
THE CRICKET COMPETITION At hist the members of the Unit The Builders had the first knock breaks had every man who factd were able to unite on mees but could not muster more than 67 him in trouble. He was entrusted in the Construction ist runs, all due to the steady bow with the ball when the score was Sunday in the Cup Competition. ling of Campbell who, with his slow more than 40 for and from The LIMON, LIMON, started he surely supplied hcpItalian Victory Parade Forbidden ponents with the poisonos sturt and got them all out for 67 Importación y Exportación Imports and Exports in Philadelphia Well, the Unitey had the huge building of 67 pieces standing be DEPOSITO DE MADERA LUMBER DEPOSIT PHILADELPHIA Plans to On the other side of the argu fore them looking as if it was on ho can Italian victory parade ment were Italo. Americans who solid ground, but as Unity means were called off after heated sce demanded a parade permit, which Strength it only required four of Compra Cacao en grano Cocoa Purchased nes in the office of Mayor le Mayor forbade the police to the members to unite to throw Davis Wilson iskur, in the interest of public down the building.
Pounding his deak and the arty. Lowle of wicket. keep fame throwing his glasses down with Before that Incidert police made his first appearance for the such vigor that they bounced in hend, had confrred with another season and played an excellent into the face of one of his visitors, Ttato American group, anti fasning for 33 not out. V. Camp24ayor Wilson declared he would cists who entered City Hall to ball gave a surprise in his batting be damned if he would permit an protest against the proposed strokes he did not use the Broom.
for his runs were obtained from Italian parade to celebrate the rade, We were sorry when he gave his HAVANA. Major Carmelo. fuse to give cut their names.
Tobian victory.
wicket away with only three runs Gonzalz Arias, chief of the na Major Gonzales, former chier short of victory. The game e. ded val post at Cienfuegos, and hta of the naval post at Matanzas, with the Unity four wickets for 71 orderly, MADERA Ramon Lucido, were wag condemned to death by the en gravely wounded when a packagecret radical organization, Joven Every Club has now won a match containing a bomb on the desk cuba, following the death of An.
NUEVO DEPOSITO DE MADERAS except the Surtidora, and we are of the Major exploded.
tonio Guiteras, who was Secreta looking on that Club to boa: According to naval authorities ry of the Interior in the Grau Motive Power on the 14th. instant.
MADERAS DEL PACIFICO DEL ATLANTICO at Ciebfuegos, Major Gonzales San Martin regime and who was Precios los más bajos de plaza Toda ythe Unity meets the Excel was attimpting to open the pack he founder of the organization.
sior. Can thy treat the latter as GANOS UNA VISITA age, which is believed they did the Construction?
to have He wa, killed in a gun fight with been sent in the mall, when it armed forces near Matanzas 200 varas al Norte del CoThe position of the Clubs are rreo Local que ocupo Excelsior, two points: JOSE FERNANDEZ hands year ago. The group alleged that Construnoxploded, owirig off his la Fábrica de Casanova.
tion cae; Motive Power, nil; Path and injuring his face, and wounce Stajor Gonzalez promised to ald finder, Surtidora and Unity one ing Lucido, who was standing Mr. Guiteras to leave the island Down each near by. Many persons have been cut betrayed him.
Cuban Naval Naval Officer is Wounded by Bomb ADERAS Compre todas las runs MARE the a Chile Would Standardize with things as they are any stained, but the authorities re Fruit Growing for Export 10 Años de Experiencia en los Estados Unidos ADIO SHOP American Minister Europe, and Consuls Win Chamberlain Co.
Promotion Ap. 1244 SAN JOSE, Tel. 2735 RADIO Urge Roosevelt to act ENRIQUE LEE er Club can Mug, so it be asked. Who will be the winners of the Coveted Cup?
SANTIAGO, Chile. The Misports to Europe have proved Spectator.
mity of Agriculture declared to the feasibility of this plan it was day that an effort would soon be stated.
made to standardize meinods of Shipping circles announced un fruit cultivation in order to make agreement had been reached for REPARACION GENERAL DE RADIOS Chile one of the most important the early establishment of a Chil.
exporters of out of season proan steamship line to ducts to New York, with the modern vessels. Chile Packing houses, drying plants. dims in this way to keep some of cold storage and special railroad the foreign exchange now going 22:50 shipping facilites are being to foreign companies.
couldered in the plan. Recent WASHINT:TON. Immediate promotions for Minister Resident Corneliug van Engert and Vi.
Consults William Cramp LONDON: preserving Ethiopian sovereigaty.
and Robert Hurter, who held An appeal to President Roosevelt We advocate another Hague conAMERICAN LEGAL COUNSEL the United States Legation at Ad Ho take action la connection with vention regarding the duties of Member of the Bar of Indiana and the Canal Zone als Ababa throughout the rioting the Italo. Ethiopian war was ca neutrals.
that marked the collapse of the bled from London by the well Another message signed by Mrs.
For local business, associated with HORACIO ALVARADO Ethiopian Government, was kuowa feminist, Sylvia Pankhurst. Pankhurst, Mr. Hawkin, John an and R, Hawkin.
Costa Rican Lawyer and Notary Public.
nounced by President Roosevelt Shaw, Ethiopian Consul General at The Ethiopian Legation informs New York, who has just arelved Office, 100 yards north of La Tribuna, San Jose in a message to Mr. Ergert.
us the Emperor government still here, and Emanuel Abraham, sccfunctions in Westen Ethiopia. they retary of the Ethiopian Mr. Roosevelt promised to send Legation cabled to the President. We op In London, was sent to Herbert to the Senate nominations pose annexation by conquest nnd Hoover stating that it was desired for promotion. He a so exarge you to invoke Article of to raise 5, 000, 000 as an Ethiopian presved admiration for the lo the Hague convention for the pasif sustenance fund a asking him to vaty of Mrs. Engert and com le settlement of international dis help Ethopia as he helped Belmanded for valor and devotion putes, and the Kellogg pact, thus cium during the World War.
PARIS. French Cabinet, xu homier Benito Mussolini make a pea duty worthy of the best traderitative sources said, agreed it ce acceptable to the League of Nations of the navy four radio opewould not recognize a possib etions ators who maintained communica outright annexation of Ethiopia tion throughout the riots between by Italy ROME. France was said in re Addis Ababa an athe navy wire.
Foreign Minister Pierre. Etien lable quarters to have informed ess station at Ar ington, Va.
De Flandin, it was asserted in these Italy she maintains full reserve reDue to the great popularity of the test of public sentiment in quarters, reported that Britain had garding Italy annexation of Ethio The President message was: President Roosevelt during his opposition to Roosevelt and pitrefused to associate herself with pia want you to know with re election campaign. the Repu ched their hopes on several proFrance in a emmon policy to In political circles the reaction what interest followed your re blican Party has been very busy minent politicians who were ward Italy and declared he had to this reported French rosition ports regarding the recent sl seeking the right clase of Candi however, without the necesconstantly demanded that Pre was unfavorable.
To Page 10 date who may be able to staad sary backing. They now seem to think the right man has been found in Alf. Landon. Governor of Kansas and it is left to be seen Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back how the great guns of the party de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: will support himin opposition to Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office the most popular man inside as well as outside of the United cina dentro de los primeros 10 días before the 10th of the month States.
de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which HUMOR de fener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
Rhode Is and announces that it will sell anniversary fifty. cent pieces for Mr. Roosevelt, as we remember it was the innovator of the fad France Won Recognize Annexation of Ethiopia American Politics Compañía Eléctrica de Limón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica

    FeminismFranceItalyMussoliniWorld War

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