
SATURDAY JUNE 13 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE 11 OL Nnere ignorance is bliss tis fonly tú bé wisë 1936.
For Liver and Stomach Ailments INVALUABLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF Generally, the Negro has a ways great philantropist will arise and why and how they came here. the tendency of expecting protect his interests, without an Right now the matter is betore Dome one else to make provision efforts coming from himself in a Commission demanding the emS him; some ore else to safe this direction, ployment of a majority of natives tard his interests at someone On the wharves, but there is act Ise cost. And at a time like This inert body of citizens have a dissenting voice nor a demons15 arais, when every eye is directed ever been protected against the Itration against this move to y against him; when decrees are clamours for the employment of strengthen the efforts being mathe neing prepared in Parliamentary eighty per cent natives as against do ontheir behalf.
anjircles against this wall being, twenty per cet Negroes; yet not posseiro es against his well being he is thing has been done by them, It is observed that the nationa oubedall silent, expectant that some by way of rapresentation before lization of the Milla Maritima show the Executive Council, to show lands is subtly leaning toward stringent meafure to disposges ter al: squatters thereon who do not protect themselves. Commis.
sion from this Journay went along the Lines and Coasts to advise We wish to announce we have passed our eighth year of such settlers what Existence although the Skeptics say nothing lasts long here.
steps should We have succeeded, because we have never deceived our be adoptad, with the assistance of members. You can fool the people some of the time; you can a prominent Lawyer of San José, fool half of the people most of the time; but you can never la fool all the people all the time.
to secure their tenancy and plead Remember that though we suffered from one Bank failtheir cause with the Authorities se ure, we have met ALL OUR OBLIGATIONS up to date. We before a definite mode of procehave never had cause to close our doors. We have paid Death Grants for one hundred and four persons. We pay the same durel wore adopted Te the OCamount for Dependents as for Members; we do not make Bone cupancy of the lands, yet until 39 of the on, and Flesh of the other.
now only two such occupants EL Shou you join our SICK DEPARTMENT we do not have come forward to take such limit your weekly Benefits: as long as you remain ill in bed you receive your Benefits if even for One Year, steps. it any wonder, therefore, If you are seeking Help in the Hour of Need, join the that such people must remain the ONLY safe and reliable Society, the DO downtrodden and ill treated group ang COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION of fools in every country? This Established in Limon, 5th May, 1928.
To Page 10 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN wst mising avishe Flatulence And all forms of Stomach Indigestion Colics Color Disorders FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES MANUFACTURED BY: HERMANN ZELEDON BOTICA FRANCESA SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA tabe Colombia not leaving League In Government Circles COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY HOP LEE LUNG lizi BOGOTA, Colonbia hag to peris intention of withdrawing from The Minister of Public Health under which all public employees tion campaign. Employees receiv the League of Nations. declared pants a tour throughout the coun receiving salaries of e 100 or lessing more than 100 per montli Foreign Minister Jorge Soto del try so as to acquire a personal per month will contribute ona per will contribute after the rate of Corral in a statement in the new knowledge of the improvements cent toward the liquidation of three per cent.
spaper Espectaor.
needed in the various localities. the expenses incurred by the vio: The Executive Council hag de On the contrary, the plan pre Congress has approved the law torious Party in the recent elec cided that the contribution of Ba LIMON sented by Colombia for discus.
dana farmors to the Hospitali.
sion at the rext Pan. American zation Fund shall be after the Conference at Buenos Aires con rate of two per cent of their saFábrica de Hielo templates the closest cocperation les in jieu of the one and a half by American nations with GtneRefrescos suggested earlier, as it is thought va.
that this lower rate would still be found insufficient to meet the Rich Cuban believed charges in view of the continue increases being made in th in.
Kidnapped dustry CAMAGUEY, Cuba. An El más surtido en Matina dres Pineiro, wealthy mer LA FLORIDA chant and cattle raiser, disap peared from his office in the Fábrica de Hielo town of Majagua and the au thorities expressed (the be Venta de Leche Estrada lief he had been kidnapped.
of Addis Ababa Soldiers were sent to the area ROME y Maderas It has been official. hall Badoglio.
Aba: ro es y Licores to search for him.
ly announced that Marshall Gra The appaintment of Marshall Gra Artículos del Pais zlani has been appointed Viceroy ziani confirms the earlier rumours Precios Ecóromicos of Abyssinia, and that King Ma that Marshall Badoglio would not has conferred the title LA IBERIA o be returning to Africa.
Duke of Addis Ababa On MarsSantiago, Chile. Communist ties are taking steps to impre 05 agitators are blamed for the ve the coal output, the scarreduced production in Chile city of which threatens to pa coal fields, where labor agi ralyze the railroads and other cation is backed, it is said, by industries.
unds from abroad. Authori FLORIDA ICE AND FARM CO Establecimierto de Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes SALOMON CHIN WEE LE Marshall Badoglio now Duke Reds blamed for Coal Shortage bien stor BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA Ciano Made a Colonel BANCO DEL ESTADO UNICO EMISOR SOLE BANK OF ISSUE STATE BANK Rome. Galeazzo Ciano. Pre and Sergeant Bruno, 17 years mier Benito Mussolini son old, received promotions to inslaw, has been promoted to the Centurrions Militia. All Colonel in the Fascist Militio, three will reach Rome it was announced.
East Africa, where they served The Duce two sons, Lieut in the air force.
Stenant Vittorio, 19 years old, ofrece al público los servicios de su Offers the Public the Services of its from SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE EN LA IN THE Rio Janeiro to build Aqueduct Ciudad de Limón City of Limon Rio de Janeiro. The go nature of the contracts work vernment has aprroved the con got under way. It is believed tracts for the construction that the new aqueduct will para toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service Bf the new Rio de Janeiro be sufficient to care for the servicio bancario Rendered aqueduct.
city needs for the next twen Immediatelly after the siglty to thirty years.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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