
nday 31 May 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE 21 May 19 Jerculosis and its Control ED ¿Es ella el ojo de su cara?
cate Cricket as seen by The Ball care are Doctor Hyde. President Cortes. From page industrial nations, tu have been enabled to return osis, during the twem to work compared with only century, has been declin 30 percent, of advance cases.
xcept for the World In Pennsylvania, West Vir period. Since 1918, the ginis, and other areas where e in the tuberculosis there are extensive miningropc wide marked. In the United spread. The disease, there, the decrease in this must be diagnosed in its ear Pero para su tranquilidad.
gering hg principal cause of ly stages, and the victim plac Gugsa, has been especially cheered in a sanatorium, if clinical ¿qué le ofrece?
Jrovines medicine.
control of tuberculosis is to Piense que lo único es cor perculosis of the respira be attained una póliza de vida.
be in ystem was responsible, in Prediction Controverted teat for 125 deaths out of Controverting Doctor Du his 190. 000 of the Ameblin, the Association, Pida informes directamenie al next his a population. In 1932. day, adopted this resolution BANCO NACIONAL DE SEGUROS atio was only, 56. per Resolved, that in view of Haile 500. Cancer and malig the fact that tuberculosis is (A las órdenes de Lid. tumor on the other still the leading cause of death lays alt had risen from 77. to between the ages of fifteen piedpl. and heart disease from and forty and is also the most Its, to 209. per 100. 000 important cause, because con In heale same period.
trollable, added stress should mattis unrivaled annihilation be laid on the continued imoncentrenched malignant portance of a vigorous camp our ex champions, the Motive In my opinion if the Irons had only 15 runs aganist the 82 of The terrible whipping given possible for the Irons to score went down to the Builders for ise is commensurate with aign against tuberculosis.
Power, by the Excelsior Cour batted first they would have gi their opponents.
levelopment and perfec Other papers at the sessions Going back up the stream, of sanatoria for treating were somewhat in contrast to champions) is certainly somet ven the like measure to the Exthink the Excelsior Pathfinders hing to write about not however ce síor.
rculosis which have far Doctor Dublin forecast Dr. Clarence Hyde, of It may be true that on compain the light taken by the masses.
IRS ripped similar institutions The games of the previous two Match was a very good one so weeks. Pathfinders vs. Unity far as bow. ing and batting were roteray nation. Prevention is Springfield Lake Sanatorium, rison there is a very wide margin and Surtidora vs. Construction, concerned.
problem with which these Est Akron. io. Poredeze between 16 and 87, but one were of distinctly different na The Youths 81 runs were good toria now deal ed new methods of treating tu should take into consideration tures. The Youths dispatched enough to win the match and hese efforts have been so berculosis, some of them, ap the state of the wickets. The the Unity for 17 runs only be the Excelsior bowing was also nearlessful that complete prac parently, being a return to o Excelsior. batting first, mustered cause the latter were afraid of good, but still the Youths en con control of tuberculosis der methods. swing back 63 runs for one wicket and then the bowling of Robinson and scored freely, while the Excelproblem of public realth to treating patients in their 87 all out their best bats. Kerr, Smith, who are very fast. In sior struggled for their 82. Dixon STAZI in the next fifty years homes, rether than in sanato Walker, Walker, ete were the other match the Merchants had Hayling, Walker, predicted by Dr. Louis ria, was sech by Doctor Hyde all dispatched in processional all wanted to hit big sixes and Kerr and Maxwel dancing as blin, Third Vice President Special types of establish form, showing that the wiekets fours instead of playing in them though they were in a Ballroon the Metropolitan Life In ments for patients requiring became tricky and made it im selves first: and for this they and he secured five wickets for ance Company, in an addres institutional other about 29 runs. Gordon inning geJune 24, belore the Natio parts of the future program of 29. not out, was aplendid Tuberculosis Associacia Ficured by thanks to Wade who ssed him in convention at Saranac These would include sanatoria, nt about 21. The person responKe, New York.
children cottages, homes for sible for the loss of the match tage support any authority or employee who fails to correctrate, lis three point program of hopeless cases and tuberculowas Berty Lawrence who threw trol is sis departments in generally and impartially execute his duties, and he will not away the ball he should have Care for tubercular Ne hospital.
turn a deaf ear on any justifiable complaint regarding held knowing there were only Much credit for pioneer the improper acts of an employee in the service of the six minutes left for the ca of Increased attention to work in America gallant government. This we see exemplified by his recent time; had he not done this the the erclar young women; Sight ageinst the while pladismissal of the Subinspector of Finance at Sixaola for for a match would have been drawn.
in sizten to twenty five. gue gocs to Dr. Edward LiIntensive study of tuber vingston Truiezu. In nursing hes also acted toward other employees.
misconduct which was proven against him, and as he Unity made si in unir match against the Motive Power With ozis in industry his brother, Doctor Trudeau 53 minutes to bat the The disease attacks more contracted tuberculosis. In In don Leon Cortes we are, therefore, witnessing Skipper attacked the bowling in is and women between six 1873. he want to the Adi a Ruler from whom we can expect the accomplishment sticklicking form which resuland twenty five than rondacks. There he remained of true justice and perfect honour in every department ted in 83 runs for wickets, thus s and men of the untille died in 1915. In 185 of government service, the Irons won the match. This nch span. statistics cisclose the guides and rezidenca was called good captaincy by childhood. boys and girls Saranac Lake gave enough the publie, who the week before equally vulnerable After land and money to enable Dos jeeze the Youths because their nty five, men take the tor Trudeau to begin his ce The Agricultural and Building Captain gave orders to attack is the and ia contracting the ail. lebrated sanatorium for Corporation of 28 Miles the bowling of the Construction trea meat and cure of in when she had 60 for 2, and 20 marly diagnosis will help. cipiunt tuberculosis in worlang All Registered Shareho ders of the above Society minutes to call of time to beat per cent of incipient cases men and women the 71 made by the Construction are invited to a General Meeting convened for a.
Ten years later, he The Youths fell for 69 and May 31st, at the usual place, Madre de Dios, for Wel. What. blished the Saranc Lake La the publie went wild. In my opibora cry, first of its kind in proroguing the fe of the Society and to decide other nion the Captaincy was perfect.
ooth Bread, America. One of his most fa very importaal matters relative thereto.
The Excelsior in the opening iscuits Buns. mors paticats was Robert match of the Competition; drew GIBB, Without which sou can boats Louis Stevenson. Ricogaition with the Surtidora and said she Secretary of cating the best from home and abroad was did not wish to win. Why then Serlin Bread Doctor Trudeau reward.
did she declare and send in the Saranac Lake Laboratory, for Recognition Booth Biscuits Merchants? Was it not to have came to succesor, too, on June 24. tciogy of tuberculosis, par he People Bakery. when the National Tubercuticularly in the Who are relationship losis Asociation awarded the of tuberculosis ani silicosis.
trying to fool? Oh, Excelsior, ExWhere you will get the best the industrie con produce Trudeau Medal to Dr Leroy celsior. Oh, you Hip.
coachers and students between Gardner, Director of the The Negus Arrives the American republics The Ball at Gibraltar José Achion GIBRALTAR. 29. Haile SeNg Tassie. acconanied by the Ister American trade.
Crown Prince, the Duke of Har Tariff truce among the COMERCIANTE DETALLISTA ESTABLECIDO HACE MAS DE 30 ANOS)
rar, Prince Makonnen, the Prin American republics involving Licores. Abarrotes, Criscess Tsahay and Ras Kassa. ha a pledge to create no new dis taleria, Artículos de Fe.
CAMBIO DE BILLETES ve arrived aboard the Capet criminations rretería y Eléctricos: todo own. they immediate y took. Proposals concerning se encuenza en esta apartments in the Rock Hotel principles of equality of tra establecimiento a Although they were not of de opportunity and considera Precios de Situación ficially received the Emperor tion of steps looking forward and his party lunched with the to insuring applications of tho COSTA RICA Governor in the Palace se principles.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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especial be Sanie rest esta bis important work in the per To Study Rights of. enough time to www down the From page A. MENDEZ SIENTA PERMANENTE DE LOTERIA NACIONAL

    León CortésPresidentes de Costa Rica

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