
THE ATLANTIC VOICE 11 MENDEZ RACES VENTA PERMANENTE DE LOTERIA NACIONAL From Madre de Dios Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON The Atlantic Racing Associa. lattle of Bunker Hill, hence Sion will bring off their long ex there should be a great tussle (ESTABLECIDO HACE MAS DE 30 ANOS)
ected meeting at La Joya Track among the forty horse for supreAbogado y on Wednesday the 17th. instant. raacy.
CAMBIO DE BILLETES Notario Público Special trains will run from Limon, Carmen and Guacimo tak. The Cia sguita Meet Oficina: Altos Pasing Turfites from all points. very pleasant day outing is an On the 21st July we shall also cual ingianna ticipated with keen competition see good racing in Limon, when among the horses.
the Turfites of the City will enThe Top Knotchers of Costa tertain the public with a meeting Rica basi are in their pink of the King of Sports.
at Celina the Clarke down Mon Torm. The Berland Knight, the Mr. David Lee and his Com le Verde, the Nation down InThe Shareholders of the Agri. their respective homes by the dif Qunen and Earland Lass, Almi Imittee, who will help to make La diana the Romero at Siquirre, cultural and Building Ward at Pacularito, the Corpora ferent, passing traing in a high rante Bay, the Somo King and Jaya Race Meet the grand sue the tion of this distrist held their ex spirit of compraship.
Tico wij all mset for Champion cers it deserves by their coope. Barnstoffe and other at San traordinary meeting here, expecting reciprocal Alberto, the Domian at La Joa Much enthusiasm exists in the ship: and if Starter Spyer be in cation, are was advertised, the ya aad the Let in Limon, it is 01 Sunday district in connection with the a good mood of impartiality there treatmezit at the hands of ast, under the Presidency latter Committee.
evident that Cartago and San Joof coming crop of Cacap, and all should be great fun.
Mr. Farquharson.
deserving cultivators have been The day of the Races will be They have a good string of 43 se must soon be invaded as he.
The Shareholders present were financially assisted by the ener the 161st.
the retofore when the Cctos, Molinas anniversary of the native bred horses listed for Ach gatisfied with the conditions getic and affable Manager of the meet; and if this racing spirit and La Paz used to entertain us, and prospects of the Society as Waldeck Cacao Factory so as to can be uphed the sport will be exhibited in the Summary of the unable them to properly clean, revived once more in the Atlantransactions for the past five prune and prepare their farms in tie Zone with the possibility of years presented by the Gerente, the interests of a good crop dur.
COMERCIANTE DETALLISTA Mr. Nation, and they have ing the ensuing season; and as it pital as it happened is days gone agreed o nthe prolongation of the is hoped that the price will reby.
It is reported that the Corn Licores, Abarrotes, CrisSociety life.
niain at the present standard, talería Artículos de FeWe learn that the veteran, Les and Rice crops in certain for the As the close of business a ban there is, as we have mentioned rretería y Eléctricos: todo ter Norton, is constructing stab districts of Guanacaste are in quet was partaken in the home a display of much enthusiasm.
se encuenia les his en este at farm, Constantine, jeopardy of being ruined by Rats.
of the President and all left for establecimiento a down Carmen, which gives a sigo Tlie rodents are so rumerous that of the times. With the Norton the cultivators have had to ask Precios de Situación stables at Constantine, the Gil the aid of the government for COSTA RICA more at Carmen, the Littleton their extermination.
as José Achion Ng preading its infection to the ca Plague of Rats The World Largest Ship Emperor Pleads Ethiopia Cause on RS in a The Queen Mary left her moor Captain Sir Edgar Britten is rings on May 27th on her the proud Master of this Grey.
maiden trip across the Atlantic hous; he is, as would be expectto New York from Southampton. ed, cne of the most experienced JERUSALEM. In his first of Nations ard one that had plac against the stronger.
where she arrived on the ist and capable mariners of the Brit public statement since fleeinged its confidence in the efficacy The Emperor passed two hours Instant at 10. 10 a. This, sh erchant fleet.
From Ethiopia, Emperor Heile of these principes. he went on, in prayer at the Church of the the largest ship in the word the AbysiThis floating palace caters for Selassie sald that it was with a could not and should not disap Holy Sepulchre and was built by the Guard White Star addcard and he had pear by the wil of one nation that man Church. He conferred with patzenage from all countries Line in kesping with the Race in cided not to pursue an unequal violated its international engage Sir Arthur Grenfell Wouchope, the Competition for ship bulid the American continents; passenvar any longer.
the British High Commissioner, ing gers will arrive by affiliated Li preferred to go to ead the For an hour. Sir Arthur will re.
The French liner Nor ass in New York from all councause of my country at Geneva, Pleads foe Justice turn this visit.
mardie had kept the record as tries to loand th at Blue he asserted in a long communiqué In response to a request by the the monster of the dep blues, Ribbon of Ocean travel and so in French, and to appeal to civ refuse to believe the League Emperor, Everett Colson, his but Britain to retain her prestige, gain the experience of traveling lized peoples finally to establish Nations, the organ on which American advisor, who was foreas the Mistress of the Seas luxuriously across the Atlantic: Dace in Ethiopia.
collective security depends, woulded to leave Ethiopia, in April be could Lot for long submit to the the cost of which is 229 dollars The Emperor reiterated char al ow the independence of one of cause of il: health, will be coming Lupremacy of the French so the cach passenger.
Cunard Line decided to construct She is unsinkable unless torn zes that the Italians had violat its members to disappear by the here.
ed the laws of warfare by using will of another member, which it the Queen Mary to surpass the ſto pieces by some wonderfully asphyxiating gases and by mas. bad unanimously condemned HUMOR Normances tonnage and destructive agency. 50, 000 British sacres of women, children and o:d an aggressor, thus creating ers watched her departure from rpeed Doctor Tugwell is ill. In a sinpeople.
formidable precendent for word a the docks with 650 passengers The Quen Mary carries cere hope that he will soon recover. nation so loyally attached security. ask that justice bowe warn him not to take any or torpage, of 80, 882 and is expect aboard. In her trials she made to the principles of the League done to protect weaker nations his own medicine.
ed to make the trip to New York 34. 84 miles per hour.
in four days. Her hull is longer Dus to heavy fogs encountered than three blocks of this town during the latter part of her voBg eing her water. line she yage. the superliner was unformaacures 018 feet. The machi cunately compeled to reduce her ness which propel this monsierpeed and thus failed by 45 miconsist of four turbines capable of nutes to equa! the record of days a prope ling force of 200, 000 horse 11 hours and 42 minutes estab ish power and they drive four proped by the Normandie. she, ho lers each having a weight of 35 wever, at an earliner period, made tors. Her electrical installations a record run of 766 knots in 24 consist of 528 motors which hours or 12 more than that done nerate 18 500 horsepower and the current is transmitted by 325 mi by the French incr. Her official Ins of wiringa.
average speed was 29. 133 knote 23 agonist the Normandie 29. 64 Communication with her Agents ashore, al a peinta, is kept up 20, 000 persons and 40 airplanes by four Radio transmitters. She gave the Lintr a rousing recopcarries a crew of 200 and is lon when she was moored at capable of accomodating 10, 000 the same day.
passengers, Incendio!
Topies in Brief The taxpayers. says an editorial, need a battlecry What about Ouch!
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Without which vou can boats of eating the best Berlin Bread Booth Biscuits The People Bakery Where you will get the best.
the industry can produce.
The alphabetical agencies may have cost the country a lot of to ney, but not as much as WAR Siempre a sus órdenes Well the Borah campaigs has been launched in Ohio, causing a tidal wave like a gnat falling into a wash lesbo documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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