
New Constitution for Soviet Rome Needs Cash for Africa ALLAN SIME ALLAN SIME 01 Herriot Questions Italy On War Plans are ENRIQUE LEE wa possible candidates for the port binet has decided to leave the 10 REBELS DIE IN MEXICO culty since Italy has Moscow. The final draf: Land will be submitted to the cicated it would define the By ARNALDO CORTESI of a new Constitution for the next session 3f the Soviet rights of the various organs Soviet Union has been ROME. The flight of Em ard Now that the Italians com Central Executive Committee of the government, including pleted by a pecial commis The official announcement courts; that it would also deperor Haile Selassic, the occu masters of Ethiopia they are tion, headed by Joseph Stalis lof it lacelted details, but in fine the rights of citizens and patioa of Addis Ababa and Saying their place for the eles Mussolini would institute a new voting announcement ploiting of their latest andere that the East African war is most valuable colonial possct sysłem.
Soviet spokesmen have al over bring to an end one of scion. It cannot be doubted ready stressed that the the most difficult colonial that Mussolini, having shown new Constitution will mark an im campaigns in history. The Ita the world that he is no slug portant advance toward de lians are new ia possession of gard when it is a matter LIMON, mocracy. Among other the fighting a war, will wish to LIMON, fea half of what was once tures it will provide for se empire of the Lion of Judah prove also that he knows to cret ballots, instead of show and the whole of Ethiopia uo a good job of colonizing Importación y Exportación Imports and Exports of hands in the voting for lo lies open and defenseless. It is thought that he wishes de cal Soviets, and will equalize Speaking to an enormus cowd particularly to go in for DEPOSITO DE MADERA LUMBER DEPOSIT the representation of urban from the balcony of the Pala mopraphic colonization in and rural dwellers.
zzo Venezia, Musolini said other words, to transplant lari Compra Cacao en grano Cocoa Purchased It is understood privately that the Italian soldiers had ge numbers of Italians colothat another feature will be performed prodigies. That is nists to East Africa and sett!
the direct electon of judges. generally accepted. Military them on the laad.
Irere is no material obsia experts throughout the world 02 thought that the Italians had such a project, for the Ethio cle standing in the way underkaten an impossible task cumates are pian healthful and in any case theythought and suitable to a race like the PARIS. French Socialists, suggested are Camille Chau, fine their efforts to dispatch that the conquest of Ethio led by the prospective Italians who are mostly moun Fre temps, former Premier and ing current business.
They pia could not be accomplish taineers. It will be a long ti mier, Leon Blum, scanned Minister of the Interior, and wil probably be turned outed in less than two of three me before the troops or at lists of Cabinet candidates in Joueph Paul Boncour, Fran of office when the Chamber years.
which the namrs of least the bulg of them past go ce envoy to the League of of Deputies convenes.
vernment leaders were withdrawn and they will men Nations.
doubtless do much valuable tioned prominently.
Mr Herriot asked the folwork not only in re establish lowing questions in an article High in the list was Edouard published in a weekly ing law and order and taking news Herriot, former Premier, who paper at Lyons: effective possession of Italy se Cabinet was overthrown conquest, but also preparing Is it true that Italy just AMERICAN LEGAL COUNSEL because of his insistence upon has sigzed a treaty with Aithe country for future colo payment of war debts to the Lania for the construction of nists by building roads, Member of the Bar of Indiana and the Canal Zone United States. Mr. Herriot, it fortifications near the Yugos rehouses, schools, hospitals, was reported, was suggested lay and Greek frontiers?
For local business, associated with HORACIO ALVARADO bridge and the like.
Nevertheless, it is obvious for he Foreign Affairs post Is it true the Dodecanesc Costa Rican Lawyer and Notary Public.
but had not yet replied to Islands have been transformed that any such plan ast he o Office, 100 yards north of La Tribuna, San Jose Musselini is believed to have preliminary proposals. Simi into a war arsenal?
lar overtures nmind certainly would cost were said to have to The outgoiag Sarraut Caan enormuos amount of money and this chief diffi not folio Italo Ethiopian war question Mr Blum, however, may in the lap of the incoming go much ready cash to spare.
Mexico. Ten rebels The statement said the rest If reporta presently current retain the important Foreign vernment. Thc Ministers. were killed and one wound of the twenty rebels had been may be believed, Mussolini Minister for himself. Others Imeeting late, decided to concd in a two hour fight with dispersed after one had been tends to issue a great internal Federal cavalry at La Tortu captured unharmed. The War loan for the exploitation of ga near Irapuato in the State Department added that the Ethiopian. In the present at ADERAS Compre todas las af Guanacjuato, according to a troops suffered no casualties. mosphere of inflamed pa que necesite en el statement by the War Depart. They seized arms, ammuni triotism he will have no diffi ment.
tion and bombs.
culty in raising a very large sum. Some people thiak, ho wever, at MADERAS DEL PACIFICO DEL ATLANTICO Preclos los más bajos de plaza the countries which did not AGAVOS UNA VISITA RIO DE JANEIRO. The the November elections. Mr apply sanctions with a pro Belem newspape, Estado do Roosevelt was absent on 200 varas al Norte del Cothe a position for sharing in Local ocupo Para, said that President Roo week end cruise.
development of Ethiopia la Fábrica de Casanova.
JOSE FERNANDEZ sevelt probably would visit Brazil after the November elections 10 Años de Experiencia en los Estados Unidos BULLFIGHTERS STRIKE OFF In comment Theodore Xan thoty, special assistant Release From Spanish Jail of of Armillita, famous Mexican United States Ambassador Lalanda Eases Tension toreador, and one of the lar Hugh Gibson, said he head REPARACION GENERAL DE RADIOS Madrid, threatened strike gest fights of the season was heard nothing to indicate such of bull fighters was believed called off.
a visit was contemplated, but Chamberlain Co.
averted with the release from seems something within jail of Marcial Lalanda, mem Lalanda and five others we the realm of possibility. SAN JOSE, Tel. 2735 ber of the executive commite re released after a hearing be Ece of the Picadors and Ban fore aspecial judge assigned Washington White Hou: derilleros Association.
to the case by the Ministry se officials declined com of Labor. Prior to their re ment onthe statement in a Lalanda was taken ta jail lease bull fighters threatened Rio de neiro when he refused to reorganize they would not participate in that President Roosevelt pro the validity of the permit la scheduled show.
bably would visit Brazil after SAN JOSE, Costa Rica. If the plans of a wealthy South American promoter materiali ze, Cocos Islaad, 300 miles from the mainland, will no Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back de su recibo que dice: ionger be a lonely place, visit of receipt which reads: ci from time to time Only Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office Ly treasure hunters and ships cina dentro de los primeros 10 días in aeed o fresh water.
before the 10th of the month de cada mes The promoter seeks to Be so good as to comply with this request and do not obtain from the Costa Rican Le rogamos recordar esła cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which Government a concesion de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
biuld and maintain on the is land a luxurious casino with the idea of attracting wealthy gamblers from North, South and Central America.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
MADEIRAS NUEVO DEPOSITO DE MADERAS Roosevelt to Visit Brazil future date approach one of rren, que ADIO SHOP to RADIO Ap. 1244 newspaper Would Make Cocos Island a Monte Carlo 10 Compañía Eléctrica de Limón


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