
SATURDAY JUNE 13 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE 11 The European Political Situation On Matters of Health The extraordinary meeting of membership and concude a Pact agreom. nt with this arrangement the League of Nations, as requi with Germany by which her fa and as it is declared that the nasitioned by the Republic of Ar ture actions would be guided. It tions of the Little Entente will Entine to place a definite deci is also currently believed that oppose such a move, Mussolini sion on the Italo. Abyssinian with the appointment of Sir Sa. has mobiJized a large number of problem is fixed for th, 30th of muel Hoare to the head of the troops along his northem fron.
the current month, and much British Admiralty, England may tier.
speculation is rife as to the out. b) inclined to modify hor attitude There is also ths further sig come; but whatever theve may toward Italy.
nificance that this move on the be, it is genera. ly believed in va Austria has, it is learnt, er part of Mussolini coincides with rious circles that there will be rived at a mutual understanding the return of Badoglio to Italy rothing in the interests of Abys with Mussolini as a reſult of and the approaching meeting of sinia, the personal attendance of which the Hapsburg dynasty is to the League. All things therefore the Negus notwithstanding. At be restored and Archduke Otto point to the existence of a tens this meeting the question of the clevated to the throne in a short European situation, sanctions stil lexisting agal: st while. Hitler is supposed to be in titaly will be discussed and it is also the prevailing opinion that Provisional President not without the strenuous op position of many of the smaller At a session of thy National remainder of the current terra natiors. Meantime Italy has of Congress held in Managua on which expires on the 31st. De ficially advised Francs that Monday last, Dr. Carlos Brenes cember next.
ebala they be maintained Jarquin was elected Provisiozal The Republic is said to be not she would reitre from mtem President of Nicaragua to carry experiencing normal conditions bership and conclude Pact on the duties of State for the As in every department of Traffic Safety first is the primary essential, so should it be with matters of Health. It is therefore gratifying to observe that our energetic Minister of Public Health has declined to disturb the terms of the regulations recently promulgated regarding the manner in which Ice Creams and other frozen sweets, etc. shall be prepared and presented for public consumption.
Doubtless, the proper carrying out of these regulations will produce some amount of hardship on manufacturers, but had Dr. Peña Chavarria acceded to the request of those who recently waited on him, he would have nullified the desired effect of his earlier action toward having all handlers and traders of edibles provided with Clean Bills of Health; for of what use would these be if the commodities were allowed to remain in such conditions as would enable them to readily contact germs and pass them on to the consumer, We have also heard of unfavourable comments regarding the proposition to bring all Cooks and general household servanis, particularly those having the care of children, under the Clean Bill of Health regulations; but in view of the many persons who have been found suffering from diptheria germs, tuberculosis and syphilis, as a result of examinations now being carried out, there is, we feel, every justification for the inclusion of this large body, of workers in the regulations, for if infected persons were allowed to handle the food we eat, and remain in constant contact with the youthful members of our families, all the other efforts for the improvement of our general health conditions would be but a waste of time, energy and money.
they will be withdrawn, though Nicaragua Elects The Atlantic Vaice Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic done Editor English Section: NATION The Departure of Mr. Ames Panama Presidential Election may Produce Trouble.
Venezuela Again in the Thrges erely regret to start that racas and UNITED FRUIT Co.
Ano II Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday June 131h. 1936 No. 97 On the sailing of th, Qui bis health. With his departure the rigua tomorrow Limon will sur. Company loses a must competit fer the loss of one of her most official and Costa Rica an expert respected citizers as well as one in the cultivation of Bananas.
of the Fruit Company most com In bidding Mr. Ames adieu the plaisant and amiable officials. ATLANTIC VOICE espresses On Sunday last the election of cnsuing term took place in Pa. ra as also of having prevented the hope that he will be cany a President to serve th regular nama and is likely to produce hundreds of citizens from exercis. After serving th Company for restored to perfect good health much po itical trouble for our ing the right cf the franchise. the Lengthened period of twinty 80 as to enjoy many years of nsighbouring Republic, All Games of Chance.
The situation is regarded as very ve years, most of wbich he had peaceful retirement.
According to the results of the tense but the government is es: spent in three parts, Mr. Ame position will be filStrictly Prohibited voting as given out by the Pre ercising every precaution for the Ames has resigned his peritioa led for the present by Mr.
sider. cia, Dr.
Juan Demostenes maintenance of order.
as Ass! tant Manager for this Barnett, If the information afforded us Aroc nena is stated to have been Pres de. Arias term expires Division and is leaving for the be true, our turnos, ferias and pa lected by a majority of some on the 30th Septembar next. United States in the interest of tronal festivieg will, in the futur 3, 500 votes, while the supporters On The Sick List re, have to be conducted withou of the opposing candidate, Dothe usual variety of games of mingo Diaz, claim they had se Our readers will, we know, sinchance, as this mothod of rais. cured a majority of 2, 000 as coning funds is how ctrictly prohi firmed, it is reported by the Na esteemed co and EH bited by the Executive. Ali Pro tional Election Board. icrmation coming from ca spreeding and assuming serious tor of this Section of our Juor vincial authorities have been no The government is being ac racas and Maracaibo disclose that proportions.
naj, Mr. Nation, is at pre.
tified and ordered to refuse all cused of having falsified the re Venezuela is once more in the The government forc: in Ca sent very much indisposed and solicitations in this respect.
sults in favour of Dr. Aroem throo: of civil disturbanc:s. As a have been re. Inforc. under medical treatment, protest against the law on Pub. cd by 3, 000 men and the streets that they will join us in wishing uic Order recht. promalgated, patroied by mourted troops. Ma him a speedy recovery.
the Labour Association decre:d a ry arrests have taken place and gey eral strik waich went into more than 200 persons are alrea.
op ration on Friday last in Ca ley reported as wounded in clash is reported rapidly es with the police. Third Dividend for Keith racas and SERVICIO DE VAPORES Bank Creditors Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York con escalas en Cristóbal Habana On the application of the TrusIt was some weeks ago stated of the cuartels.
teeof the Keith Bank Bankrupt LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS that the government was giving Atte tion has also been direct cy the Coutr has sanctioned the consideration to the question of cd to the class and quality of distribution of the sum of forty AMERICANOS y EUROPEOS establishing a system of prison la food supplied the prisoners azd three thousand colones among the bour throughout the country and instructions have been issued that unsecured creditors.
that the authorities in the dif whenever a contractor does not Vapores There will be an early Salidas ferent provinces had been asked comply with his obligations in nouncement of the rate after submit recommendations in this respect his contract will be which the payment will be made. QUIRIGUA 14 de Junio this respect in keeping with local immediately canceled.
conditions. PETEN.
21 de Junio We now gather that the Mi.
nister of Public Safety is formu VERAGUA.
28 de Junio lating plans for gen rally inproving existing conditions parti. The newly appointed Chief our ty five cents per hour for the orF. ALVARADO Cía, cularly as regards the occupation Labour Department has been giv dinary unskilled labourer. Soms of the prisoners. A) a start, he ing this law his special attention of the larger employers are re Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas proposes to establish shoemaking, during the past fortright or so: ported to have taken exception carpentering and tailoring depart and as it was found that in va to this, but subsequently obeyed.
Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas ments in the Peritentiary and to rious Tocalities of the interior dis We understand it is the intenhave them extended later de la United Fruit Company en los bajos del on tricts the farmers were not pay. tion of Mr. Toledo, the Head of throughout ths provinces. The ing their labourers in accordance the Department, to see that tho Gran Hotel Costa Rica plan of th Minister also inclu with the prescribed scales, he law is carried into effect through TELEFONO 3156 des, it is said, provision for read gave directions that this be done. out the country.
ing and writing cases in each particularly as regard the twenEste documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
For Improvement of our Prison Systyna anto Minimum Wage Law being Erforced


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