
THE ATLANTIC VOICE Nicaraguan Government Overthrown Lic. Francisco Fonseca Ch.
For Liver and Stomach Ailments NVALUABLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF BRITISH MALTA Indigestion EL CABALLO BLANCO FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES su a 14 hreatening Outlook in Central Europe Prospects of the Banana.
General Somoza the Comman Lawyer Public Notary Abogado y Notario Público air of the National Guards has, as the leader of the revolutionary English Spoken by Lawyer Oficina contigua a la inovement which broke out in the neighbouring Republic of Ni Orlice Next to Biblioteca Biblioteca caragua the latter part of the pre nous week, ovrthrown the govern (Late Criminal Judge of Limón)
Inent of Dr. Sacasa. Mr. Espi.
nosa the Ist. Vice President has renourced hly right to assume the Presidency.
It is expected that a Military Council will be appointed under the direction of General Somozi London. Great Britain order British defense forces were cancel until the regu ar election comes Flatulence And all forms ed her land and air defenses on the ed for the period of the mobilizaby when, it is said the General land of Malta dispayed in a pgan tios. Scouting planes will be sent will be one of the Candidates.
tie test mobilization.
to sea to make aerial observatiods.
Camparatively few lives were of Stomach Officers and men of all insular reported ost during the many defense units were instructed to days fight ing.
take their posts at the same time Colics Disorders the League of Nations Council de Poland Accuse Germans bates war sanctions at Geneva.
The demonstration was designed of Subversive Activities to show the reinforced strength of the island base, virtually evacuatOne hundred and nineteen GerCantina Posada ed by the Grand Fleet last August als are being tried by the MANUFACTURED BY: when Italy East African cam y Cafeteria Courts of Poland on the charge paign threatened British interests HERMANN ZELEDON BOTICA FRANCESA of conspiring to secure the sein the Mediterranean Felipe Wing Ching paration of the territory of UpAll shore and foreign leaves of SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA per Silesia from that country Apartado 395 and to unite it with Germany. It is believed that the movement was being aided with arms and aoney from Berlin (FROM PAGE 7)Much sensation has been caus ment with all the necessary millincreasing Banana shipments larger incomes are flowin political circles by circu tary forces should the countries tion ing into the Capital from the Provinces and business acof the news that the of the Petit Entente oppose it. psburg family will be restored to Hungary, it is also said, would, at vities showing such an upward trend that such mere throne of Austria under the the same time, denounce the minichants can once more begin to meet their foreign and otection of Italy and that Musthary clauses of the Trianon Past local obligations, hence the brighter hopes we see being lini is willing to aid such a move with Italy aid.
LIMON entertained in every walk of life.
What has occurred is a great lesson to us all, a lesson to the entire population of the Republic that Fábrica de Hielo without foreign capital the country cannot progress; y Refrescos and our Representatives in Congress should benefit by the salutary truth taught them that they must not kill The intense Heat Wave in this chial troubles and the hospital acthe goose that lays the golden egg by squeezing out ovince at this time is almost uncommodation is taxed to its utthat egg before the goose is ready to present it to them; arable; it has afflicted many most.
and the population should, by realizing of what use the th fevers, paeumonia and bronMany are apprehensive of severe Fruit Company has been to them, in her Banana purearth shocks which usually result suits, not make greater demands than the industry from such a heated atmosphere. LA FLORIDA warrants in keeping with conditions in the foreign marfew showers of rain would be most kets. It is a lesson of the need of thrift in everything refreshing even though the corse quence would probably be ar nFábrica de Hielo we do, and this particularly among our feminine falk.
creased number of bronchial offeeVenta de Leche While the price of Bananas was at sixty cents and works tlons Estrada of improvement were plentiful, much money was made but it was squandered with out any consideration being But while we on this side are Abarrotes y Licores iven to the seven y ears of plenty and the correspondsuffering in this manner, it is notArtículos del Pais ed that over on the Pacific side Read ing period of penury, so when straitened circumstances Precios Economicos so torrential has been the rains came about the suffering was more keenly felt than it LA IBERIA that several rivers have overflowed would have been had some thought been given to the and caused much damage to brideventual approach of the Rainy Day.
ses and roadways.
We therefore hope that the lesson son well demonstrated will be heeded by the laying aside of a small portion of our treasures made while the Horn of Plenty is laid in our hands so that when it is withdrawn we shall not again experience the bewilderment of recent years.
SALOMON CHIN WEE LE y Maderas red The Atlantic Voice BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA Dit BANCO DEL ESTADO UNICO EMISOR 10. 000 Dollars an Hour for Dionne Quintuplets ta ofrece al público los servicios de su rol ce SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Powelle nor three Films EDGAR YOUNG art SOLE BANK OF ISSUE STATE BANK The Minister of Social Protec. ork gives them, it is sald, an Offers the Public the tion Canada, has announced that average remuneration of 10, 000 The Dionne Quintuplets will be olars an hour.
Services of its receiving 300, 000 dollars plus a percentage from the Twentieth Contuary Fox Producersfor the productio.
According to the contract COMERCIANTE IN THE which has been signed by the Miafster of behalf of the infants, ESTABLECIDO EN LA PROVINCIA POR the Fox Producers are MAS DE 20 AÑOS 250, 000 in advance of the mak Vende al delal, Vinos y Li ing of the films and 50, 000 cores extranjeros y del país, All kinds of Bank Service abarrotes en general.
within two years with a percentMicelánea.
Rendered age of 10 per cent for each Film.
The time in which the Quintu. CADETE plets WT be occupied with the Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
EN LA to pay Ciudad de Limón City of Limon para toda clase de servicio bancario


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