
EDITORIAL Prospects of the Banana Trade The Atlantic Vaice saw The International Situation on not de Fly Proof Butcher Stalls The Negus Arrives in London The hopes of the residents of our Province are very much enlivened by news of the advent of a third boat Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic done to take shipments of our Bananas to foreign markets.
Editor English Section: C. NATION Last year there was an intense gloom overshadowing the entire community; our planters nothing but Ano II failure threatening them; the real estat epeople did not Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday june 6th. 1935 No. 96 see how the collection of their rents could secure them the needed means of support and merchants were unable to meet their municipal and other rates. dismal catastrophe seemed approaching, but things are changing The and gradually there can be discerned signs of a brighter World wide anxiety is focussed present French govern return of the Jews to that couthis iniquitous conquest by ment is determined to crca try; they burn all their commuma; future.
Italy dictator, Benito Mussolini: be her indecisive po icy, conse. houses and kil lall Britishers who Unquestionably the United Fruit Company has and incidents are cropping up a quently this meeting will change come in their path. British airmade this country whatever it is and the old adage rapid succession which seem to the policy of the League and take plants are hunting them down in The man who makes you can break you. is very clear be leading on to a gigantic Eu more energetic, decisive and acti. the mountains and shelling the ly demonstrated in this instance. The manipulations of copean conflagration from which ve steps to terminate the Italo cut their hiding paces. Mucte the Company have been of such a nature that without there is evidently to be no escape. Ethiopian problem.
the same thing exists in Egypt which In spite of the potests from England demands Italy the shadow of a doubt, she has, during the past few. nation Mussc ini years, for some reason or other, brought desolation to appears As a result of the Italian pro. musi at once stop or face ber determined to hold Ethio paganda activities in Egypt ani arms.
our doors by the withdrawal of that outstretched hand pia from the fact that he is build. Palestine rebellious Atabs are The world therefore watches an with which she formerly fed and clothed us; but recoging fifty palaces for housing his commiting all sorts of atracities: xiously for the League meeting nizing that we have realized what she has been to us, high Oificials of that Colony as they claim they do not desire the on the 16th proximo.
she is again gradually opening her hands and outstretch he calls it, and as soon as these ing her bounty so that, little by little, happiness is being are completed it is his intention, restored in our homes, and the darkness and gloom we are informed, to start similar constructions in other principal which overshadowed every man, woman and even the towns.
child of our environment, dispelled.
We evidenced this gradual unfoldment of the dis. Italian Agents have been disseminating propaganda of a subposition to help, by the establishment of large plan.
versive nature in Egypt and Pa.
Th Journal has on several oc. natter in hand and will be niaktations by private farmers with her financial aid; first lestine against British rule and carons mentioned the necessity ng the use of such stalls comat Guacimo, then at Carmen and 26 Miles. As soon as occupancy of these countries in of Scitary Fly proof stal being pulsory. No stall, it is stated, these commenced to produce, we heard the rumours consequence of which much riot provided in cer City market for shall occupy less space than 16 of a second boat being brought to relieve the matter of ing and murders have occurred th sale of meats, and suggest square metres, be thoroughly fly rejections caused by the production exceeding the quanEngland had advised Italy that ed that some progressive young proof and periectly sanitary in butche: should take the lead in every respect.
she would not tolerate this actity wehich could be lifted by one boat. Later we witruch improvement.
This has tion and if it were continued she the Atlantic Voice nessed new cultivations being established on all sides; We ar consequeztly pleased to scored one more mark in her rewould be instituting reprisa and from Estrella and Old Harbour; from the Old Lines and using every means at her disposal cote that the Executive Council commendations for progress.
Parismina; from Saborio, down Matina and on to the of President Cortes Sas taken the to put a stop to it.
Pacific Coast; and we observed also the importation of In the meantime England has dredges for the draining and reclaiming of lands, until been instituting every possib e de fence against scientific warfare the Industry is now so resuscitated that there is the pleas to protect her civilian population, ing information that from the middle of this month we Secret underground chambers are shall have three boats of the shipping Company calling being constructed in every home regularly for Bananas.
into which families can rush and LONDON, A though h: was The Nagus was escorted by Po Naturally, this gives the small cultivators new im.
be provided with gas masks not accorded an official reception, ce cars to the Abyssinian Lepetus to replant and care their little fields which they case of aerial gas attacks: her more than 50, 000 persons welconi gation where he has taken up rehad abandoned because even though our prices here of ships and airplanes are also being eu the Emperor Haile Selassie on siderce. It is expected he will be 30, 40 and 50 cents are the lowest obtained along the brought up to first class fighting his arrival today at Waterloo received by King Edward within Caribbean coasts, in the end the amount obtained is conditions, for after the 16th of Railway Station, he was accom the next fcw days.
June, when the League meets itaof much assistance in the support of families, hence panied by s two cons, two The Emperor left Gibraltar by y will be demanded to quit Ethin daughterand the Prince Kassa the Orient last Monday there are brighter prospects, month by month, in the bia, if she does not she wil be The reception was outlook of our Banana Industry and a consequent hap torced do EO, which means that regarded and disembarked at Southampton, us a significant anti. Italian ma taking train to London.
pier economic aspect for the entire country.
Europe will once again be merged in warfare festation, when veral ad He leawis for Genova on the Our commercial relations with the interior are also dresses were olivered by mem 12th instant improved as it has been demonstrated to the merchant bers of different po itical groups, of San Jose that Coffee alone cannot adequately support their commercial life. During last year there were scores of merchants in San Jose who could not liquidate their Municipal Licenses and other taxes; but with the To page Further changes continue SERVICIO DE VAPORES to be the order of the day As a result of those which Salidas semanales de Limon pora Nueva York have but recently taken placon escalas en Cristóbal ce the entire personnel of Habana y our Police Court has been Próximas salidas de Puerto Limón changed, with Mr. Nicolas LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS de la Miranda now inspara EUROPA talled as Secretary.
AMERICANOS y EUROPEOS (Santander, Plymouth, Cherbourg, Amsterdam Hamburgo)
Vapores Salidas CARIBIA Junio, 20 1936 VERAGUA de Junio We are particular y pleas to Para GUATEMALA announce that the marriage of our QUIRIGUA 14 de Junie much esteemed citizen and friend, ti: Mr. Francis Joseph Ri ey. of PETEN (Puerto Barrios y Livingston)
21 de Junio office of the United Pruit CompaM. CARIBIA.
Junio, 15 1936 ny Manager to Miss Elizabeth Georgia Huntoon, takes place here ALVARADO Cía, today. Sunday. Mr. Pearsall SERVICIO DE CARGA y PASAJEROS will off ciate as Bestman and Miss Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse a Hazel Douglas as Bride maid.
The happy pair wil leave Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas their honeymoon trip to New York de la United Fruit Company en los bajos del by the SS Veragua, and the Gran Hotel Costa Rica Atlantic Voice joins their host Agencia en Costa Rica Teléfono 2086 TELEFONO 3156 of friends la wishing them a future full of all happiness in FURTHER OFFICIAL CHANGES UNITED FRUIT Co.
HAMBURG. AMERIKA LINIE Personal CH3 HAPAG LLOYD Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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