
From page THE GIFT SHOP tuation at Addis Ababa and to Cramp and Mr Hunter, as well unter will be promoted to juexpress my Finge admiration as by th non American em lor clerk, Class for the splendid manner, in which ployes of the cogation. For tha also desire to commend Wal you canducted yourself during bravery and devotion of Mrs. kor Edgar Tanner, chief radioman that trying period.
Engert have only the gret United States Navy: Wiliani et admiration Le Pitts. radioman, first class. cannot speak too highlyn am happy to say that in re United States Navy: John Willard your courage and devotion to dv cognition of the conspicuous and Anslovs, radioman, first class.
ty, worthy of the finest traditions meritorious service rendered it United States Navy: and Ceci: of the American foreign service has been recommended to mo Franklin Cavansh, radioman, first Into wish to add my apprecia that you be promoted to Class class, United States Navy, for va tion and contmendation for the and that Mr. Cramp be promoter and devotion to duty worthy excel. cat cooperation and assised to classe, and have approv the best traditions of ths navy tance, rendered under the mosted and shall send appropiate no during the attack upon th: difficult circumstances, by Mr. minations to tu Senate, Mr. gation.
ANTIQUES AND SOUVENIRS Large assortment of genuine old indian pottery Beautiful objects in native woods.
PRICES REASONABLE DIRECTION: From Hotel Costa Rica, cast 75 yards on car line right hand side, before Drug Store Nueva Botica on corner MISS BROAD Sucr. BOX SI SAN JOSE COSTA RICA LOOK FOR THE INDIAN SIGN 18 KING EDWARD FIELD MARSH Ahorrel!
King Edward VIII has been tain, there was a small eft made an active Field Marshall of Saint George at the end.
of the British Army, the highest At the close of the magnific position in British Arms. He was ceremony the King gave a ree presented by the aged brother of ion to the Diplomata, Cory!
the late King Edward VII His St. James Palace.
Royal Highness the Duke of It has now been announ Connaught, and six other Field that the coronation of the Marshalls with a golden wand 22 will take place on the 12th inches in length and decorated May 1937.
with the emblems of Great BriEl éxito en los negocios y en la vida está siempre en espera del hombre que tiene el dinero necesario en el momento preciso Usted debe ser de esa clase de hombres PROMINENT REVOLUTIONAR LEADER ARRESTED Banco de Costa Rica Great consternation was caus active in the civil war aga ed on both Continents by tre the British during the regime arrest in Dublin of the Com William Cosgrave. As a cod mander of the Irish Republican quence of these activities an Army, Maurice Towney. This ward was placed on his head man is the leader of the Secret capture alive but it could Organization which has always now be effected.
given much irritation to British Another well known Repa influence in Ireland. He was the can leader. lawyer Lehan, strong Arm during the 1966 also arrested at the same tid Irish Revolution and was very SUCURSAL DE LIMON Decree Annexing Ethiopia to Italy HOTEL CANAL King Fatal Accident in Guacim ROME. Decrces of the Ita We have decreed and we de The Governor General and Vi.
CARTAGO lian Government read by Premier cree: ceroy is nominated by royal de.
Mussolini, annexing Ethiopia to crees on proposal of the head of REABIERTO REOPENED Italy and proclaiming the ARTICLE the government, the Prime MiBajo nueva Administración Under New Administration Emperor and Marshal Pietro nister, the Secretary of State and Good private Rooms Badoglio as Viceroy of the ConBuenos cuartos privados The territory and peoples which the Minister and secretary of Sta First Class Meals quered territoy follow: apperta in to the Empire of Ethio te for the Coonies.
Alimentos de primera clase at pia are hereby placed under ful Precios muy razonables Most reasonable Prices FIRST DECREE and complete sovereignty of the ARTICLE III Kingdom of Italy. PDADISON, DE FALCONER.
Propietario Administradora In consideration of Article of The title of Emperor of EthioBy royal decrees to be issued the fundamental statutes of the in the proposal of the head of the kingdont: in consideration of Arpia is assumed for himself and for his successors by the King governrdert, the Prime Minister, ticle 3, No. of the law of Jan.
The Secretary of State and the If Italy 81, 1926, in the fourth year Minister and the Secretary of Sta Fascism, No. 100; in considera ARTICLE II te for Colonies, regulations for tion of the law of Dec. 1928, Ethiopia will be provided for.
Joseph Theophilus Lee, 51 years on him while he was on his in the seventh year of Fascism, of age, from the parish of St. home from work. He was burl Ethiopia is ruled and represent Thomas, Jamaica, a resident of ARTICLE IV Guncimo Tro. 2693; having recognized the ed by a Governor General who Madre de Dios and member of The loss is much felt by urgency and absolute necessity of bas the title of Viceroy and from The present decree, which goes the Samaritan ard Mystic Maso friends in Madre de Dios passing this provision; the Grand whom will depend also the Gov. into effect on the day of its date, sic Lodges, unfortunately met his other Sections.
Council of Fascism having consi ernors of Eritrea and Somaliland will be presented to Parliament death in Guacimo, on Tuesday dered it; the Council of Ministers From the Governor General and for conversion into law. The head the 28th May, by a tree falling JAMES CIBSON having heard it; on proposal of Viceroy of Ethiopia will depend of the government, the Prime MiCorrespondent.
ibe head of the government, the the civil and military authori nister and Secretary of State, its Prime Minister, the Secretary of ties of the territory placed under proponent, is authorized to preState: his jurisdiction rent the necessary bill.
We order the prezent decrre realed with the seal of State and inserted in the official collection o laws and decrees of thy King On account of receiving certain sound Nacionales dom of Ita y, making it obliga advice we will not go to San Jose in Frank Maduro Ir.
Cory to observe it and see that May, but on, or about August.
it is observed.
Frank Maduro hijo, SECOND DECREE Train will leave Limon at 30 a. and Guapiles p.
The Marshal of Italy. CavalieMaderas del país. ExistenROUND TRIP FARE. ADULTS 2. 50 Pietro Badoglio, Marquis of cia permanente en nueslio at moderate prices Sabatino; is nominated Governor Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association depósito General of Ethiopia with the title u Viceroy. with full powers.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Excursion to Guapiles Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard EL ATLANTICO Best native lumber re

    Civil WarFascismItalyMussolini

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