
LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO SABADO, 13 DE JUNIO DE 1936 LADIES HATS AT THE JAMAICA STORE BREEDY LIMON Polacos Threaten Dominate Shoemaking Trade It is now observed that the Na Municipal Debtors to be Sued Some time ago there was a hue and nothing more was heard of and cry by the commercial com the matter.
munity in various parts of the country regarding the loss they tional Congress is being asked were suffering by reason of the to protect the native shoemaking activities of the Polaco traders, industry, by the imposition of a We take this opportunity of and several of Municipal law to prevent the manufactur reminding all concerned that our Boards enacted regulations for ing o fshoes by machinery, as it Municipal. Fathers have decided the imposiiton of heavy licenses is said the Polacos contemplate that all accounts for rates and on those who traded as peddlars. establishing a large factory for dues not settled by the 20th ins These regulations were not, how this purpose which would throw tant shall be handed their Attor.
ever, accepted by the Executive, la large number of workers, it is ney for collection through the claimed, out of employment. Courts THE GIFT SHOP ANTIQUES AND SOUVENIRS Large assortment of genuine old indian pottery.
Beautiful objects in native woods.
PRICES REASONABLE DIRECTION: From Hotel Costa Rica, east 75 yards on car line right hand side, before Drug Store Nueva Botica on corner.
MISS BROAD Sucr. o. o. BOX 881 SAN JOSE COSTARICA LOOK FOR THE INDIAN SION our An Electric Eye for the Blind: Ahorre. ser ins Banco de Costa Rica SUCURSAL DE LIMON Where Ignorance is bliss.
unison, Thor EVANSTON, Ill. An ar ing reflected them upward tificial eye. designed to through a magnifying glass enable the blind to read or to the record of the talk dinary books, magazines and ſing machine. Actually, th El éxito en los negocios y en la newspapers, was demons revolving disk was more like trated at Northwestern Uni the scanning disk of a ti vida está siempre en espera del versity levision set. Slots in it chop hombre que tiene el dinero neIt enlarged letters on the ed up the light and passed printed page to a height of it on to a photo electric celi cesario en el momento preciso four inches, and, in effect, The cell converted the hung them in the air and light rays to electric current Usted debe ser de esa clase passed them over the fingers of the sightless readers, where the current was am and set it to the second unite de hombres 10 all by electricity.
plified Emil Ransegn, graduate student in psychology, who From the amplifiers, the invented the device, said current traveled to the third th that it was inspired by an unit, made of wood and shap No article written by Helen Ke ed roughly like a hand. Ons llar, noted teacher of the a four inch straight line rov blind.
through the middle of this Although modest in his hand were nine small glass claims, Ranseen said that he beads, each with a hole in the middle. Each bead was was confident his invention, would mean more to the a miniature sewing machine, blind than raised lettering, with a miniature wire needle because it would be easier le. to learn and would not re When the reading unit M PAGE al nationals or naturañized citi, ing as the alien right thereto, quire specially made books. passed over the letter on wandering group, citizens of dow zons are entitled to claim ap to as an occupier, is not known to here, sons of nobody, remain in twenty hectareas of national land, the government and the lard con three units: one to read pricked the reader hand at The device was made in the page. all the needles notive, refusing to sperd, collec without the payment of any pur sequently regarded as tierra in the page; one to Lively, say twenty colones to pro chase money, though such lards culta amplify once, indicating a single, De (uncultiyated land)
and electrical impulses generat straight line.
tect their collective interests; but can be occupied by any allen on subject to the claim, as explained in the first unit, and one when a decree is passed agaiast the payment of a rental after the ed, of any national or ruturaliz to translate these impulses needles jumped in For the letter the les them, they will be seen runing rate of two colones per hectarea; ſed person. Should this take place into something the hands of and then, just as though sobout in dismay to unscrupulous threfore if the caim of any allen the prevent occupier would, of the reader could feel and me one were drawing the we would. be advisers, who style ral themselves Lawyers, speading to the occupancy of lands now un course, lose his right thereto and understand.
letter across the reader hu: Kirds of colones in a futile der cultivation is not set out in be forced to accept any offer mad The first unit looked like hand, only the bottom needle attempt to unchackle the chains tinze any national or naturalized him for the improvements there a small, crude talking ma pricked until the bottom line chine which moved on tiny of the thi was traced.
which have been thrown around citizen can denoure such hold. on.
rollers and was equipped Other letters gave similar them.
with an undersized automo responses.
Again we advise these occupiEX ers of the Milla Maritima Ranseen emphasized that other government lands that The light shone dawn on the device is not yet ready To Commission has been appointed the page. Black letters ab to market.
Mr. Ferguson, a Sydney police Thomas Howes, stinted himself on to investigate their sorbed the rays. White spac occupancy constable, has a dog which, it food and lived a miser life but and to fix a rate of tenancy: if stated, can play the piano and until his death some months ago by those concerned do not institute count correctly. At a word from be lit his pipe every morning proper representations in time be Mr. Ferguson his doy, Bonzer, wtth a Bank of England note.
fore the Commission recommenwil spring on to the piano stool, CARTARO dations are turned in to Congress, switch on the light, and plny resident of St. Peterburg, no Power will be able to extr un with both paws. 11 Mr. Fer Florida, claims to have the stran cate them from the visadvantREABIERTO REOPENED gason places ten artic es on the gest dog in the world. It climbs ages which may be thrown on Lloor and takes away four, Ron orange and grape fruit trees and Bajo nueva Administración Under New Administration them.
2er will bark out how many are ats the gruit. Apart from that, Buenos cuartos privados Good private Rooms y Reft.
its favourite diet is bananas, apFirst Class Meals Alimentos de primera clase We would also remind them. of ples and cabbage. It is a Brazi.
at the law in operation whereunder An cccentric Londoner, Edwin lian prairie dog.
Precios muy razonables Most reasonable Prices PADDISON, E FALCONER, Propietario Administradora Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard may expel CALLES Nacionales ment of State has notified the Frank Maduro Jr LIMA, Perú.
government Responding bic Works, who presented the Mexico that if with promptness to the gov measure.
General Plutarco Elias Calles per ernment request the Con sists in his political and subyerA local touring club Frank Maduro hijo, that sive activities, he will be regard gress unanimously passed a had worked unceasingly for Prop.
Best native lumber ed as having violated the counbill forthe abolition of all road years for such legislation is Maderas del país. Existentry laws of neutrality, will be tolls.
planning a rally of automobile cia permanente en nuestro at moderate prices declared a persona non grata The session adjourned after owners to demonstrate their depósito aid ordered to leave American adopting a ste of thanks and appreciation for the measure.
territory ties are taing steps to impro Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
upo and SOME QUEER FACTS bile head light. HOTEL CANAL On SC WASHINGTON. The Depart Perú to End Road Tolls EL ATLANTICO of


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