SO amt of the Seven fat and should not be taken as an act It affords us the sincerest of unkindness or spitefulness as pleasure to mention the coming we have heard. The owners of marriage of our good friend and such a large undertaking have esteemed citizen, Mr. Peter need to be cautions in their Blackman.
dealings with the public in order China to avoid charges of carelessness The ceremony is scheduled we in case of mishaps.
leam to take place in the CatarksANCO DEL ESTADO SOLE BANK OF ISSUE Mr. Findlay and his Collea holic Cathedral here on Wedgues are to be congratulatednesday next the 3rd. Jude at UNICO EMISOR STATE BANK for their thrifty and progres and the Atlantie Voice sive ideas; would that we hat takes this opportunity of tena few more Findlays and Galuering Mr. Blackman an his ofrece al público los Offers the Public the braiths in Costa Rica to de expected life partner a long and servicios de su Services of its monstrate such activities.
happy union We cannot pass on without also compliment ing the Company for having chosen a man of the type of Mr. Simeon RIchards as their chief of staff.
COMERCIANTE EN LA IN THE Mr. Richards started with them ESTABLECIDO EN LA PROVINCIA POR as a Foreman when the ComMAS DE 20 AÑOS pany at times, could not meet their Pay Rolls; he however Vende al detal. Vinos y Licores extranjeros y del país.
para toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service stuck to them till his name is abarrotes en general.
now an asset to the concern Micelánea.
servicio bancario Rendered after 15 years of faithful serviESTABLECIMIENTO ESQUINA NORTE DEL MER ce, surely employers and emCADO ENTRE AV LA CALLE 42 ployee deserve congratulations Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Personal ave nake, INCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA gala eau SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE EDGAR YOUNG Uck ce udad de Limón City of Limon al


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