
da 10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Sunday 31 May 19 Fle ORGANDI, VOILE AT THE JAMAICA STORE BREED War to the Finish Pledged Ethiopia Emper Barred all Peace Talk with Italy pers Jati 150 lere prou Excursion to Guapiles ard Ten months ago Emperor my of his swaggering Haile Selassie was wildly son in law, Ras Gugsa, bus acclaimed at Addis Ababa nor of Tigré Trovinc when in a fighting speech first the Emperor before his chieftains, he pledg the finish, and the Emperor, doglio and General Rodolfo sha! Badoglio took over the most of his time in ed to shed his own blood it was doggedly refused to ne Graziani. The Emperor watch command and adopted a vi Ababa, but in recent for necessary in leading Ethiopia gotiate with his enemies and cd hopefully the tension het gorous policy. Haile Selassie he had directed his wa 12 in the defense of her indepenhas appealed repeatedly for ween Italy and Great Britain, has protested against bombing at the front from his bpom dence intervention by the League he prayed for an early rainy raids, poison gas and the use Dessye.
The actual fighting began As recently as April 6, af season and he bade all his of dum dum bullets, but the Rumors that Hailes 00.
early last October after fe ter his Imperial Guard had subjects to fight all to little final result of the war has planned to abdicate verish preparations, but wir een rou. ed by enemy bom purpose, as events have turn been considered inevitable by from Rome two days aftla thout the formality of a de bers, gas and artillery bet ed out.
military observers.
Italians had occupied ai claration of war. In a speechween Mount Alaji and Lake When he was crowned Ne One of the Emperor disap and similar reports, from the imperial palace at Ashangi. Haile Selassic regus Neguzti King of Kings, pointments early in the war denied, have been her the Ethiopian capital on Aug. pudiated vigorously the sug or Emperor at Addis Ababa wasthe desertion to the ene lintervals since that tin 21, the Emperor, his voice gestions that he had been de on Nov. 1930. Haile Selas oace browe1 by sobs, proclaimed to cisively defeated and was sie rook over absolute power.
the world that war with Italy suing for peace.
By virtue of the Constitu would touch off a conflict tion of July 16, 1931, his per THE GIFT SHOP of that would threaten the very Modern Arcns Too Effective son was inviolable and he scule existence of humanity itself.
was withouth any personal ANTIQUES AND SOUVENIRS DE The Conquering Lion of But in seven months the responsibility Judah one of the Emperor Ethiopians have been over Large assortment of genuinz old indian potierry official titles urged his ba whelmed by the modern ins He had ruled the country Beautiful objects in native woods.
tori refocted and poorly armed trument of war employed by since October, 1928, with his warriors to fight to the last the forces of General Emilio cousin, the Empress Judith, PRICES REASONABLE hes ditch. It was to be warto de Pono, Marshal Pietro Badaughter of Menelik II. She DIRECTION: From Hotel Costa Rica, east 75 yards on cor diese died in 1930. Before that he night hand side, before Drug Store Sueva Potica on cornel co had been heir to the throne MISS BROAD Sucr. BOX M1 SAN JOSE COSTARI pro and regent, as Ras Makonen, Thint since September, 1916.
LOOK FOR THE INDIAN SIGN pic Haile Selassie is a mild blin, the On account of receiving certain sound mannered, studious man who prefers music and literature The Hospitalization Chargeur advice we will not go to San Jose in to levees and parades. Small Tube May, but on or about August.
of statue, blackbearded In consequence of the United WE GO TO GUAPILES ON SUNDAY JUNE 7th. blackeyed, he has fine Semi Fruit Company charge for Hos der consideration, the tic features and thin white pital attention to the labourers of suggested the percentage ke Train will leave Limonat 30 a. and Guapiles p.
th hands. He is said to be astute, the private Banana Contractors be after the higher rato, troli ROUND TRIP FARE. ADULTS C2. 50 as to his own financial affairs being rated up to 25 per day, the amount was thought Car and it has often been report there is a suggestion that the excessive the one per cen Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association ed that the bulk of his per Contractors contributions to the decided on As, however, a In sonal fortune is within the fund be raised from one to one now exists against the sl vaults of European banks.
a half per cent of the payment, the necessity form srca inents to them by the Company, the increase is realized by anti Dccreed End of Slavery so that the charge may be ad. Execuive and it is expecte The Emperor is 44 years qualeiy met.
matter us will shortly be old. Since his accession to the At the time the matter was un dealt with.
The throne he has issued edicts Is ang She. There a time and admit this Englishman; he ap: abolishing slavery and seri place for kissing to become a public charge. doni, although the Te. only dabbed you on Second Officer. shouldnt to this day insist that these your cheek for a half. secon think so, he got a million do. reforms have not gone into NEW ORLEANS. For the images for the lynchiag of clia She. That what m hick lars with him.
first time in the judicial history son.
cau ing about. The right place is on First Officer Yes General de Bono, the Italian of the State of Louisiana and Judge in this dia the mouth, and the time at rust true, but he also got the ad Commander in Chief in Afri probably in all the United States, awarded the parents a su balf an hour.
dresses of three Broadway Show ca at the beginning of the a Federal Court has awarded the 2, 500 dollars ay damages girls.
war, was too cautious to plea parents of a Ccloured youth the death of their son who wa Early m crazy about your wife.
se his compatrio:s, and Mar 28 ched by a mob in 1933 Mac. and if you ll let me have Now Mr. Gayboy. began her ll pay you her weight in Professor, if you were to draw a god straight line between these two Well, if that the way you feel points what would it prove?
about her, Jack, just wait on me The Stuednt. That WAS for a few days.
unusually sober this morning.
Why? do you need that mucu time to think it over?
No, won marry you. Why, No, no, to get her fattened up you couldn even keep me El éxito en los negocios y en la a bit more.
vida está siempre en espera del Say, girlie, you surely don First Immigration Officer. Say contemplate having a coid ail your hombre que tiene el dinero neJones. do not think we should life do you?
cesario en el momento preciso Usted debe ser de esa clase Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard de hombres Nacionales Frank Maduro Jr Prop.
Frank Maduro hijo, Prop.
Best native lumber Maderas del país. Existencia permanente en nueslio at moderate prices SUCURSAL depósito LIGHTER VEIN Italians Court Awards Damages for Lynchlesin that The in enty the Ahorre. Wel Booth Biscui Witze ole Berlin Boc he What in EL ATLANTICO (EST.
Banco de Costa Rica DE LIMONWENTA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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