
SATURDAY JUNE 13 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE 11 Legal Infants Sent Electric Chair YA. MENDEZ VENTA PERMANENTE DE LOTERIA NACIONAL Ecce Homo Tot a Suero Butantán Laboratorio de Análisis Clínicos Missionaries Flee Ethiopian Looters lit gla le if the Christian Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON The present year was but nine man being who has broken under days old when four boys, infants the strain of the burden of me (ESTABLECIDO HACE MAS DE 30 AÑOS) in the eyes of the law, were put dern life. Abogado y to death in the electric chair in We terminate our own neglect CAMBIO DE BILLETES Sing Sing, New York, in cold blood judicial murder.
Notario Público One of them had shot and kill Incomplete reports in the hands ed a policeman during a robbery:of the American League to Abo. Oficina: Altos Pasthe three others participated in lish Capital Punishment show the robbery, and were adjudged that death sentence has been ex cual Ingianna participants in the murder. ecuted against at least forty three You will notice, said Warden youths in the United States since Lewis Lawes of Sing Sing to 1932. New Jersey put a twelve.
reporters, that all these boys come year old boy to death in 1812. execution record, did not report, from broken homes homes that sixteen year old boy is under and one Southern State, included were broken by divorce, second sentence of death in the same in the League record, did not No one who has not pass persecution for justice sa marriages, or death.
send in complete figures. through the acid test, Bapte. What blessed fulness it When the leader of the gang Of the youths put to death dur In the face of this record, a vill ism by rire can realize and is to be able to enjoy the confi was six, wrote Earl Wilson in the ling a little more than four years, has been introduced in the New York State Assembly to abolish cppreciate the sufferings of nes of a Prison Cell just be New York Post, his father died six were seventeen; twelve were he Suitering Christ.
Because He has promised the ful in mine shaft collapse. His eighteen; fourteen were nineteen, capital punishment for all often old the Man; every gesture Sess of reward.
mother remarried, and his step and eleven were twenty. Six Sou ders under twenty one.
every glance; thouzanas of Dolores Joseph father asked him to leave home thern States, each with a high (The Literary Digest. ains passed through Him as Cárcel de Limón and earn his own living. In the ED NOTE: We give ena, he died a felon death beFlinde hung there on the Cross.
pu os, patient job, afflicted, co blicity to the above to prove fore he was old enough to vote It is wered with sores, despised. He to our readers the inconsis highly probable that (youths) lack the development test all he cherished, was catencies of human nature.
which precedes judgment and re miniated and left to beg his This correspondent was sponsibility. says Contra inordeduras de serpientes Téngalo siempre a mano Miriam Van ly, read at the gates of the ci arrested in Cahuita and sent en su finca. Hombre prevenido vale por dos.
Waters, Superintendent of the seemed to the Limon Police Station Tel: and when all EXISTENCIA PERMANENTE: Massachusetts Reformatory for alack, his wife, grieved at for the alleged murder of an Women, and author of Youth in cho sufferings, his torments; old man while in his farm. Pu Conflict.
pagevised him to curse God blic sentiment, there, was Dal LIC. CARLOS VIQUEZ When we put an adolescent to Christ much against him but from death, we kill an unfinished hu.
me aad, die. When the Avenida Central, San José. Frente a las Compañias Eléctricas verburdened with the pains a lack of sufficient evidence and aflictions of this Cruel he was liberated by the inumepciety, asked God to let the tervention of the Limon Servi dunlter Chalise pass away, ligh ce Bureau, free, gratis and us ann his burdens, lighten his for nothing. He was after ains, enevertheless valien wards rearrested on a charge ADDIS ABABA. s, thiy bore it all for the good of, practising medicine and drama was commanding the town for safety in a hail of bullets.
tic story of the burning and and its garrison, fled at the thire this human society. for which he was sentenced looting of Aspa Tafari, capi same time Emperor Haile Se dy was hit. said Mr Macken By the grace of God, nobo sha) No one who hast not been to a term of imprisonment, tal of Chercher Province, 200 lassie left Addis Ababa. Sol zie of used, cursed, lied For this he now boasts upon miles south of of Personification The here, was diers joined peasants ia loot The group raced to Miessor rown falsely into prison, can thi the rail brought to Addis Ababa by ni ing stores, and soon all were fifteen miles from alize the true significance Christ. and accuses himself ne British missionaries. drunk. Then fires were start road, just as the Italians enter doctrine of suffering for Justice Sa The missionaries, membersed, which burned for three ed the city. Then they proceed.
wand how futile become. the ke.
This should have appeared of the Bible Churchmen Mis days while the town was piled to Addis Ababa by train hin arts of this wicked society sionary Society of London, laged.
meeg hen after one has been ini last week but reached Bands of natives began or iated into the true Church printers too late Mr Joseph is brought with them Theodore Martin, oldest son of the ganizing for an attack on the of God. the Church of suffer now at liberty.
Ethiopian Minister to London mission, just outside the town José Achion Ng thoughts ng, thousands of Mr Martin was suffering from Three of the misionaries were it through one mind cach Memorial to late malaria.
women, and the men edle COMERCIANTE DETALLISTA knew roment to cause thousands nd The party, none of whom they would be unable to defend King George fresh sorrowz.
Licores, Abarre tes, Crisreal ng was over 30 years of age, was themeelves against a taleria, Arielos de FeDespised, persecuted, the LONDON. Britain will he ded by the six and one attack refería y Eléctricos; todo amestock of taunting rab have lasting memorials half foot Colin Mackenzie. Finally, they thles. He wore the Crown of King George in a statue to They told an amazing story.
got runners en este through to the one govern establecimiento a isothorns, His face bloody with be erected in the heart of the trouble, they said, startment oficiai who remained. He weat: He hid by day, and the empire beside Westmins cd when Bedjirond Tecle Ha sent them a truck: They piled Precios de Situación th valked by night: He slept not ter Abbey and in playing wariate, former Ethiopian Lea scantly possessions in it, open CSTA RCA der fine beds but laid his head fields with memorial gate gue of Nations delegate, who ed the gate and made a dash edi upon the first inviting rock ways throughout the coun Lihis is the Story of the Christ try. They were announced eel nile But who can comprehend after a meeting of the methe mysteries if one has not morial committee with the experienced similar rebuffs. Archbishop of Canterbury thal To comprehend the True presiding. Hundreds of proad Christ, to be his true follo posals were considered. The wer, to reap the reward of nation and empire will be called on to provide the neHis promises, the Baptism by Fire is essential. Oh, such cessary funds.
Lord Macmillan, chairman glorious mysteries! how brave of the committee, declared One can become to face the il had been agreed tha. Mousands of perils, even pri Abingdon Street was the con and death. How boldly ideal place for the statue as you can walk through life it was in the very heart of solely on the divine assurance the British Empire.
of His loving care, because The plans call for the reyou too have had your Geth moval of a number of housemany ses which will disclose for Blessed is he who suffers the first time a new view of the abbey rising above its Well. What. cloisters, of Jewel Tower, now almost hidden, of Chap Booth Bread, ter House and Henry VII Biscuits Buns.
chapel of Westminster Hall Without which you can boats and the Houses of Parliaof cating the best.
ment. The statue thas will Berlin Bread stand alone in an open Siempre a sus órdenes at Booth Biscuits square looking on Britain greatest historic edifices. is le Where cou will get the best, perpetuating the monarch the industry can produse eir memory Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
11 se enci enia Incendio!
19 BANCO NACIONAL DE SEGUROS The People Bakery. have the new playing fields Fidelidad!

    Death Sentence

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